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How do I equip arrows? I keep trying to but it wont work, slinger armor will work however

Make sure you have a bow, and have arrows in your inventory.

Open your pouch, select the arrows you want to use with Enter.

Then exit your pouch and make sure to press R to load your arrows up!

As a small caveat, you can't load your weapons inside your tent. And some arrow types require a more sturdy bow to be used.

Hi, just wanted to say that I had a lot of fun. Ofc Kivu is really cute and the... hmm.. "content" is really well done, but the gameplay is really solid and it's what kept me going all the way to the end. 

Funnily enough I bought the game the same day that Avowed came out, and is it a crime to say I had more fun with this than the new AAA Obisidian RPG? You've got a really solid game loop going with the expeditions system (if a little grindy at times), and I dare say, a real talent for storytelling and worldbuilding. I started playing for the content, but stayed for the game. 

Looking forward to chapter 2! 


Are there any plans for chastity content in this game? thank you :>


Hello, what is the difference between the full version (Act 1) and the demo? I haven't played the demo since version 0.11 and wanted to know if it was worth buying it as it currently is.

Thank you!


The demo contains the first hour or so of the game, the story introduction and a single destination and one enemy type. 

The full version has several hours more content, two more destinations to visit, a bunch more lewd scenes, the first 'act' of the game's story, a gallery for reviewing scenes, etc.

If you want to give the story a trial, or want to get some practice with the controls before playing, the demo is a good idea. But otherwise, the full act one is a much more content and feature rich experience!

i cant seem to open the game it just loads and then closes down straight away, have any ideas on what to do?

BUG from a little pile of berries, when i interact with it, it made my pocket full and i cant do anything with it.

Hi, is there any way to delete items in your pouch to make room?

ah yes, press Esc, go to Pouch then go to utility, press item burner and select items to burn, remember the item you burned is lost forever.

Great, thanks for the reply 👍

I've run to a problem that whatever I do I couldn't transfer my old saves to the new update game file, is there something I can do to get my old save transfer to the new update?

from v0.116 to v0.118 to be exact

Please try this, and let us know if you are still having trouble.

Thx, it's working now, really appreciate your help!

How do I get Wet Clay Clump? Can find it anywhere. Also hope we can craft staffs from the storage box directly in the future.

Wet Clay Clump can be found in the Stream locale. Look for greyish squares on the floor in the southern areas.

Can someone help me? I've now played the Fortress Quest, which allows me to go to the swamp, but I can't get there directly. I tried to get to the wizarding camp before going to the marshes, but as soon as I got to the wizarding camp I was told there was not enough time and to set out directly from home during the day. What am I missing?

Finally, the game is really fun. Look forward to the Chinese translation and the new story being released soon.

(1 edit)

You need to travel to the Swamplands specifically from the "travel menu". It's after the Stream and Savannah in the list.

Also a machine translation Chinese version can be downloaded. It's called "CN / JP version". If you use your account you should be able to download it without being charged additional money.

Thank you for your help. By the way, where am I supposed to find the Serpent Chiefess, the mission says it's in the ruins north of the trapper lair, but I can't find it.

(1 edit)

On the left side of the swamp, take a boat with scissors, prepare for the battle, and after completion she will return to the swamp camp

I'm sorry to find that I asked questions, and I'm now the henchmen who have rescued the snake clan, who have filled his reputation. Now my task is the barrier of light in the fortress and the matriarch of the snake clan, but I have no idea about both.

Also, I haven't started to accumulate the reputation of a wizard (the one who can remove tattoos), does it matter?

I went to the clan leader after I finished meet Wizard. I don't know if there is any connection between them.

(1 edit)

How can I obtain these four accessories ? 
If anyone knows how to have them I would be grateful

Deleted 17 hours ago

Thanks, are you able to upload the CSV for me to download? I'll be happy to upload it here.

