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Also, there's an exploit where you can deposit more berries than you have onto the berry pile, so you can just deposit 20 even if you don't have that. 

Also, does the gallery work in the same way that I remember Grove's gallery working? such that CG's and enemy encounters in *any save* were accessible from any gallery?

Prowler's Gallery will be completely unlocked when you reach the end of the game, regardless of if you witnessed the scene in gameplay.

Hello! I haven't played in a while, but in my old save (I've started a new one) I had a game-breaking bug involved with a permanent loss in movement speed after getting slime-suited. Was this ever addressed? I'm scared I might get my new file bricked. Couldn't tell if it was explicitly fixed, at least for newer patches.

We have tried our best to fix these issues, but they are "edge cases" so we may not have fixed every cause.

Also, the new updates will not fix your movement speed if you are already slowed. It should PREVENT it from happening AGAIN however.

Really enjoying the game so far.

One suggestion I have is only items that are marked as an ingredient show up in the item selection for the cooking pot.

It would declutter the inventory if it was full of other stuff, making batch cooking more straightforward and making finding new recipes less tedious.

also bulk crafting would be great for arrows and stuff :)



If I buy this version will I get every update after this one?

I'm really surprised by the adequate content you have made! And I wanna ask would there be something like "gallery" in the future? It's really helpful to check if I have collected all the scenes and to rewatch them.

There is a gallery available at the end of the game that shows off the scenes, even if you have not personally witnessed them in gameplay.

Thanks for answering! I just started playing and am working on finishing the game.


It would be even better if each different area had its own "late homecoming" animation!


glad to see the game supports more languages, but the current translation is not satisfactory. Is there a plan to recruit translation teams or involve the community in translation?


Yes. We have kind volunteer groups working on translations. These machine translations are a 'placeholder'.

We're very sorry that you feel the current translation is unsatisfactory. It is the best we can do as we do not speak the language, but we can assure you that better translations are being worked on!

how do i get the third tool, i have the flimsy pickaxe and the flimsy sheers but what is the last one and how do i find it?

Third tool? I believe there's only those two. Check your crafting guide.

Is there no way to drop/discard items ? Tried about everything and I'm confused as to how are you supposed to get rid of the items you don't need. My chest and inventory is full, am i just locked out of the playing the game now ?


Pouch -> Utilities -> Item Burner


...please give us a little credit as developers... do you seriously think we'd make a game where you pick up ten items and then can never pick up any more?

There's even a message that pops up explaining this very mechanic but I guess you glossed over it...


No ill intentions, i did start the game few days ago where the text had wrapping issues, so i guess i didn't see it because of it. It would be a bit more intuitive to just add a "drop" button though.


I apologise for the bug in that case! A drop feature would be the best case scenario but will be in the works for a while due to engine limitations. We might try to have the prompt appear a little more often

- Regalbuster

Thank you.


I hope the maximum limit of bag and storage capacity can be increased, and the stats of enemies can be lowered. The strength of enemies in the second chapter map is much too high. Also, the process of repeatedly gathering resources is a bit too long. It would be great if the resource requirements could be reduced a bit...


The maximum limit of the pouch and storage capacity can be increased via upgrades throughout the game.

Remember to actually USE the things you're gathering, to make improved weapons, armour, and cook healing items to help with combat. And know that the best defence is outright avoidance!

Also note that green and blue tonics can be useful to improve movement / dash speed, or increase your capacity for carrying resources.

There's ways and means to make things easier for yourself, so do give them a try!

Congratulations on version 166!

Unfortunately, it's running choppy and doesn't seem to work properly on my AMD core windows 11.

Please make sure you are not playing the game on an external drive, as this can cause performance issues. Try closing background programs, and anything else that may take up computer performance.

Otherwise... I'm sorry, I really don't know what to suggest. We've been trying to find the best performance target for the game, but what works great for some people runs poorly for others. We'll keep investigating but we can't make any promises.

Hi! Played some of the demo and found it amazing and want to buy the game but wanted to ask some questions first.

1. Is the 8.99$ the set price or will it increase as more content is updated?

2. Can you elaborate on the "and a little more..." part of the content warning? I personally don't like surprises and am queasy about blood.

3. Is there/Will there be a roadmap available in the future? If it's on Discord, can you put it here too? If there's none, that's fine. 

4. Is there/Will be there be an option to turn up background brightness without brightening the UI too? Especially at night (in-game).

