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Prowling now and forever

(3 edits) (+2)

Any intention on putting this on Steam?

Also, buying Act 1 will give me access to the following acts or those have to be purchased separately?



Buying Act 1 will give you access to the subsequent acts!

As for Steam, maybe in the future, maybe when all three acts are complete...!

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Bug: When dashing into movable boxes while they are moving, it is possible to clip into them and get stuck, being unable to escape
Bug 2 (?): when dashing over the gray tiling near the flashing green lights in the first sub-location, the game gets EXTREMELY laggy

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Thank you for the bug report. We are working on this one for now. It may be fixed with our latest patch v0.103 but no guarantees, we'll keep looking into it.

Deleted 181 days ago

I can't read minds so I don't know what task you're referring to...

Just try and read your Task Log, read the instructions. If you don't understand what to do, type up what the task says and I will try and offer advice.


How the fuck do I beat the tutorial enemy? It's literally impossible.

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Softlock happens if you run out of time in the day in the first section of a biome, and choose to "Stay" instead of leave with your findings. gets stuck on black screen. Also, i seem to have completely lost the ability to attack? This happened after getting captured by the stalker in the cave. I don't know if this is a feature or something but i can't progress in this save anymore.

Also, all monster AI broke and no longer aggro


Working on a fix for that second part. I'll pass on the details about the black screen issue. Thank you for the report

You're welcome, thanks for the quick response. Unfortunately this save seems unretrievable atm, running around trying to trigger encounters to see if something resets it but it doesn't seem to be working. Game shows huge promise so far, so i can't wait for it to be fixed. Cheers!

Fix has been deployed, please check it says v0.102 here on the project page.

I'll say it probably won't fix your currently borked save... but it should prevent it from happening again on another when you reach that point...!

Sorry it's not ideal but thank you for playing regardless!

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No worries, also, is there some nuance to getting grappled by enemies? Enemies seem to just attack repeatedly and never grapple, and i'd like to see those scenes again. Am i just missing something, or are grapples strictly scripted events?

Just updated to 1.0.2, the fix seemed to also repair my old save, neat!

Enemies will either grapple you or destroy your chest / underwear when your white STUN bar maxes out!

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I cant melee attack anymore, ranged still works. As well as all baddies are frozen and not active. can still interact with gathering resources and traps as normal. all in all though having a great time, definitely a blast playing the game, keep it up!!

Known bug, working on a fix, deploying a little later. Sorry.

Should hopefully be solved by v0.102

Thank you for playing otherwise...!

I stayed up all night and had a lot of fun playing. I think it would be nice if there was a Korean machine translation

Thank you for playing, we shall consider it.

my game wont let me craft a berry pile? I'm softlocked

Check the white silhouette at your camp.

(1 edit)

thank you ;_;

Does anyone know how to detour the blocked road from Savannah?

If you're referring to the blocked path in the fortress, you need to go elsewhere. Head to the swamplands now and look for the serpentfolks lair...

Has anyone found the broken claw yet I've been looking for probably at least 10 minutes or more now but can't seem to find it

Broken Claws are dropped by Chargers.

Chargers only start showing up once you have defeated the boss of the cave, a pink lizard.











Chinese machine translation is not available yet. It will be arriving in approximately a week!

Thank you for your patience.

Hello, I find bugs in savanna map currently, if you fail plant ambush or drone it will show error.

Thank you for the report, we're working on a hotfix

Thank you for hotfix in advance. I found another bug at stinger nest in swamp is giving me a black screen.

do you unlock a gallery for the capture scenes or is this planned for a future uptade?

There is a gallery unlocked upon game completion.

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a good game with good rewards, that´s what i want to hear, thx a lot for making a polished game, keep up the good work

Hmmm apparently I am somewhat softlocked with the tasks. Took too long to craft the waterskin and I can't craft the permanent shelter now. Was searching for the option around the time the trader got unlocked. Now I even unlocked the next upgrade of the shelter and the yellow glowflies for it are shown for the next shelter but not the first permanent shelter. 

I may be misunderstanding you, but the yellow gloflies that appear that required Stitched Sheets and such is the intended second upgrade.

Do you have a campfire at your tent? If you have that, then you should be fine and where you need to be.