- Regalbuster

Deleted 17 hours ago
Deleted 17 hours ago

plyers need to remember the appearance of each material. that s not ez

true dude it’s been a real pain to remember all these complicated item names

(especially for those who don’t use English as their main language…)


i feel the storage place is too small ,the materials needed  to make an item require a lot of space,spoil the fun of collecting,


There is a BUG in the berry bushes ,if i interval is too long to collect berry ,the number of berry are so much(50) ,berry will full my pocket.I cant remove berry to storage ,becaus storage only 20 space.And i find another BUG at berry bushe's add operation and wipe off operaton.When I click wipe off button,my backpack increases the number of berry I want to wipe off.So i have some suggestions.First,add space of storage ,the player can chooes how many berry they want from the berry cluster 


is there a way to save the game? I've been playing for about an hour and there hasn't been a single save function. Hate to have to redo everything all over again every time I open the game 


Nvm i had the wrong pc version downloaded and the save function finally showed up on my bed

(1 edit)

Hello, I seem to be stuck at the part where I need to find a way to bypass the barrier of the interloper fortress. The game says '' I should move my seartch to another locale for now, like the Swamplands''. I defeated all of the snakefolk guys there, and bees, but I still have no idea what I am supposed to do, any help?


You're looking for a schematic inside the serpentfolk's base to make 'flimsy shears'. You can use them to explore new areas of the swamp.




cant get the clue about norther glistering stream that kivu cant jump on TwT

That place isn't accessible that way. You'll need to go through the Decaying Complex nearby instead.


I finished the game, and it's fire! I can't wait for the second act. To all the people reading the comments to decide whether to play: trust me, it's worth it. The story is great, and the gameplay experience is amazing! 

U still reading

-My granny called, she said, Travvy, you work too hard
I'm worried you forget about me


(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks so much for playing, and for the endorsement! Very much appreciated.

Make sure to tell your folks you love 'em, you only get one family.

I've put so many hours into this game already.  I jumped into this to have a hot fetish game with all the kinks I like, and ended up with that AND a game I grind hours into for its actual gameplay and story!

I have to say, I love it and I can't wait for Act 2.  I will say though, I am just about stumped on what I believe to be the final boss in the Fortress.  Man just BOPS me, even when I go in with full healing supplies, I end up burning a lot of those just getting to him.  Do the devs or anyone else happen to have any suggestions?  I keep the "crown" on, but what am I missing besides that?  Just "get good"?

Thanks a lot for the kind words, and for playing the game as long as you have!

For the final boss and area, it's really important to get good at dodging. I would recommend the blue tonics to help in that department. Don't forget about eating food that buffs your abilities too, not just healing items. Finally, the boss has strong attacks but they are launched at fairly regular timing. Try your best to learn his timings, and dodge in and out as you strike!

I loved the game can't wait for the next act to come out. Wouldn't mind paying for separate acts tbh.  I feel like creators run themselves ragged by promising the world and then getting burnt out. For $8.99US honestly wouldn't mind paying separately for chapters installed in my opinion. Artdecade did the same thing where they didn't charge for multiple chapters of 'memory leak' but I feel the progress is a bit slow and there isn't financial gain after completing those chapters to keep momentum. 

I felt like there should have been an option to grapple or seduce and I felt like "giving in" was considered a bad option instead of making it an optional relief or dominating enemies to reduce lust build up like COC (corruption of champions) or 'Oh So Hero'. I adore games like this and feel there aren't enough of them out there. Thank you so much for making you game <3


Thanks a lot for playing, and for the encouraging words! We're evaluating how we wanna handle our projects moving forward this year, and if we're ready to take the plunge to gamedev as a job and not just a hobby. We'll let everyone know how we decide to play it.

For now, thanks again for playing and for the feedback!

(1 edit) (+2)

For the love of god I cant get past the stupid cave boss. Someone send help. I can't use the shortbow. Someone send help I'm banging my head against the wall here.

EDIT: Nevermind. I just beat it. God, that was satisfying, like dropping the world's biggest shit.

Deleted 17 hours ago

I'd recommend you use Translate++ and learn how to use the software for the moment, as the game_messages.csv is for CN / JP for the moment.

- RegalBuster

Deleted 17 hours ago
Deleted 17 hours ago
(1 edit)

Translator++ uses a different patching method (doesn’t use the csv) and is a hard overwrite of the game files, so you’ll have to distribute the output files yourself, apologies! We’ll let you know when we have more language slots available.


So I've played both of yall's games and im noticing performance issues with prowler, and I know its probably my old laptop but I can run Grove with a good 30 frames but on prowler I can't get it past 10. I don't know anything about tech at all but I noticed Grove used alot more of my gpu than prowler does, could that be an issue with my poor performance? I just wanna be able to fully play prowler because yall did an amazing job.

(1 edit)

We appreciate the compliments and the desire to want to play our game.

As for your performance issues... it seems to be related to the nwjs framework the game runs on, and its compatibility or lack of with older laptops.

