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The game seems to be incredible but the problem is that I have difficulty speaking English and I wonder if there will be a French version?

Because that's what stops you from buying the games.

There may be a French translation later, we have a volunteer who is working on such a thing, but it will take a while I'm afraid. We have no estimated time of release.

Dumb question ahead!!!

How to use ranged weapons 🤔 I equipped the bow, the arrows are in my inventory, I clicked to choose the wanted arrow but on the screen was showing 0 ammo (and yes, I do know how to switch ranged weapons).

Sorry for my stupidity but where did I do wrong? 😥


You need to hit Reload. That's the 'R' key or the 'X' button if you're on controller.

Step out of your tent and try reloading.

What should I do to enter the next stage after the swamp queen is over?

Check your Tasks. It should explain what to do.

I want to find a scissor drawing to pierce the blocked area, where can I find it?


You can find the schematic for Flimsy Shears in the lair of the serpentfolk, deeper in the swampland. You'll need to do some 'hidden' jumps across the water, and knock down some wooden bridges to get there.




We hope to have some translations completed by the end of the month...!


Will the game get some mutators at some point? Like disabling losing inventory on expedition loss, or have infinite storage at base. Right now I find myself being held back a lot of tedious inventory management.


Hey I wonder if we can have easier access to more shards in end game? I want to get all the accessories but that requires A LOT of shards, let alone the crystals. Grinding really kinda ruins the fun. Really appreciated if the accessories could be easier to unlock.

btw how can I get Resonance Crystals?


Okay I know now. Defeat the green monsters in savanna and there is a very small chance to obtain the crystal. The drop rate sucks


Cleared the game. AND as a little tiny hamster, I really hope to REMOVE the capacity cap of the base chest!LOL

played into it a bit and really like it tho i have a little issue. it runs very laggy for me (and im pretty sure its not my pcs fault cause it handles bigger/heavier games with ez)...any tips on how one might change that cause there are some situations where that becomes really anoying. im losing pretty much every grapple/escape minigame thanks to it

Make sure you're on the most recent game version, if you aren't already. Also make sure you aren't running the game off of an external harddrive or a USB or anything like that.

In terms of grapples, if it helps at all for the left-right one, try not to spam the buttons super fast. You want to go at a rhythm, about 240bpm or so.

Otherwise... we're really not sure what to say. We've been wrestling with the game's node webkit version, trying to find the version that is the most performant, but what works for some is worse for others... really sorry about this, truly.

oh thats actually helpful already ^^ 

im to used to the "just fucking spam it" tactic for the left and right thing from other games that probably is the reason why im failing there XD

will also try pulling it of the external drive and see if that helps. ^^

(2 edits)

love the game but i got to ask is there a gallery pland for the game at some point so you dont have to beat the game 1s ? so you can look at what you unlock wile you play. or a intro skip for plp that got to start over and just start at the big tree?

Thanks for playing. I'm afraid we have no intentions of bringing the gallery forward. We've considered an intro skip but.. such a thing can get quite messy and buggy, so we've opted against it for now.

Tried the Demo and just bought the game. Will my save be accessible in future updates? (Love the concept, keep up the good work. : D)


We'll aim to have all saves of ACT 1 compatible with future builds. Thanks for giving it a go!

- RegalBuster

I bought the game then played it for a good ammount of time i dragged it to my home page of my screen I dont know if that did it but evry time i try to play the game it just says i need to extrract the files, so i do it but it just say i need to extract the files over and over again. if someone could tell me the problem that would be great

When downloaded, you need to right click the folder and extract the contents of the game into its own separate folder. Running the game directly from the ZIP will cause your saves to not be retained when closing out the game.

Alternatively using the launcher to download the game will allow you to run it directly from there without hassles.

- RegalBuster

Are there more than one Relic Fish atm? I've been fishing all over and can't find anymore.

You need to have the second Seastrider quest active in order to unlock the source of the second relic fish. They're always in fixed locations separate from the normal fishing spots so keep an eye out for one with a purple spark.


Thank You!

Where can I find the gallery?

Finishing the game will unlock the gallery for you.


ok this is stupid and I might be blind but where can I get a water bucket XDDDD I am in serious need of farming right now...

IIRC You get chance buy visit leftside of steam map(cabin one), southern one of savannah map or buy from fisherman from cave in the southern part of stream map(part that require 3 rope to access)


Google translator incoming)

I bought your game and I am very impressed! It is sad that it is the same as in most games. Erotic content is not an achievement, but a consolation prize for losing. If you play perfectly, you may not see a single erotic scene. All that remains is to look at the tied main character, but all these items on him are just food for fantasies.

Also is there a version planned for Android? As far as I know, RPGMaker allows you to easily transfer the game to mobile devices. It is hard to enjoy such games on a large monitor) Industry problem) I also wonder where I can suggest something for the game. Discord?

