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(3 edits) (+4)

This is a very exciting project! I appreciate that both games of yours have actually interesting stories, worlds, and especially personable characters populating them!

I really like that prowler departs from Grove with much more active gameplay, you've done a really good job here. 

I wish the inventory situation was less restricted and difficult once you obtain a large amount of items, being able to put resources towards camp upgrades incrementally would help a lot I think. That way I can 'store' very specific items like clay inside a building I want to make instead of needing to clear out the full inventory slots for doing it all at once. I often find myself collecting items that I see, run out of space, and need to spend lots of time deleting items. A lot of this stems from not knowing what items I need to make which buildings, and realizing I can't just take everything and sort it out later.

Aside from the fact that I feel like I'm constantly fighting the UI over inventory management, I'm loving this project.

Of special note are the enemies! The popup dialogue in combat was a good choice, they feel way more alive than any enemies in Grove! I almost wish I could convince some of them to join the camp.


Not remembering what I have to collect next brought me to using a notepad. I think an in-game version of that would not just address the problem of not knowing what to collect but that in return would also lessen the problem of a cluttered storage, like you described. Maybe pinnable recipes that track what you already have (inventory and storage) or literally just an in-game version of the windows notepad, so that you don't have to tab out every time to look at it. Of course you already can look the recepies up in the utility section of your pouch but that's even more cumbersome than doing what I did, especially if you are using it repeatedly.


Or even something as simple as changing the usual blue highlight around collectables with a golden one or something similar if it's an item you need. 

Something else that would be nice would be when you look at recipes it will show what you have and what you still need so you don't have to keep checking your inventory and storage again and again to see if you can make anything.


That would be too invasive/handholdy for me. An in-game notepad could be easily justified as something you carry with you and it would be useless without your input. Maybe there is another way, this was just the solution to both of these problems for me (with additional application as a general note keeping device).


Started to follow since the first patch of Grove and so happy to see dev team is now capable to produce such a well-polished game. Yall deserve all the fame and compliment that had been given and is on the way to be given, and will always be here to support whatever ideas you guys want to implement. 


Thank you, thank you, those are some very kind and supportive words and we greatly appreciate it!


I love your game so much! This is clearly the Game of the Year 2024. I hope there will be more acts, right? Also, I want to ask about the mission 'The Gardener's Gift - Imbue yourself with the power of Gardeners, and take the fight to the Interlopers at the savannah.' I've been trying to figure out how to complete the mission, but I can't find a way to get through it


You need to wear the Gardener's Mantle you should have acquired, and take it to the fortress of the Interlopers in the Savannah. 

Inside a big stone structure is a green glowing energy barrier that you can pass with the Mantle equipped!

Good luck! And yes there will be more acts.


thank you
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your game is awesome i didnt think there would be so much to do, if there is a minus, i am not used to mouse attacks since i only play with 1 hand. I wish you success and hope to have a new chapter soon❤️❤️❤️


Thank you very much!


it's a wonderful game!but i'm puzzled about get him out

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you for the kind words!

But sadly you cannot rescue this character from the cage!


I'll be honest, I didn't expect much when I bought the game. I knew it wasn't going to be BAD, but I wasn't really expecting much. 

I was SO wrong. This game is SO. DANG. GOOOOD. Immediately jumped to my top 3 NSFW games ever. 

I'll try (and fail) to make this quick, the best and the "bad":


Adding bondage/marking and continuing the game instead of getting a game over screen is absolute GENIUS. And the fact that you can see some of the devises/markings enemies use on you during defeat CGs continue to appear on your character art throughout the game is just *chef's kiss*. I don't think I’ve ever seen another game that does that, and that lets you see your character in so many pieces of bondage AT THE SAME TIME! I imagine it must have taken a lot of time to draw all those possible bindings your character can have, but my god, it was so WORTH IT. All of the game is good, but having the chance to look at my character wearing all those pieces is definitely the highlight of the game for me.

The ONLY thing I wish was different is that i wish there was just a *little* bit more variety in some areas when it comes to binding armour and accessories. For example, you have four different kind of latexy/rubbery gloves; but there is only one chastity cage and one balls ring. Same thing for tattoos, only the lizards can tattoo you and it’s only one tattoo. I wish you could have at least two varieties of every possible device/mark. Maybe making the device the tinkerers use on you during their defeat CG a binding device or having the Reavers tattoo you if the defeat you would’ve been nice.

But basically that’s just me asking for more of something that is already amazing, hahaha. Seriously, thank you so much for making this. My eyes and my wallet will be  wide open, waiting for act two to eventually release some time in the future.


Thank you very much for playing and the big, kind review and response! We're very glad you enjoyed it, and we can only hope to continue to improve in the future!

I would buy this, but I'd be afraid you wouldn't finish it some people do that.


