Why can't I get the barrels again? I lost the pass at some point, so I can't plant those materials. I'm completely stuck. I wasted my time at level 11. I can only start a new game
Where is the fisherman vendor? I am currently stuck at upgrading my residence. I don't have a bucket to water the trees and can't get any branches. I don't know if I can play the rest of the story.
Where can I find the Dyed Fabric Sheet? I got some from old camp, but I don't have enough weight to carry them ,so I just burn them. Now I can't set up my camp.
I seem to have a bug where I got captured by the blue lizard, saw the lizard-slime-suit scene, and ever since all enemies are white and unmoving, and I cannot melee. I can still shoot spines, but enemies seem invulnerable, yet uninteractable.
This persists through save/load, too.
I am on 1.01 still, however, unsure if this has already been patched in a newer version.
Edit: I also ened up losing the bucket from the stream early on, is there another one I can get or craft?
If you're loading a save where it's already an issue, it's not going to magically fix it. You need to return to a save before it happened, and the current hotfix should PREVENT it from happening again.
You need to create some Flimsy Shears (the schematic is in the serpentfolk's lair). With them, you can cut through a pathway to the south-west of the lair!
(to the left of the 'main' swamp room, where the title and music appear)
We're sorry, this is a bug we're working to fix. Please update your game to v0.104, and if you are still having issues, please be patient. We are working on additional fixes.
I cannot get over how absolutely gorgeous this game is! I'm a few hours in and I am loving it! Very fun, love the characters and designs! And also the sound details, it's just a very pleasing experience! Fantastic work so far, keep it up! <3
I'm really enjoying this game, but I have a big problem.... How do I open the Interloper fortress barrier? Also how do I get a trapped friend out of the savannah??
That particular trapped fella can't be saved unfortunately...
As for the fortress, you need an item from elsewhere. You want to go to the swamplands now, and follow the questline for the serpentfolk. The culmination of that questline will get you a way inside the fortress.
Unfortunately even still the majority of grapple scenes are all bugged. They almost all lead to the slime covered lizard bug scene. Also on .104 in case you are wondering.
Also find it extremely annoying and ridiculous that, as a paying customer, I would need to provide my phone number just to have access to the discord where support is offered.
You guys knocked it out of the park yet again. There's so much content and all of it is good. I was skeptical about the price and the different direction gameplay direction, but those worries were quickly dismissed. In many ways, this game has surpassed grove (but I still remain a big fan).
The addition of semi permanent bound states and afflictions are the best new feature in the game imo. The writing and art has improved also massively from the demo and grove. I'm looking forward to future updates, but knowing that it's a year or two away pains me.
I'd like to add that losing your armor on a failed expedition sucks, they took a lot of material and time to make, so this is very punishing. I just resorted to keeping them in storage most of the time. This makes the gameplay and combat feel more grindy, which is a shame. Plus I can't look at the nice armor art.
Maybe just make them damaged, so that you can spend less resources repairing them. This may already be in the game, but I can't tell, since I have the missing merchant bug like everybody else, and I've never seen any damaged armor in my inventory. They're just gone after a failed expedition.
You can drag the contents of your old version's www/save folder and put it into the new version's www/save and you should be able to keep your progress
lengthwise we estimate the demo to be about a quarter of the full game. Purchasing it once will grant you access to all future updates and acts for the base game
Is this a bug? When I was knocked unconscious and caught by a non-chameleon enemy, the error message in the picture would be displayed immediately, and then the victory CG of the chameleon enemy would be triggered immediately, but I encountered other enemies instead.
I have an issue with a bad ending with the swamp insects. The screen just goes black aside from the portrait and combat ui. It is the 0.103 vers and I had to restart the game to a previous save state. Enjoying it alot so far! I am very happy to see the game be released!
Just Amazing. The game ist everything I have hoped for and more! The animations from the demo were already mind blowing but now they are just next level. You really outdid yourselves this time; be it sound effects, art and animation, story and gameplay. Since I rarely ever write reviews I'll take this chance to say Thank You dev team for making great games like Prowler and Grove 🐲
I completed this mission in the original version, then stopped the game temporarily due to the camp bug, and then continued playing in version 0.103. Is that the problem?
Had an issue where I beat the pink lizard boss the 2nd time and it just trapped me standing behind him not being able to move or do anything I could still attack though.
