Prowler v0.103 patch released

Hey all,

Small one this time, should hopefully resolve older saves with the no npc timing bug, thanks!

  • Added redundancy event for NPC timings


Prowler: Act 1 - Windows 446 MB
Version 0.103 Sep 28, 2024
Prowler: Act 1 - Linux 392 MB
Version 0.103 Sep 28, 2024

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Deleted 147 days ago

You don't need to purchase again. On your account the game should be under your Library and you can redownload it with the latest version.

You should also have received an email with a receipt that allows to download again!

(1 edit)

To preface this... absolutely fantastic game. Loving it. It's the best thing I've played in a long, long time.

I believe I have to restart it after this patch,(which may have addressed the initial issue) as the sound event that would... I presume, spawn a trader of some sort in your camp softlocked. I got the auditory cue upon going inside the level 3 shelter, and attempting to go to bed at that point would list a message along the lines of "Oh I should go see what that sound was first." Going back outside yielded no results, yet the game would still let you rest after that message was displayed. That message would display every time you attempt to rest after that point. Transferring my saves over to this patch, now it seems the event no longer procs at all, and I played out about 12 in game days to check. Hopefully a hard reset tomorrow might iron out whatever was wrong with this patch.

Also, if you use the pink tonic effect "Allure" on the pink spitter lizards it breaks the entire game. All of the enemies turn into grayscale statues and your ability to primary fire is disabled.

And this last one may just be me not knowing how to navigate the menu, but there doesn't seem to be a way to burn any equipment items, even if they're unequipped.

Equipment items can't be burnt. We'll consider a way to get rid of them for a future patch.

All your other issues we're aware of and working on. Please give us a day or two to try and iron things out. Sorry...

Wonderful! I'll probably sleep on this for a couple of days and come back once some stuff is ironed out.

Please do not be sorry. You have a very, very good thing here. Keep your chins up over there. I'm very glad to continue supporting this. Bugs happen.

I have this same issue, can you confirm that starting a new game will resolve this?