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please help, how to get another accessory?

All i have is the rubber servant

Get defeated by enemies, or captured by traps, visit the Shaman and ask him to disenchant things for you.

If you haven't got this option yet, you need to keep playing until you find the Shamanistic Toolkit and give it to the Shaman.

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Then i think i get bug. because i asked him for lot of time. I aslso max his relationship and got Toolkit for 4 hours ago, i play for 9 hours already. He didn’t get me any thing after disenchanted 

Should i replay

Have you looked in your Accessory Case? When the Shaman disenchants items, he puts them inside there. It's in your menu.

Deleted 152 days ago
(1 edit)

hey, minor issue

game seems to be stuck in light mode on the newest patch (aka if you're in windowed mode it'll always have the white bar on the top). also for some reason isn't affected by hdr anymore, so with it on it's noticeably darker. not game ruining, as turning it off returns the game to normal brightness/contrast, but it's only slightly annoying.

Is it possible you might make a version that removes or severely lowers the difficulty of the QTE's? I'm unable to progress because the QTE's are just too hard.

(1 edit)

Do you have to re-purchase the game in order to get the latest patch?

Nope, you don't have to re-purchase the game. You will get update of the game when you buy it once.

There are some janky pixels in some of the defeat scenes: in the writhing mass scene, the frame under the name defeatCG_Wmass_Alt2b has a couple of pixels that are the same color as the one in the defeatCG_Wmass_2b file near kivus' tail hole.
Here's a visual example of the frames from demo and act 1 version of the same charger defeat scene:

The rest of the scene is also like this because the wings got replaced with spikes
Love the art btw :)
But that's all, for now...

The replacement of the 'wings' is intentional, it's an older design that we tweaked. So as long as it's not erroneously flickering between the two in the Full Version of Act 1, this isn't an issue.

Thanks for bringing it to our attention nonetheless.

I think what Eben’gradec means is that there’s a bit of missing and errant green outline in the edited version, just below the centre of the image.

Looks like it may have been not fully adjusted to the new shape.

This and also the chargers' right side is missing near the arm as well

Is there a Korean translation scheduled?

We may be able to create a machine translation, but we don't have any volunteers to help us for a more bespoke translation...

We're a little reluctant to release ONLY a machine-translation version of a language, as it feels a bit lazy and unprofessional, but we will at least consider it if more people speak out for such a thing.

Thank you for your comment!

Help :(
I burned my bucket with the item burner, is there anyway to get it back? 

You can buy buckets from fishermen

Spoilers ahead

I wanted to ask how I can get the self relief scene with the latex suit on because I have tried every related gearpeace and strangely it didn't work. My second question would be whether or not it is possible to climb the Wall in the northern most area in the Glistening Stream Area.

I finally finished the game alas I hoped it would never end and the gallery function seems to be missing 3 misc scenes that I really liked. I know you will eventually release a brilliant gallery in the coming updates and maybe it has already been reported but just in case:

1. Self Relief Scene (3 Versions)
2. The 2 CGs from Kwolos Essence Receiving Mission
Hmm actually there are 2 more but these scenes are so short that maybe they don't have to be in the gallery.

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Go accessory case in utility to take of the one u bought, if not that one go to shaman camp. U can’t go to climb that wall in this version 

Deleted 153 days ago

遡れるコメントに限界があるようです。水の入ったバケツを倉庫に預けた状態で探索で失敗した。すると水の入ったバケツが消失し、入手した場所にもなく装備も修理できない。バグでしょうか?以前のセーブがないでので最初からやり直さなければならないでしょうか?( ;∀;)

There seems to be a limit to the number of comments that can be traced back. I failed in an exploration while leaving a bucket of water in a storage room. Then the bucket of water disappears, and it's nowhere to be found and the equipment can't be repaired. Is it a bug? Will I have to start over since I don't have a previous save?( ;∀;)

You can acquire new buckets by finding a fisherman merchant. He is in the caves in the Glistening Stream locale.


Thank you!I love you, your talent, and the game.

This game is great. Very attractive and overpriced and satisfying.

I can't find the Braided Rope Bundle of ladder material to go to The swamp lands, it no longer appears in the Glistening Stream cave. Where else can I get it?

I am Japanese. I apologize if the text is strange because I am using machine translation.

need 3 braided rope bundle

The initial map already has


Thanks for letting me know right away.

I was able to make a rope and go to The swamp lands. thank you very much.

Braided Rope Bundles can be crafted at home, using Scaletree Bark Chunks. You can also find some Braided Rope Bundles in areas and treasure chests in the Glistening Stream locale.

The other material you need to create the ladder is called Flexwood. It can be found in the Shimmering Savannah locale. It looks like a small 'forked' tree.

Thanks for letting me know right away.