Yeah, we've had a few reports about this. We're going to try and fix it amongst other issues but it might take a little while, a day or so. Hope you can be patient with us.
heyo! LOVE the game, however if you get the bad end with the ropes in the first area and respawn in your bed. It will lock you in place and you cant move, just lot my level 8 playthrough
Please try downloading and playing on the latest version of the game if you can. V0.103. It might solve this issue, though you'll need to return to a save BEFORE you got caught by those ropes.
nice, i love your game i have waiting it long time.i have buy it at yesterday, I'm heading to the second main area "sun-streaked savannah" How Find a way to pass through the barrier in the interloper fortress at savannah.
I was able to use a PS4 controller without having to use any extra software or anything else. The game will still mention Xbox buttons, but it shouldn't really be an issue if you know how a Xbox controller looks like.
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Why can't I get the barrels again? I lost the pass at some point, so I can't plant those materials. I'm completely stuck. I wasted my time at level 11. I can only start a new game
Not true. You can buy buckets from a fisherman vendor, and find one in the Savannah.
Where is the fisherman vendor? I am currently stuck at upgrading my residence. I don't have a bucket to water the trees and can't get any branches. I don't know if I can play the rest of the story.
You can gather ironbush branches and bark from the Stream locale still, you're not prevented.
The fisherman vendor is in a cave. You need 3 rope to descend from a pier to reach the cave.
Okay, thank you. Is there any other way to enter your Discord? I tried more than ten times but couldn’t join.
i can't attact the final boss and he can't attact me , our attact will miss and pass through
ask for a truce
But thank you for the bug report, we'll look into it! Please be patient with us for a little while...!
I want to know how long the update frequency of the game is expected₍˄·͈༝·͈˄*₎◞ ̑̑
Sorry, we have no idea right now...!
I have already cleared the customs, and I want to play the following content. It's so fun ˃ʍ˂
Where can I find the Dyed Fabric Sheet? I got some from old camp, but I don't have enough weight to carry them ,so I just burn them. Now I can't set up my camp.
And I can't find Wet Clay Clump too.
I got enough resources for shelter, but I don't know where can I build it.
To build the shelter look for yellow-colored glowbugs around the camp and interact with them
This is a known bug that we're working to fix right now. Please update your game with the v0.104 hotfix when possible.
We will keep working on more improvements over time.
The new journey is very interesting! When will the machine translation of Chinese be provided?
It may be a week or two. We want to fix all the bugs and errors with the game first.
Thank you for your patience!
Ah! That's a good news! Thank you!
There are stressors in resource management.
First, it's a little uncomfortable that it can't be linked to the resources of the box in the base when making something,
In particular, when the capacity is insufficient, the game's progress is exponentially slow.
I seem to have a bug where I got captured by the blue lizard, saw the lizard-slime-suit scene, and ever since all enemies are white and unmoving, and I cannot melee. I can still shoot spines, but enemies seem invulnerable, yet uninteractable.
This persists through save/load, too.
I am on 1.01 still, however, unsure if this has already been patched in a newer version.
Edit: I also ened up losing the bucket from the stream early on, is there another one I can get or craft?
There are other buckets you can buy from a certain merchant, or one more that can be found in the wilds.
Also yes we think we have resolved this issue, so please update to v0.104 at your earliest convenience.
It is definitely not resolved. It seems to happen nearly 100% with grapples.
If you're loading a save where it's already an issue, it's not going to magically fix it. You need to return to a save before it happened, and the current hotfix should PREVENT it from happening again.
Where can I find the matriarch plz——I was wondering in my game about two hours(sob)
You need to create some Flimsy Shears (the schematic is in the serpentfolk's lair). With them, you can cut through a pathway to the south-west of the lair!
(to the left of the 'main' swamp room, where the title and music appear)
Sometimes, when you are captured by a desert tribe in a completely unrelated area, you are forced to wear the outfit that you were wearing...
I had already removed the outfit from the shaman...
My item...!!
We're sorry, this is a bug we're working to fix. Please update your game to v0.104, and if you are still having issues, please be patient. We are working on additional fixes.
Is it possible to continue your progress through a save file from a previous version?
Yes. Just transfer the contents of the 'www' > 'save' folder to your new download and put them in the same place.
I cannot get over how absolutely gorgeous this game is!
I'm a few hours in and I am loving it! Very fun, love the characters and designs! And also the sound details, it's just a very pleasing experience!
Fantastic work so far, keep it up! <3
Thank you, thank you, you're very kind for saying so!