...well you're going to get the full game and all subsequent updates with one single purchase, so even if something terrible happened and we couldn't finish the game you wouldn't LOSE any value.

But it's up to you, not here to force you to spend, just to make sure you know what our intent is.


Hey, am I the only one whose game is lagging ? I have no idea why... I get by for most fights, but I'm stuck at the pink sputter fight, it's really making the game difficult when you're at 5fps ><
Any advice ?
(I had the same bug on Grove, but it was only on some moments, and I think I was not the only one)


Are you playing on an external drive (ie, usb, external SSD)? That's the most common cause of system slowdown for players

No, I downloaded it on my laptop...

Request: Maybe add a way to skip lore scenes? I reinstalled the game and ended up losing my save files because apparently they didn't copy (I had like 5 hours in that file). *Not* looking forward to having to redo all the intro stuff.
Also when it comes to updating save files, what's the best way to do it? when patch 1.03 came out the bugfixes seemed to apply without any save-file copying shenanigans, so is migrating the files even necessary? Do you have to copy the files before you hit "update"?

little bit of me being an idiot moment but still

You want to download the new version of the game, then transfer your save files across from the old version to the new version. They're in the 'www' > 'save' folder.

If you're playing using the launcher though these updates and saving should be done automatically.

(1 edit)

Hi, it seems I have a bug. When I take the small scaletree to the camp, it says I need to support it with ironbush sticks, but unlike the other building-blueprints, nothing happens when I interact with the shrub.

I just opened the passage with the dasshers, so this is where I am currently in the game.

Appart from that, AWSOME, THE GAME GOT AN UPDATE!!!

Keep it up, I look forward to more updates.

Edit: I found out you can interact with the tree from the side, but not from the front or the back. This was why it did not work.

Thanks for your report, we'll try and have this fixed in the next update.

Can the branch used to build the house be found in the river area? I can't find where to get it.


Found it, never knew I could go to another area

(1 edit) (+1)

Bug: Got caught by the pink spitter slime and had the suit put on me but the speed restriction never lifted. stuck moving extremely slowly even after the suit was removed
Speed reduction remains after rest


Thanks for the report, we're looking into it and will try and fix it for the next update.


I don't know what to do here. Please help!


Improve your Renown level with Sera-Vasir's Trappers.


Sorry,also stuck at here,which one is Sera-Vasir's Trappers?


None of them, you haven't unlocked them yet. Unlocking requires progress in the swamp area

Where's the (first) elusive fish, the one that glitters like gold? I assume somewhere in savannah but I've searched all areas multiple times and fished seemingly everywhere, any hints?


It's in the Stream, in the northern areas. I think it says as much in your Task Log...?

Good luck finding it!

Is it just random chance at some random fish spot in the streams area or how exactly does this work? I mean the fishing hut key itself was a specific location and looked different, so I'm hoping the same applies here and it's not just random


oh wow nevermind I found it, I am like 90% sure I read savannah somewhere so count me surprised when it's not actually there haha


Well done on finding it!

Hello, author. When I played in version 0.103, the game didn't report an error, but I couldn't open the game after updating 0.107 today, which prompted me that I was not an effective win32 application. Is this my problem?

(1 edit) (+1)

It works for me, so it’s most likely that the download got corrupted somehow.

Edit: Apologies! I misread the error message.

Your operating system is 32-bit and the updated runtime is 64-bit. According to messages in the Discord, the devs are aware of this issue and are looking into restoring compatibility. (There is a 32-bit version of the updated NW.js runtime that can be used.)

Might take a little while.

No, my computer is not 32 bits. I checked the properties of my computer. It is written as 64 bits. I am considering whether the game is 32 bits. There is a problem with some plug-in compatibility

(2 edits)

How exactly did you check? Even if your hardware/computer is 64-bit, your OS may still be 32-bit. (This error can’t be caused by plugins.)

Version 0.1 of the game is 32 bits, version 0.108 is 64 bits.

There is one other possibility… which operating system are you using?

Edit: It seems that the update may be incompatible with Windows 7/8/8.1. I’ve contacted the devs about a possible fix that doesn’t undo most optimisations, so hopefully one of the next patches will work for you again.

Okay, got it. Then I'll update the computer system and try it

(1 edit)

(I updated my earlier reply.)


NGL, I've never played a better NSFW game in my life. Art 10/10. Gameplay 10/10. Amount of content: 10/10. Kinks 100/10. Non-con mechanics that really affect gameplay with most of Bad Ends not sending you into Game Over: 1000000000/10. You should really consider putting it in Steam -- Itch is good, but this game deserves to be seen by millions. Keep up the good work! <3


Thank you for saying that, you're very kind and we're very happy to get such a positive response to our project we worked so hard on!