It's not an ideal solution but the best thing we can recommend is downloading the launcher, and using it to play an older version of Prowler. Maybe try v0.113, or v0.108 and see it that performs any better for you

Sorry for the late response, So i used the launcher for the older version and all it did when I click launch was load some things and not do anything. I'm not sure if I'm doing anything wrong but shown in the pic there's 3 things of the game and none of them are doing anything. What could I do to fix this?

Whoa! Uh, yeah, so long story short RPG Maker games don't like when you have more than one instance running, and it seems like you have a bunch of them all open at once, not closing properly for one reason or another. Don't fear though, a few people have had this issue.

I would recommend, cliché as it sounds, just shutting down and restarting your computer to clear out all these other instances, and then just try again. 

Deleted 6 days ago

You download the version of the game in the language you want to play. We have English, Chinese and Japanese.

Deleted 6 days ago
Deleted 17 hours ago

Buy it from the serpentfolk in the swamplands, once you ally yourself with them.

Deleted 17 hours ago

I played the demo and enjoyed it. I just have one question: Is there a gallery of some sort for capture/grapple scenes? The demo didn't seem to have one.

(1 edit) (+1)

There's a gallery available when you complete the game, with all the content in it regardless of if you saw it in-game or not.

Thank you

(4 edits) (+1)

Love the game I wish the cooking and crafting had a numbered system like the item burner when you remove items to clear inventory space, instead of crafting/cooking things one item at a time. I'm really struggling to find cavern to Sera-Vasir (matriarch) saying a caven south west but I haven't been able to find it... I've been searching for a while I'd appreciate the help


It's not a 'cavern', but a 'coven'. You can find it in the Swamplands, to the far left of the main swamp area (where the music and title appear). 

You will however need some Flimsy Shears to access this area. You can find a blueprint for Flimsy Shears in the serpentfolk's hideout, where you learned about Sera-Vasir!

oh is that why there are areas tied off by that rubber? I already have the blueprints I just didn’t know how to access the other areas… 


Yep, you got it.


When I interact with the berry pile, 50 aita berries suddenly appear in my pouch. I'm pretty sure that's not supposed to happen? I can share the save file if needed, since it reliably happens every time I try it.


Yeah... it's a glitch we're aware of but has proven difficult to fix... for now, consider it a little bonus 'cheat' if you struggle with combat in game.

Deleted 26 days ago

Love the game so far, but I think I'm stuck af. 

I'm lvl 12, 4 hours into the game. I feel like I've seen everything so far a few times and I spent last hour checking if I've seen everything so far 100%. I even went the entire route to the dusk prowler camp 3 times just to make sure I didn't miss anything. I've also met the fisherman, got the key and a bucket. On the northern side of the main area there is a place I can't climb by myself and that's all I've discovered in the last 1.5 hour of searching. 

All my side quests are finished (last one was to harvest from the farm) and my main tasks still only say to Rescue Garth and Return to the Prowler Camp. I'm assuming the last curio I'll find after rescuing Garth, but I've no clue how to do that. 

Please help lmao

To rescue Garth you need to visit the Jungle Holding Site sub-locale. There's a couple of small puzzles to pass by involving security lights and laser beams.

Thank you for the answer!

Unluckily, I've no idea how to pass that either. I know that you can destroy the thing that powers the lights and makes them flicker, but everytime I try to run past them I get caught by them. Even if I'm seemingly out of range I get blocked by the rock on the upper side of the screen and can't progress forward.

You need to go up and through the fallen log near the top. I promise you there's a way through it, plenty of other folks have made it through! Don't forget to use your dash ability as well!

i lost my bucket after dying and i cant find a new one :(

nvm i got one from fish man. good thing he sells em and i didnt notice first time i traded lol

The game used to crash for times but uh some kind of magic made this game running normally now. However it's good to let you know this bug once existed and probably not solved...


I wonder will you find someone help with Chinese translation? It's hard to read text last time I played this game because machine translation is alwasy not very satisfying.


We have some volunteers working on Chinese translation, but we do not have an estimated time of release. Thank you for playing our game even with machine translation!

will you be selling the acts separately? or will we be able to experience the full game after buying this version?


The plan's to make it so once you purchase once, you get the rest of the acts!


Hello. I am a translator translating into Japanese. As part of my translation work, may I ask if this game was created using RPG Maker MV or MZ?


RPG Maker MV!

My deepest gratitude for your reply!


I can't leave any items that I want.


can you add a skip tutorial feature?

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