我被困在“女祭司的信任”任务上,我似乎找不到任务中提到的 5 个入侵者或与之相关的任何其他内容。接受任务后,我已经杀死了当前地图上的所有怪物,但它们都不是 5 个入侵者中的任何一个。请帮帮我!任务文本模糊而混乱,通过与女祭司的闲聊,我了解到我需要穿越沼泽,但我已经检查了沼泽中所有可进入的区域,似乎无法穿越它。我到底该去哪里杀这些人呢?我是一名中国玩家,恐怕你听不懂我的话。我用翻译来翻译我的信息,您能提供指南什么的吗?像一只无头苍蝇的感觉真的扼杀了我作为玩家的热情!
The enemies you need to defeat are in the Savannah, by the "fortress". They are dark, with green outlines, and attack with energy blasts.
There should always be about 4 of them outside their fortress! Good luck finding and hunting them!
我该如何完成营地的冥想任务,这是“园丁的礼物”任务的一部分,呃?我只能用 AI 来翻译文本,输出可能会有一些差异。之前的问题已经解决,但新的问题已经出现。
The meditation does not succeed, this is an intentional part of the story.
You can proceed to the Savannah, find the enemy Fortress, and wear the Gardener Mantle to access the interior and the final part of the game!
I'm really enjoying this game, but I have a big problem.... How do I open the Interloper fortress barrier? Also how do I get a trapped friend out of the savannah??
That particular trapped fella can't be saved unfortunately...
As for the fortress, you need an item from elsewhere. You want to go to the swamplands now, and follow the questline for the serpentfolk. The culmination of that questline will get you a way inside the fortress.
I've since received the emblem from the trapper and I don't know how to get the quest after that...
You should have a Task, to improve your renown with them. It should say what you can do to improve your renown.
(give them Tar Sap or buy latex from them)
Thank you. Thanks to you, the problem has been solved
Unfortunately even still the majority of grapple scenes are all bugged. They almost all lead to the slime covered lizard bug scene. Also on .104 in case you are wondering.
Also find it extremely annoying and ridiculous that, as a paying customer, I would need to provide my phone number just to have access to the discord where support is offered.
is it going to be possible for someone to make a mod to change the pc to a female?
You guys knocked it out of the park yet again. There's so much content and all of it is good. I was skeptical about the price and the different direction gameplay direction, but those worries were quickly dismissed. In many ways, this game has surpassed grove (but I still remain a big fan).
The addition of semi permanent bound states and afflictions are the best new feature in the game imo. The writing and art has improved also massively from the demo and grove. I'm looking forward to future updates, but knowing that it's a year or two away pains me.
I'd like to add that losing your armor on a failed expedition sucks, they took a lot of material and time to make, so this is very punishing. I just resorted to keeping them in storage most of the time. This makes the gameplay and combat feel more grindy, which is a shame. Plus I can't look at the nice armor art.
Maybe just make them damaged, so that you can spend less resources repairing them. This may already be in the game, but I can't tell, since I have the missing merchant bug like everybody else, and I've never seen any damaged armor in my inventory. They're just gone after a failed expedition.
how can i download the patch without resseting the progress?
You can drag the contents of your old version's www/save folder and put it into the new version's www/save and you should be able to keep your progress
- Regalbuster
So far enjoying the release! I haven't finished yet (stuck on a few areas but otherwise fine).
Just wondering how to access the gallery if there is one?
there’ll be a gallery when you finish the game. Thanks for playing :)
Dunno if its intended but
Anything else aside from the master volume can be changed
If you try to change anything else it reverts back to default
Not intended no, will look into it, thanks!
I have one question bofore i buy it.
How long is the game in comparsion to demo and if i buy it will i have to buy new versions to?
lengthwise we estimate the demo to be about a quarter of the full game. Purchasing it once will grant you access to all future updates and acts for the base game
Is this a bug? When I was knocked unconscious and caught by a non-chameleon enemy, the error message in the picture would be displayed immediately, and then the victory CG of the chameleon enemy would be triggered immediately, but I encountered other enemies instead.
yep that’s a bug, looks to be happening a good amount now so will be looked into. Thanks for the report
I have an issue with a bad ending with the swamp insects. The screen just goes black aside from the portrait and combat ui. It is the 0.103 vers and I had to restart the game to a previous save state. Enjoying it alot so far! I am very happy to see the game be released!
