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how can I get rid of swamp goo full suit? I mean, not partial one. I think I'm near end game, yet no clue about goo suit removal.. my kivu has been climax denied for more than month..


The Shaman Kwolo can remove it. It's considered an underlayer. You may need to pay for him to remove any other cursed items on top before he can remove the underlayer.

thank you!

I have a question!

How can I get through the cave in the picture?

And can I save the enemy who was trapped in the savannah? If so, how can I save him?

The enemy in the savannah cannot be rescued, sorry!

To pass through the cave, you need to find two items nearby. Gather them both and bring them to this spot, and you will see a new interaction...

Deleted 156 days ago

I went into the cave hole to fish and got stuck again... Can you tell me what to do?


The fisherman tells you what to do. Find his key, then you can leave.

I finished the game with 31 hours of playtime, but I'm still trying to discover all 39 types of fish, get Kivuli to level 20 and acquiring at least 4 inert metal fragments

If someone can tell me where to get those fragments, I'd really appreciate it

thanks in advance

Those fragments I believe can be found on the 'Sentries', enemies in the room full of pillars in the Stream dungeon.

I already farmed those sentries a bit to get the loops, I thought you only get loops from them and never got fragments... now that you said that they started dropping them. I got the Neon Uro easter egg before I got the fragments to drop AND I got to LVL 21 before I got the last fragment, so I could craft the bar piercings... Chief, I think you have to double-check that loot drop table.

Is there a way to sell old items to dismantle them? 

If you're talking about equipment and weapons, then I'm afraid not.

Sorry i use GoogleTranslate comments me not good eng i have all the materials for the quest how do I continue the quest?

You need to interact with the fireflies bellow your makeshift bed on your screen (you must have the material at hand, also).

I don't know where Collapsible Crafting Bench is

I would appreciate it if someone could answer!

It's at the Old Prowler Camp sublocation, in the tent at the bottom-right of the area.

When you pick it up, it will be in your Utility section of your Pouch, so make sure you haven't already grabbed it.

It's inside your tent on Dusk-Prowler Camp (on sub-locales), it's the tent closest to the wall's entrance.


Burning items doesn't immediately update your weight capacity, meaning you can't pick up stuff after you burn something to free up room.

We're aware, and hoping to have a solution to the problem with our next update (coming Monday approximately!)

I can't find this one. Can you guess what it is?

(1 edit) (+1)

IIRC it's single captive piercing from get caught by the same trap but you don't want to get caught into holding room or fail the expedition. Just get caught on old binding once and leave the map

Thanks to you, I found the last one!

I have a couple questions. 1. IS this purchase only for act 1 and then act 2 will have to be purchased, or just sort of an early access for the entire game when it release? 2. Any plans to remove the requirement of captcha bot from your discord, or add another way to verify? I don't trust bots or websites that want to me to log into discord.

It's a one-time purchase which will get you access to the future Acts.

Neat! What about the discord? Is there another way to verify then the bot?

I don't think so. One of our mods handles all that stuff. If you don't want to trust bots or websites, that's totally fine. 

I would like to be able to participate in the discord though, the game is pretty hard and I want to be able to ask for help. :<

Why not ask here?  Plenty of other people are doing so and folks are helping each other out.

So instead of being a reasonable person and asking for help and giving feedback in the comments like so many other people are doing, you decided to drop a 1-star review of the game? All because you couldn't join a Discord server where we want to keep bots and bad actors out, and have almost six-thousand other users who are there giving feedback, praise, critique and more.

  Thanks man, real mature. 

I can tell you the issue you're having with your problem with the left-right QTEs can be solved by pressing the buttons rhythmically as opposed to spamming them, roughly at the pace of the on-screen icons flashing. But if you've given up on the game all because of that one issue, there's not much else anyone can do for you.

Where can I find Serrated Blade Scrap ?

(1 edit)

Deafit foe named Trapper

In the Swamplands. You can get it from defeating the Trappers / Serpentfolk. Once you befriend them, you can buy it from them directly.

Found this exploit (I think):

If you go to the corrupted hut in the swamplands after defeating the boss, and kill some of those respawning enemies while having the green tonic (not sure which exact effect it was), the shards they drop seems to multiply after every kill. I had over 700K shards after just a handful of kills. Nothing game-breaking though.