I was able to make a rope and go to The swamp lands. thank you very much.

如果可能的话,我想使用 partoon。



额……买了以后在右上角选项卡里面的 my library 里面直接点 download 就成了啊。怎么可能更新一次买一次啊……就dlc大厂也没你这么黑啊……LO


I absolutely love this game, and finally completed the game on v0.109.
I then updated the game to the current v0.113 and it does not work. I tried what SirIzike has mentioned with downloading the nw.js files into the Prowler folder, and still nothing.

Oh now its popped up but has come up with Error: EPERM operation not Permitted, and pointed to persistent.rpgsave


Make sure you're not playing it in a cloud folder. If you're unsure, drag the zip onto the desktop and give that a try

- Regalbuster

I had it in the main program folder, and it seems to have been working fine until this update. I'll try other other places though

I tried a few other methods and nothing has worked. I have restored the original file I had it in to 109 and it works fine again. So I don't know whats wrong with 113. Which is really sad because I was looking forward to hearing the new VA and the other new additions


From a quick study into the EPERM issue, it seems having the game in the main program folder causes this problem. If you haven't already, try completely reinstalling the game and putting it somewhere else on your computer (putting it in Programs first before moving it can cause some read-only issues to persist)

Another potential thing to just check is... have you made sure to unzip / extract the game first? EPERM relates to not having permission for the program to 'write' changes, in this case to the persistent save file. It sometimes can't do this if you haven't unzipped the game first.

The only other thing I can think of that may cause such an issue would be, worryingly enough, some kind of malware or issues on your computer... so if all else fails it may be worth trying to do some computer cleansing.

Hopefully some amount of this is useful for you!

(1 edit)

I don't know how I got it to the point where it gave the EPERM warning. I remember it only started loading after I added the save files into the V113 files, but of course came up with that EPERM warning. But before, and currently the v113 folder will not even launch the game itself. Currently it will just give an Application error (0xc000007b). If I replace the old game.exe with a renamed (to game) nw.exe file it won't do anything, no errors, nothing.

I also noticed that in the old folder of the v109 there are additional files like a Chromedriver, nwjc, nacl64, that aren't in the current v113 files or the previous versions, or the nw.js folder mentioned in one of your other comments.

I just don't understand what's going wrong here, as mentioned I have it working on v109 now. Very confusing

(1 edit)

I got a question, when there are new patches, how can I update to the new version without losing the progress I had on the previous patch? (Like how can I update my save files in the new patch?)



Prowler is definitely the most interesting game of this type I've ever played! I wrote these words after completing the final task of Act 1, some of which are my personal thoughts and suggestions for Prowler, and some of the questions I had during the playthrough. I'd be very happy if the you liked some of the ideas!

I love Prowler's plot very, very, very much! I have two doubts about the plot that you can ignore if they are very relevant to the key plot later. The first question is about why Kivuli was chosen as Chief. In fact, I don't really understand why the old chief would prefer Kivuli, and from the background, Kivuli is even weaker than the old chief and his pack-brother Sumari in terms of physical ability (from the plot where Kivuli feels inferior because he can't jump over a long stream), isn't this very "deadly" for the chief of a prowler tribe? Mentally, Sumari often calls Kivuli "Pink Fin", and judging from Kivuli's conversations with other NPCs, he doesn't seem to be as mature as other Pack-Brothers. Are there some particular reasons here? The second question is somewhat related to the first question: when did Kivuli want to be bounded by Sumari? Kivuli's text when he can't sleep says that he recalls his growing desire to be bound as an adult, is this the result of the Poacher's mark or was it already in Kivuli's mind before the Poacher appeared (if the answer is the latter, then making Kivuli the chief is even more confusing)?

Some of my suggestions :

1. About item burner. Personally, I think the name of this feature sounds a bit confusing, and it might be more natural to just "throw away” the items. Also, it may be more convenient to add a discard option when selecting an item rather than setting an item burner separately in utility .

2. About item making. The weapons and outfits are really sexy, but don't seem to help the game itself very much? In other words, the benefits of crafting weapons and armor don't seem to be high enough.

3. About waterskin. Is it possible to set a separate button to use it? This is probably the most abundant and useful supply in the game (a sort of fixed supply), and the constant use of utility option seems to disrupt the rhythm of the battle.

4. About map design. Some meadows or mountains don't seem to have a very good difference in elevation, which can be a bit of a problem for pathfinding.

5.About the difficulty design. The gradient of difficulty from the stream to the poacher's fortress seems to be a bit steep. Personally, I used the method of getting enemies stuck behind trees to kill the poacher, but that doesn't seem like the "right" way to play? In short, some "prep exercises" or hints may be needed for some difficult parts.