Sorry if you already answered these questions. Thanks in advance :)


$8.99 will be the set price for the game. It won't increase as we add more content.

There is no blood or gore in the game. The "little more" includes hypnosis, implied mpreg, but they are only brief moments so we didn't want to get people overly excited for them.

We don't have a roadmap, no. We're two hobbyist developers with day jobs and studies so we can't really commit to such a thing.

There isn't a brightness setting, no, sorry.

Thanks for the answers :)


Hello again, just finished to play the act 1 and God, what a game. I higly recomend you all to buy it and play, it was worth even more then the price it is, and also it provides a really good amount of time in playtrough. The early grind is a bit of frustating, but eventualy you get enough materials to reduce a lot this grinding.
About the story, really well written, it is addicting and entertaining, thanks for the amazing game. (can't wait for the next act)

hey, just a quick question. as i read that u completed the part one. would it be possible for u to mail me the save files from your game? As i'm unable to beat the final boss even after 57 tries😭😭😭. my gmail is

Sorry, I don't know how to find that file I'm not good with stuff like these :(


I liked this game. Would recomend.

Fighting is kinda ok, unless you stuck in some small room with no place to dodge against range enemy, until you meet guys who spam DODGE aka INVINCIBILITY FOR 5 SECONDS LITERALY EVERY 8 SECONDS. Also cooking is too complicated to bother, resource gather at the start is torture and farming at camp provides shit rewards for time invested.

Rest of the game is pretty good.


dev add femboys, thanks you


where can i find serrated blade scrap?


You can get them from the swamp land from either defeating the lizards or buying them from the shop after helping the lizard leader.

will mac version be made?

Yes! We hope to have a MacOS version available in a few weeks time.

Yay!!! Thank you!

Am i just blind? can't find the broken claw to make the stitched sheets for the shelter at my camp site.


Broken Claws drop from "Chargers". They're an enemy that doesn't appear until you have defeated the pink spitter miniboss inside of the cave in the Stream!


(1 edit) (+2)

Does anyone know how to transfer the saves over to the new updates? 

When ever I download the new update for some reason it doesn't have the previous saves I've had.

The instructions are just very hard to understand as I've never done this before, I am usually a steam player but seeing this game come out on here made me want to buy it instantly.


It's nothing crazy complicated. Here's the best way to do it.

Download the newest version of the game. DON'T delete your prior version yet.

In the prior version, open the game's folder, then the 'www' folder, then the 'save' folder.

Copy EVERYTHING inside of the 'save' folder.

Now, go to the new version you downloaded. Open the 'www' folder, then the 'save' folder.

And paste all of your saves into this folder!

I did this and it worked, tysm. Great game and great devs

(2 edits) (+2)

hi... i think ive got a bug that doesnt let me go at normal speed... when using allure ability just in the moment when getting kidnaped for low hp... youre get stuck with those stuning effects even if theres not any persistent status aliment on kivuli... tested in v0.114... is there a way to fix that bug manually or should i wait for you to update the game??

Try going to the Rouser plant (the pink flower in the swamp) and wait for the lust gauge to max out. My speed returned to normal after that. v0.114

(1 edit) (+1)

thanks godness for your fastest answer!! ill try it rn...

edit: thanks you so much!! finally i can run again...

OK, I think I missed an area.  I went through a full playthrough and never saw the Lurkers or Seastrider Kai--I'm told that they are in a "cave" and "underground", but the closest thing I can find is the Underground River area under the dungeon at the Glistening Streams, and that seems empty.  

(Also, is there a way to find a key for the door at the back of the fisherman's shack that sometimes appears in the Glistening Streams?)


All your questions are related.

There's a place that requires 3x rope bundles, which will lead you down to a cave. The cave most certainly isn't empty... you need to do some jumping, some sliding down ramps, and some looking for items to build a noisy distraction...

Good luck.

I am rich in rubbery straps, but i can't find where to get rubbery slabs T.T

Once you help the snakes, there will be a trader you can get them from.  

i helped the snakes but i don't see any rubbery slabs :/ 

im using the shop in the snake's main den area, i see a bunch of things to buy, but no rubbery slabs

there's a vendor that takes rubbery slabs or straps, i can find a ton of straps, but no slabs

(1 edit)

That vendor isn't taking them, he's GIVING you them in exchange for Tar Sap plants.