Yeah, we're aware of this one and will have a fix for it in the upcoming update in a few days time.

I Think You can add some breathing sounds when playing CG. 


Update coming soon...

Spoiler warning for people who haven't finished the game but. 

I've encountered an issue where after crossing the green gate at the interloper fortress in the savanna. And using 4 time to enter. I can't seem to move after that. I can attack but that'd about it. I was wondering if there was a way to fix this issue

Please update your game if you haven't already. We've seen reports of this bug in the past and we believe we've fixed it.

Thank you for the fix. Is there a way to transfer save files from the previous version?

Yes! In the game download, go to 'www' and then find your 'save' folder. Transfer the contents from the OLD version to your NEW download!

I played through you last game (as far as possible right now) and really enjoy this one.

Especially per xbox controllers the lags while fighting are crazy. But i have seen you adressed this issue in other comments.

I would still recommend what i recommended in the Demo:

A "Take all" "leave all" item swap button would be a dream for the Chest.

Also i think the Chest really is not big enough , what i understand, it stops you from overhoarding.

But my biggest problem is that i cant throw away old gear with the itemburner. They are not marked as Items to burn away. Sadly that means they take away even more of my low ammount of storage.

Sofar iam really happy with my purchase and wish you much fun with the devolpment.

Sorry for my bad english.

PP: Iam kinda stuck at the quest where you resque the merchant yellow lizard. I tried arrows and others to shut down those blinding lights. What am i missing?


Thank you for playing! We have an update coming in the next few days that may address some of your issues.

When rescuing the merchant lizard, you will need to push boxes and reset the lasers several times. Boxes will block certain beams so you do not need to turn them off on the computer.

I hope that hint helps and thank you again for playing!

What's the purpose of the resonance crystals? I've gotten three in my playthrough but I haven't figured out what they are used for. I've tried interacting with the interloper doors that have a socket for something, but that didn't do anything.

They are used as a currency with the Shaman once you unlock the accessory case for some services.

Hi, Is there a way to skip the tutorial?

where can i find the merchants again? i saved the hot iguana man from captivity but i have yet to encounter them again.

There's a bug in older patches of the game that makes them not show up again, so it might be that. You can migrate old saves to new patches by copying everything in the saves folder to the new version.

well i never played the older versions of prowler so am i screwed?


You shouldn't be. Just make sure you're on the latest version, v0.109, keep playing through the game and they should eventually reappear. It takes them a few days to turn up but they should appear.

We've also got another update coming out in a few more days that should help too.

Returning to the campsite after going to the swamp will cause the game to go completely black, but the menu can still be opened

We're aware of this and should have a fix for it in the upcoming update in a few days time.

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maybe i'm asking too much, but i hope there will be a guide to finding equipment and accessories, many”??????” make me crazy. And i hope there will more about chastity


I was able to purchase it successfully! Thank you so much! Thank you for the wonderful game!

Thank you for playing!

Deleted 158 days ago
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u have to done task i forgot with one 


you find it when you go back to your old prowler camp in sub locale


dusk prowler camp. visit your tent.


every time I attack or dash, there is game breaking amount of lag. it's not like I have this on USB or something, yet it happens..


Yeah, sorry, we're looking into this and we'll hopefully have a new build ready over the weekend to make things a little more performant.

Where is it that you get rid of Items? I cant seem to find the Burner.


Go into "pouch" and then go across to "utilities"


So having now got the "hut." Two things really stick out. 

1. You go a while in a new game before you can save. This could just be me and how fast I read and look around. It's a minor things. 

2. The inventory space at camp needs to be increased by at least 50% maybe even 100%. I am assuming this is to stop players from hording materials then mass crafting things. As it is now I go out only for 1 thing then come back. Because of the limited space while trying to build one thing. And I don't want to discard things I know I will need later. It doesn't help that throwing items away is a bit round about. 

(2 edits) (+1)(-1)

The camp can be upgraded as the story progresses, with a maximum of 70 items that can be stored - enough for most needs.  I hope the camp can grow different fruits or store different fruit piles. Add furniture EX: dining table.

(2 edits) (+1)

Early on as I am it's not enough. And it's pissing me off because once I destroy something to make room I need 2+ later. So I'm in a loop of go out for just 1 or 2 things then just leave since I don't have the space. And by early I mean the chest is 35. Before that it was annoying but I could understand why. But I had to look up how to discard items. Add no real way to quickly see what and how much in game. It wears after a while. And it dosen't help I haven't seen a bucket since the 2nd time I ever went out. So 3 things in the safe zone maybe 4 are usless. 