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I have the campfire yes, but the second camp upgrade never appeared for me and now only the third upgrade is shown. (which is quite impossible to get with just 20 storage)

Upon doing a new game and not rushing the locales and making sure the 2nd camp got build I am now stuck with the first merchant spawn trying to build the blackboard. What I can note though is that when I didn't have the camp upgrade the same sound for the first day happened with the merchant not showing. Though I wasn't soft locked and could just go to sleep. Two days later the merchant showed up and I assume the sequence of them explaining the blackboard played (which should have happened the first time)

I assume the bug that I couldn't build the camp upgrade comes from that interaction as well. 

Here a quick screen showing what I mean:

Thank you for the report and the screenshot, sorry for second-guessing you but it's hard to be certain without seeing folks screens.

We'll do our best to look into a way to solve your previous issue. The current one is known to us and yeah, the sequence sorta fixes itself in time but we're working on a hotfix to make it work again retroactively!

Thank you again for this!

You said v.101 is out, but the downloads still just say v.1 - is this a typo?

Refresh your page and wait a little longer. Also, check at the bottom of the project page, beneath where it says PURCHASE

If the versions there say v.101 then it should be good to go.

is it possible to drop items? and whats up with the small chest size?

In the Utility section of your menu is an Item Burner.

also please let us pin recipes thx

We'll try and add that in an update. We discovered a way but it was too late in development to implement.

For now you're going to have to do things the old fashioned way with a pencil and paper. Don't forget you can check your Crafting Guide in the Utility tab at any time, too.


I appear to have encountered a softlock. Went to go to bed to save/rest and there was a noise. Went out to investigate it but I didn't see anything, went back to rest/save and got a prompt to investigate the sound, then I lost all control. Can't move or open menus at all.


Thank you for the report. We're aware of this one and working on it. For now, please try closing and reloading a save, and when you go to bed try and interact with left side of the bed.

Since loading my save after that softlock it seems my file is broken. Only after updating, (I have 1.03) was I able to build the second upgrade to my camp, it appeared as soon as I loaded the game in 1.03. But the merchant has never returned after saving Garth, the shaman will remove the unremovable equipment but I can't find anyway to progress the tonic side of things. I chose the pink lust tonic initially but the ability doesn't seem to work, I just can't activate the ability. I've managed to reach the swamp but no new story related things seem to be triggering. Nothing at the savannah or at the swamp. Feels like I explored everything at those places.

...yeah it seems pretty broken alright.

Sorry. We're going to try and fix things as best we can but right now our main bug-fixer is getting some sleep.

We'd recommend leaving the game alone for a while and coming back to check in a day or two... sorry.

I hope can Android download it game 


No. This is just Act 1.

My computer must be awful lol I lag everytime I dash or attack

Please check and close any other applications that might be using a lot of resources, and that you aren't playing the game via a USB stick or cloudsync folder.

We MAY have further optimisations in the future but I'm afraid we can't promise it will work for everyone's computer.

Hopefully there will be some detailed walkthough later, just finished some crafting but had to stop for work. Man, work is really burning out my energy for exploring on my own.

No promises about a walkthrough I'm afraid... that's kind work done by volunteers at their own pace.

But thank you for playing so far, don't be afraid to take your time with the game!

Well, no wonder there haven't been any updates for Grove! I hadn't expected a whole 'nother game! About how long is this one; if you dont mind sharing?

Should last for about 4-6 hours depending on your playstyle, maybe longer if you wanna get everything!

Could i play this on a mobile device?

It's possible but not recommend and not optimised. Play at your own risk.


Hello, is this game going to be released on Steam someday by any chance?


Maybe in the future... we don't have any date in mind yet. Sorry.

Nice, I can wait no worries ^^

Finally released!Congratulations!

I had high hopes because the first warning was in Japanese,

Is Japanese language supported yet? Or is it in the works?

Japanese Machine Translation is in development.

A more bespoke and optimised translation will follow later.

Thank you for your patience!

How can i save i dont see the option in the menu

You'll unlock the ability to save a little further into the game! Once you make your own campsite.

牛 付费就好良性循环起来



Act 1? is there going to be more of this series? and BTW is that means you guys are going to work on the GROVE? waited so long for GROVE😋


There will be more eventually, yes!

We're going to continue to work on GROVE once we have released fixes and patches for Prowler.




lets gooo




Time to "accidentally" lose to everything 

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I'm so happy to finally be able to play the game. Thank you for your hard work in making the game.

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Excited to be here one of the first to comment. - ZunekuHStudio
Great project with passion and great, inspiring mechanics. Keep up!



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