Thanks for the report, will be looked into soon. Glad you enjoyed and thanks for playing!
Just Amazing. The game ist everything I have hoped for and more! The animations from the demo were already mind blowing but now they are just next level. You really outdid yourselves this time; be it sound effects, art and animation, story and gameplay. Since I rarely ever write reviews I'll take this chance to say Thank You dev team for making great games like Prowler and Grove 🐲
Thank you for playing!
When returning to base camp after a game over, the costumes worn by the game over event are still there. Is this a bug?
No it's not a bug. It's part of the gameplay experience.
you will eventually meet somebody who can remove them
I may be encountering a bug or just not understanding something.
I have not seen the merchants after saving them. Does one have to go to a specific location or use the sundial to trade with them?
That aside, I am blown away by how much content this has over the demo and I am loving every part of it.
Yep, that's a bug. We're working on it. Might take the better part of a day or two to solve. Sorry about that...
Glad you enjoyed things otherwise though. We'll keep working to improve the experience.
I stayed up all night playing this game. The content is so rich, far beyond my imagination. Thank you for creating this legend.
If this English is not fluent, I apologize, as it was translated with AI assistance.
Thank you very much for playing!
It's a bit strange that merchant never came to my camp after I completed the rescue mission.Could somebody help me please?
I completed this mission in the original version, then stopped the game temporarily due to the camp bug, and then continued playing in version 0.103. Is that the problem?
We're working on trying to find a fix for this issue. It might take a while, a day or two... sorry, we'll try and have it solved as quick as we can.
It's okay. You guys are doing great!
Had an issue where I beat the pink lizard boss the 2nd time and it just trapped me standing behind him not being able to move or do anything I could still attack though.
Yeah, we've had a few reports about this. We're going to try and fix it amongst other issues but it might take a little while, a day or so. Hope you can be patient with us.
will there be a mac edition?
Potentially. We're investigating some angles.
Is the patch meant to cover the base game, or is it meant to be downloaded and played?
Depends. If you're using the itch.io launcher it should update automatically.
If not, you'll need to download it as a new version, transfer your saves across (copy and paste from the 'save' folder in 'www') and play it that way.
Amazing game so far! I wanted to ask though, will the saves not be there when i leave like grove?
The saves disappear because you haven't extracted the game like the instructions say.
Please extract the game after downloading it or you won't be able to keep your saves.
I did extract it before playing, I was just making sure. Thank you!
Immediatly bought it when I saw it, I can't wait to play!~
Thank you, we hope you enjoy it!
I've played for a tiny bit so far and omg, it's like 10x better than the demo, I LOVE IT!!
Great job and I can't wait to see more! ^^
Thank you that's very kind of you to say
is it will be on steam?
cause i cant buy anything on itch ;-;
Sorry, not for a long time (year or two), or maybe not at all.
uhh sad okay thanks for reply :3
Oh yes!
heyo! LOVE the game, however if you get the bad end with the ropes in the first area and respawn in your bed. It will lock you in place and you cant move, just lot my level 8 playthrough
for me it happens when i have the tent with the red cloth we get from the villag3
Please try downloading and playing on the latest version of the game if you can. V0.103. It might solve this issue, though you'll need to return to a save BEFORE you got caught by those ropes.
How do I convert it into my language? or it is Temporarily default to English?
The game is only available in English right now. Machine Translations for Japanese and Chinese will arrive in the coming weeks.
nice, i love your game i have waiting it long time.i have buy it at yesterday, I'm heading to the second main area "sun-streaked savannah" How Find a way to pass through the barrier in the interloper fortress at savannah.
You need to head to the Swamplands. There's a new questline available there which will culminate in accessing the fortress.
after first time selecting the potion, Can I switch potions? Green, blue and red pink i mean i want to try other color potion。
Yes! The Shaman will visit you once a week and offer a different colour of potion!
Just a quick question but will Playstation controller be compatible in the future with the game?
We don't have the hardware to test it on our end, I'm afraid...!
right now it works about 70% or so but it's a bit squirrely.
We'll try and come up with something but it's a bit hard when neither of us devs own one to test
There's a software called DS4Windows that emulates PS4/5 controllers to a 360 controller.
I was able to use a PS4 controller without having to use any extra software or anything else. The game will still mention Xbox buttons, but it shouldn't really be an issue if you know how a Xbox controller looks like.
Okay thx for letting me know