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

You can take a photo with your phone or a screenshot with your computer...   Throw away useless items and focus on collecting items required by a recipe.


Since I am unable to see the future. Knowing what I will or will not need later is impossible without outside information. Having a limited carry weight and chest just leads to. I don't know what the creators want the loop to be like. Or fucking make it so you can expand it with screws and wood after getting the work bench. It's a strange restriction that I am guessing is due to the program used. If it's a choice to keep players from already having things and force exploration then another problem comes up. Go get the 1 thing and then leave right then. I don't think that has any real effect other then to waste time. There is no reason to fight anything other then exp. Because whatever they drop would take up the limited space. If this is to keep from hoarding items so if you lose you don't instantly have everything back? Fixed by just loading a save. If it is to keep me from crafting multiple new things after an unlock? To force the exploration level up? If so then could the hold amount go up to? The little quirks don't get to me as much as this dose. 

So all that to say. All this dose is create a situation that just wastes time loading in and out. Just to get one thing I had but don't or not enough. Because of a limited to a chest I can't see the reason to after hitting the 2nd upgrade to the treehouse.


Cuales son las recetas de las comidas? no eh podido combinar ninguno xd


Honey goes well with many things. So do fish and rice. Try sour berry jam with meats.

Hope that helps.


A really beautiful game, made whit passion and care. A clear skill growth from their previous work.

In this game there are everything, crafting gameplay, base upgrading, interesting main and side story. I appreciated the post advanced civilization ambiance. The only thing i find difficult is money making loop, some actions require too much money, maybe i don't get it, i don't know.

I hope this project will continue in the future, i'm trilled to see next chapters, and the improvement they will bring.

keep up the good work    


Thank you, thank you, it's very humbling to hear you think it's a show of improvement!

When it comes to money, don't forget to sell things to merchants, fight enemies where you can, and look into improving green tonics with the Shaman for a special kind that improves money gain...!

Otherwise, thanks again for playing and the very kind words!

I need help.The main task told me to look for a way into the swamp, but I couldn't find it.What should I do next?


With two braided rope and two flexwood sticks, you can fix the ladder at Kowolo's place and thus unlock the swamp as a locale.

Thank you, but my question is: Unlocked the swamp, but can't open the last gate of the swamp, now I don't know what I should do.


Some wooden bridges can be knocked down with a ranged weapon, if that's what you're referring to.

The pathways that are blocked with rubbery straps require a tool, the schematic of which can be found in the lair of the serpentfolk in the north-east of the swamp.

Thanks. I'll try


Hello, enjoy stuff you make, very nice game. I have question and a problem. Question: Are you planning to add some femboys in to the game like bats from grove? Please do. Problem: the moment i hit with basic attack any enemy game screen freezes for a second of two , providing window  for free enemy attacks and this makes fighting very hard and frustrating.

Where can I find Bowed Metal Limbs?


Wooden chests in the Savannah!

Thank you!

(1 edit)

I have defeated the final boss.  lol .    But I haven't collected many items and the favorability of various NPCs has not been filled up. The story is a bit short XD。 The overall gaming experience is very good。Too bad there is too little background music, The trap cannot be destroyed.

Traps do not capture NPCs as background。 a Simple Guide for easy stuck Task  

1 creat bonfire  

2 defeat cave pink lizard, 

3 make tool flimsy pickaxe 

4 Destroy large rocks 

5 Through the Relics (-8 time) 

6 go to sub > dusk ... camp 。

7 go to sun ... saveannah get tree Material x2, and go get rope x2

8 back the shaman's camp fix the road/ladder Talk to the Forest and then go home

9 now u can go murk swamplands find tool flimy shears Recipe

10 take the flimy ... tool at  murk swamplands  The second (map/Scenario) go right size  open the black rubber door .