Will it be available on steam?


Not at the moment, but maybe in the future once we have a few more updates ready to go

- Regalbuster

(3 edits) (+2)

First of all, I absolutely recommend this game for the sheer amount of care and quality work put into it. Definitely a top notch NSFW game along with Grove and it’s worth every penny. Overall, there’s a tremendous increase in content from the demo.

It took me around 16 hours to finish everything (going out of my way to do side objectives and reloading multiple times after intentionally losing to enemies).

Most of the issues I experienced were already addressed by the hotfixes. The only glaring ones right now would be occasional scene overflowing in the gallery and Kivuli’s sprite being rarely mismatched (e.g. precum sprite when he’s not erect, the vine CG in the gallery has him flaccid with vines and excitement particles positioned around the erect sprite, etc.) for whatever reason.

I do wish that Prowler eventually adapts Grove’s gallery system (if possible) though because right now, IMO, for example, traps’ gallery feels “broken” and overall there’s some flavor text during grapples/walking around with latchers, etc. that the current gallery doesn’t quite reflect.


Mild spoilers





P.S. Alpha Latcher gave me huge Hulking Bat vibes pls make more of those in Act 2 thank you ><‘


Released a new patch that'll hopefully resolve the gallery bugs, thanks for playing!

- RegalBuster


(1 edit)




Hello! If you have purchased it, please check your spam mail or other inboxes for your receipt from, there should be a link in there!

When you purchased it, it should have shown a download link on the same page, you may have skipped over it. Let me know if you still have issues.


Can i please ask for help, whete can i find Serrated blade scarp?

(2 edits) (+1)

The humanoid snake enemies in the swamp drop that, together with Rubbery Strap.

Also, both & Rubbery Slab can be bought/traded for once you unlock reputation & trading with said snake people

Before buy it, can this game being played on a 32.bit computer after the update?


Hey Just finished playthrough 1! I really enjoyed it it was very good! I was surprised with how many systems were in the game and how long it was. I don't really have many complaints besides near the end of the game it can be kind of confusing how to proceed as the Rep system was introduced as more of an optional thing and not only thing but it just takes a good chunk of grinding and just going back into the 3rd area over and over again before you can actually beat the game. But that's about my only complaint! It's a good excuse to get some nice armor and cosmetics at the very least as well. The game is basically everything I wanted it to be! Some standout features: I really liked all the varieties of looks Kivu can get due to all the armor and statuses, there was a surprising variety of weapons! I was very surprised when I saw I could replace the claw, there was also a lot more npcs with cool designs than I was expecting as well!

Getting ready to do the next playthrough with the special bonus thing on and totally not losing to everything intentionally. ;P

(Note I beat it on v0.105 just for posterity)


Thanks so much for playing and for your feedback! Hope the second playthrough is fun in its own way, and gives you some interesting discoveries!

(1 edit) (+1)

Oh don't worry I'm sure that it will! Considering the 1st playthrough was my "good boy" playthrough I basically avoided all the kinky stuff, I didn't even look at entire systems (The disenchanting/accessory binding stuff) plus I didn't 100% the game either so I'm sure I'll wander into some new things I didn't even find in the first playthrough!

I was curious about something though are you guys planning on working on Grove? Or are you going to focus on Prowler as it is a paid product? Or maybe you're just going to jump in between them whenever the inspiration hits for either? Note that I don't mind either way! I'm just curious, seeing anything from you is great!


I believe the idea will be to alternate between the two, but it's not quite settled yet. We'll let people know when we DO have an idea!


Another possible bug, I tried to disenchant the poacher arm coverings, it said they were addded to the accessory box but I cannot find them in there.


That looks to be bugged, I'll look into a fix soon for that, thank you!

- RegalBuster

(1 edit)

Could you please inform me of the updates made to the “v0.106” version of the game? May I ask again, how long will the subsequent updates take? Are game saves from different versions interchangeable?

(1 edit) (+1)

Game saves are interchangable. Just move the numbered save file you want from 'www' > 'save' folder, over to the NEW version you download.

V0.106 enables a crafting recipe that was impossible to make before.

We don't know how long subsequent updates will take.

Thank you very much for your answer. I’m looking forward to the update of your game ‘grove’.

good job

are the merchants supposed to show up again? i did the quest and got the day thing but theyve never shown up



I’m not sure if this is a product of the software or truly my computers age, but when I engage in combat, the game lags excessively, almost making combat unplayable. Is that anything you were aware of? Or is it just a “me” problem?

Have you downloaded the latest path, v0.105 or v0.106? We've done some optimising on our end as best we can with this update.

Also just check you're not running the game on a USB stick because that causes big performance problems

Question; is it a normal bug for the serrated blade scrap to disappear from the inventory when you escape the serpent captivity? Is there a way to fix it?


we'll investigate on our end, but for right now there's no fix, you'll just have to find more or fight more of the enemies for it.