6. About the game text. The sense of atmosphere that Prowler creates through text is fantastic, but it seems that there is room for improvement? For example, in different scenarios, after Will Broken, could some text be added to express that Kivuli will never be able to escape again (perhaps like after being defeated in the final battle in Act 1)? Or is it possible to add some special dialogue with NPCs in Kivuli's special states? It's a bit strange that Kivuli is covered in purple sludge or in a "hard" state, but the NPCs still remain extremely calm. Personally, I think it's expressive that all the elements of the game can be explained in the backstory! While many games don't care about these details at all, Prowler makes me feel that most game designs have the basis for the background story, and I really want Prowler to take its excellent atmosphere a step further.

Whoa, that's a big review. Thanks for taking the time to play through the game and tap up all your thoughts like this.

As the writer for the game I can answer some of these things. I can tell you that Chief Maku absolutely had his personal reasons for choosing Kivuli to be next in line, reasons that may become more apparent as the story progresses.

I can also tell you that there's a bit more explanation to Kivuli and Sumari's relationship if you take the time to 'accidentally' walk into all three of the net traps during the prologue.

Finally I can say that I did have the desire to add some conditional dialogue to the NPCs regarding Kivuli's status, but the amount of background programming it would take for just small pieces of dialogue, and that I'd have to make said dialogue both flavourful but not get in the way of character relationships and important instructions, it just ended up being way more work for the comparatively minimal gain from it.

I found the little trick from Sumari at the beginning of a new save, and it also looks like a foreshadowing? So Prowler looks like it's going to be a big story . Again,I really like the lot of ideas you have designed in Prowler!

When can i bang garth again?


When Act 2 arrives, maybe...!

I have already paid for it. I also want to ask if this will have a Chinese version

We are still working on translations. We wanted to wait to have a stable version of the game before beginning translation work.

Please expect translations towards the end of the month.

idk why but new update game doesent open

IF you're running into issues and you're using Windows 11, follow these steps:

1. Download the latest 64 bit version of nw.js from here

2. Drag the contents of the nw folder into the Prowler folder

3. Delete the old game.exe, and rename the newly pasted 'nw.exe' into 'game.exe'.

4. Run the new 'game.exe' file

ooh i see thank you so much :3

Will we ever be able to do it with the npcs? I really like the fish dude lol.


Not in this act, but in the future, maybe!

bug report, now the green key don't exist in a new game after i drag the passed save into new version......

by the way, will it be possible for a evil story path in the future? work for those intruders and corrupt the left uwu

and what's the time recorder for the jizz collecting machine for (i mean will it charge some machine elsewhere?


You need to drag the persistent.rpgmaker file across as well, that stores your end-game data


Great job, I’ve bought the game! Will Chinese be added in the future? There is Chinese in the warning at the beginning, but not in the content, which is a bit of a shame.

Chinese machine translation is coming in the next few weeks, around the end of the month...!


Review (some spoilers)

Finished the game not too long ago! It was superb. The story was an instant emotional hook. It (almost) made me feel bad knowing what constant lewdness Maku and the rest of the tribe would be going through. With the final boss bad ending only reaffirming this with how changed and corrupted hunter Maku is. I already desire more from this world. Wanting to know more about the Gardeners and Interlopers conflict. (It seems they've been around long enough they've moved from literal ropes and rings as traps to drones and turrets!)

I can't wait to meet more species and characters in this world to feel it really fleshed out and unique. The few wild pact factions and bandits we got to meet was very cool.

The art and game direction is also fun. It felt awesome to discover things and slowly upgrade a base and relations with the other characters. 


My only iffy thing about this game was some mild grind, equipment storage, and tonics: I wanted to get all the accessories but with 500 scrap charge + 1 resonating crystal for pure cosmetic (besides the latex stuff I suppose) seemed way too grindy for me but maybe not others. Like, for instance, finding the super secret end game suit with the green key only to get it disenchanted into cosmetic doesn't come with any or a weaker version of what it was. Just doesn't feel worth it in the long run, personally.

My other compliant was that it felt like their should have been a wardrobe for equipment. When moving onto the next tier stuff I felt cluttered carrying it all and one bad ending would get rid of everything. To clear up my inventory when I got new gear I'd wear my old gear and purposefully get beat to lose all my stuff (but it seems the most recent update at least addressed getting rid of old stuff with item burner).

Lastly, this isn't as big of a deal cause it's only preference but I felt like the only tonic I ever needed was the blue one to get quick step or mobility perk because being able to traverse the map quickly pales in comparison to any strength or special move buff (and this is even more so for when resource collecting to grind for scrap or fish). 


Other than those, I'm totally excited for Act 2! Thank you for your time reading this Devs! :3

And thank YOU for taking the time to share the review! Thanks for all the kind praise and reasonable critique, and most of all just for being willing to pay and check the game out and play through to the end!

how do i update my game without having to restart

nevermind, i figured it out, i think

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