11 help the Snake Tribe, Improve Favorability and then u can get a task go to kill the 5 Intruder and 2 Loot(i forget what is it name )  at the  sun... savennah (The third map/Scenario)

12 u can go the murk swamplands last map/Scenario get the helmet now u can go to the last BOSS

13 last BOSS at the sunsavannah  last one remains 。

14 the 5 Intruder (hint) YOU Can Use the environment to trap/stuck monsters

Is there a guideline

Just wondering if anyone knows an easy way to build up reputation with Sera-Vasir's trappers, having a hard time cause i can only find two spots with the tar and one of the spots never seem to have it when i go there


Tar Sap will only grow once you explore the local area. When you hear a twinkle and see blue text in the bottom-left, that's when it'll be around to collect.

It can also be bought from the Shaman as well. And making and wearing Rubbery armour found in locked chests also helps, as well as buying 'latex services'.

Hope that all helps!


that's perfect thanks


There is usually four in the largest (second) area of the swamp in the sort of bottom left corner, they should be ready for harvest after you visit the area with Sera-Vasir's hut.




You can buy tar sap from the shaman


Thanks for this!


Patiently awaiting the release on Steam, as I currently do not have the option to make a payment on Itch


Question to the developer: If i want to move save file data from version V0.108 to a new version V0.109 is it possible or do you have to start over?


you can copy save from 'www' > 'save' folder and put it in new version


Ok thanks for the info.


Amazing game indeed❤️ I really enjoy Arts and gameplay(quite grindy but not bad)! It took me almost 24 hour gameplay to complete all. Thx for creating this game! Can't wait for the next act but I knew that your team gonna continue on Grove after this. that game also amazing~

Ah also in lastest version while I try to complete the food recipe it really fun to finding all but it's took me awhile cus of some typo in item description. 

-Like instead of Sweet Berry Jam labeled as ingredient item it's the Sour Berry Jam one that got labeled but actually no use in any recipe. 

-Same as the cooked swamp truffle that also in use in recipe but not labeled as ingredient.

-making mushroom riceball also got item named fishy rice ball on obtaining screen but the item is still mushroom riceball.

So it's mostly small typo i found. But I hope you find it helpful.

And I got a clay cup too! don't know what it does tho XD

Love from humble player!❤️


Thank you very much for playing and for exploring the cooking section of the game! 

Sorry about the inconsistencies... lots of things changed as we worked on them, but we will try and clean it up for future updates!

(1 edit) (+2)

I just finished the game. After playing it for the past days since it launched, and my god. In my humble opinion, as a fan of you guys and your previous spectacular work with Grove, this one surpassed all expectations

Seriously, there's not a single game I would rate higher than this, and I'm a massive lewd game collector. Truly and wholeheartedly wish your team a nice vacation and smooth sails on the production of the next chapter.

I loved I so muxh i paid extra and bought a copy as a gift to my friend ^-^. You guys should absolutely open up a Subscribestar, or a patreon just to receive monthly donations, I surely would support all the way I could!

Anyway sorry for the massive wall of text, 20/10 game, loved it. Recommending it to my own supporters too. 



Thank you, thank you! Massively appreciate the overwhelmingly kind words and buying a gift for a friend! 

We haven't got a monthly donation thing 'cause... we're just hobbyist game devs and don't think we'd have enough to show month to month. We'd rather donations be freely given than in a sort of expectance of content since our personal lives make that hard to achieve.

Nonetheless we appreciate the sentiment, and thank you again for playing!

Some CG seems to be missing from the gallery, such as the troubled CG of Maku Chief at the beginning. Have you considered adding such content to the gallery in the later stage?

I love this game, thank you for making it!


Probably not... we don't usually add story CGs, mostly because they're a bit pointless without context and because it'd bloat the gallery massively.

But thank you for the suggestion nonetheless, and thank you especially for having played the game!


I love this game, but when I try to link joycon to play it I can't seem to attack and dash, hopefully this can be checked.


We... never made any claims the game would work with Joycons. We've only tested it with Xbox controllers, I'm afraid.


This game worsened my hoarding problem 10/10



And sorry!


Great work! I really like this game so far. Poacher Boss bad ending feel somewhat sweet, I must be corrupted by interloper :3.

I have encounter a bug. After telling Garth that they can go find the shaman to remove interloper's corrupted equipment, you can still trigger the corrupted Garth event at night. if you refuce the urge, you can tell them again to find the shaman for a cure, even though you have already told them, and they have already thank you for doing that before. 

And Keep up the good work!


Thanks for the feedback, and the praise! Glad you enjoyed it, and appreciate the bug report too.

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