Question: i don't know if someone already ask this but, will this game be available outside of like steam?


We've no current plans in the near future, no.

I got poacher arm coverings after fleeing from the holding site (the place where I got captured in mission to rescue Garth). However, unlike the metal collar and nipple rings, the arm coverings do not appear in my arm gear section. Does this mean I am unable to unequip them no matter what? I like that piece of rubber though.


They are considered an "underlayer". You will find a person who can help you unequip them a bit later in the game, but you MAY need to remove other things before they can remove underlayers.


Back again with another bug I'm afraid. For the record this game is fantastic and I am having a blast! Anyway, I was brought to climax by a rouser flower but at the same time defeated by an insect. Upon respawning back in my camp my speed was still reduced to the speed while you climax. I resolved it by triggering climax at another rouser plant afterwards it returned to normal.


Ah, yeah... a bit of a fringe case but that makes sense. We'll try and fix as many of these examples as we can, so thank you for the bug report.

There is a glitch that causes me to lose everything after I leave the cave after the lizard boss fight, just like I got defeated.                                                          

Apparently, if I entered the defeated area and left, the game will think I lost and didn't pick up my equipment no matter what.

Thank you for the report, we're going to try and fix these tomorrow (developer is asleep right now)!

(1 edit) (+3)

This is one of the best NSFW games I've played on here, the gameplay loop of gathering and crafting/upgrading is engaging (which can be kind of rare in NSFW games imo, super smart choice making this an ARPG) and the spicier content is PEAK.

There are some nitpicks about hitboxes and glitches but considering the number of hotfixes already put out and the price-to-content ratio they're honestly negligible. This could already be a full game by itself so I'm floored there'll be two more acts! Obviously there's no rush, but I'm curious about your plans, do you plan on releasing smaller updates that'd eventually add up to an Act 2 and 3, or releasing 2 and 3 all at once sort of like Act 1?

Are all CGs based on me losing? Is there anything I can get that does not involve deliberate defeat?


Well, you could get accidentally defeated or stumble into a trap...

But to the question of content, all of it involves the player character being submissive / receiving, yes.

Thanks for the reply. Well, then I guess a suggestion/feedback would be to have a few instances where the player is not in such situation, maybe something consensual with a NPC in the future.

during the quick time events, i hit a and d / left and right quickly, but i neve succeed. I might've missed the instructions, is there something else to do?

There are two types of quick-time events. 

When you see a bar, with a thin line that crosses left to right, you need to press "E" with good timing.

When you see one that shows a left and right arrow flashing, you want to press a and d ALTERNATELY, so "left, right, left, right". Don't just mash.

Hopefully that helps a little. And if you haven't already please make sure to update your game to v0.105


If you can save it anytime and anywhere, I want to see the BOSS defeat plot CG, every time I am defeated, I have to start from scratch, and the collected material is gone.It's not as convenient as the GROVE game.

If you deliberately want to lose, maybe you should leave your valuable items at home before you go.

There is also a gallery at the end of the game that you may enjoy freely, with no need to unlock hints like Grove.


I do have one question so far, I of course unlocked the first vendor, then saved the companion of said vendor, who then went away and promised to come back certain days. I've spent probably 2 in-game weeks now and nobody ever came by, is there a specific place the vendor appears that I'm missing?

Please update to latest version v0.105 we believe we might have solved this issue.


Yes, said update fixed it, thanks!


Awesome, glad to hear!

This might sound dumb, sorry if it is, but how do I drop things? My inventory and chests are full lol


Pouch, Utility, Item Burner


Ooo thank you :3!

(1 edit)

I'm enamored with it. There's issues, but the kinks are right up my alley. A few ideas:

- I'd imagine the UX problems like the menus or friction around crafting are due to stretching the RPGmaker engine to it's limit. Have you ever thought about switching to Godot? (Big stretch but I'd offer my coding skills for free.)

- I understand that the extraction mechanics are there for a good reason, but since the crafting is rather frustrating perhaps breaking all of your armor when you lose instead would be a better choice? As it stands I avoid equipping anything if I'm going out into a new area, as I have no idea what I could encounter.

- It feels like early game storage space is painfully small.

Other than that, I love it. The art is consistent, makes most other adult games simply pale in comparison, and the way the bad ends are handled seems to be on my exact wavelength. I can't stress it enough, the art and writing combine wonderfully, the density of each scene is perfect, and the dialogue never gets cringy, or takes itself too seriously, or not enough. Keep doing what you're doing, it's beautiful and I can't wait to see what comes next.


Thank you, thank you, for the feedback and the praise! Really appreciated on both accounts! :)

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