You need to find Tar Sap from plants in the Swamplands, or buy it from the Shaman Kwolo.

Then you bring 4 Tar Sap to the snake vendor, and he'll trade it FOR a Rubbery Slab if you select it.

guys am stuck I cant find scaletree bark chunk :)

On trees in the Stream locale. Look for a bluish outline on free-standing trees.

Dumb question, how do i get leather chestbinds off? :D

Need to find the Shaman, Kwolo, and ask for his removal services!

Oh right! Thank you.

Also, how do i get an accessory case?

oh nvm!

how did you get an accessory case?? i would like to know too...

It's under Pouch->Utilities.  (It might show up only after you meet Kwolo; not sure.)


Hi devs, 

I've been waiting for this update since last year, and enjoy both this and Grove.  There's a substantial chunk of new content, and I like it a lot, and the plot development.  I like the dynamic of having various third parties other than you and Interloper-controlled creatures, whether they are allies from the start (Hu-Mina) or able to be won over (the snakes).  

And the defeat scenes are hot.  Can't forget that, of course.  :)  

I had a few comments/suggestions, which are mostly not about the main gameplay itself, but the UI:

  • Menuing feels a little clunky--it seems like there are more menu steps to get something done than needed.  Some of this feels like "game engine defaults", so I don't know how easy they are to change--but if you can change them, they would help make the player experience feel smoother overall.  A few examples:
    • Exploration menu - it would be great to just have a single list of all possible destinations (or, one for main destinations and one for side destinations), and be able to select the one we want.  As it is, to get to the Swamp we end up having to select "Next" several times, each of which loads a new menu with a single option.  
    • Crafting - I played last year's version, and allowing crafting using materials from storage is a welcome improvement.  Ideally, the crafting menu would (1) not have a separate display/craft submenu for each individual item, but rather would display all the info upon *highlighting* the item, and select-to-craft, and (2) give a handy heads-up display not just of the required materials, but how many of each you have (including both inventory and storage).  That way I don't have to remember the recipe, check inventory, *and* check storage to figure out what materials I still need.  
  • Related to menuing is text speed.  I'd appreciate a configuration option for instant text speed--but at the very least, consider instant text for non-dialogue (e.g. for showing the description/recipe when crafting).  Yes, I realize I can just press a button, but why make me press that button?

These seem like little things, and they are--but they add up over the course of a playthrough and I think can make the game *feel* a lot better to play.  

I answered the survey question about play time, but I wanted to caution against using raw play time as a metric without context.  The things I mentioned above--as well as things other commenters have mentioned about limited storage etc. causing a bit of a feeling of "grind"--serve to artificially lengthen play time, but reduce the quality of that play time.  

Despite how much of the above is criticism, though, rest assured that I do enjoy the game and am looking forward to future updates!

I'm loving it! Quick question, can you get the guy out of the cage in the bandit camp?


Sorry, you can't free that fella.

What about the Reaver that's being held in the Savannah camp?

He cannot be freed in this current version.


GroveDevs, Firstly Id like to say what an incredible experience! The combat system is very different takes some adjusting but I found I quite enjoy it.

I don't know if its just me or if this is a genuine bug but my characters spines/arrows will auto fire almost every time when closing any in game menu. What could I try to remedy this problem?

A bit of a long wait but the experience I've had thus far with the game feels well thought out very awesome work to all of you ^^

Thanks for waiting, playing, for the kind words and praise!

Regarding your bug, can you confirm what button you're pressing to close the menu? And if you're using keyboard or controller? We've had one other person mention this but they didn't provide any further info...

Absolutely! I'm on the keyboard. The esc button, the mouse scroll wheel button and even the interaction button "e" to close out any in game menu triggers the spine to launch. But every now and then it doesn't but it's really random when it does.

OK, thank you for the report. We'll do our best to look into the issue...!

(1 edit)

7/10, Solid game its a little difficult to understand where to go at times but not that bad to figure out. The shard prices are a bit annoying with how little shards you get and selling stuff it not really worth it.

Overall its fun but a little grindy if you get stuck with certain cursed equipment especially when you lose all your stuff.


Hello! Been a while since I played an entertaining game like this, I played the full game and spent ~20 hours to complete almost everything. My biggest critics for now is that the grind is to much, you can increase the base storage (pouch and camp) by 5 and it would help or make the Merchants reputation easier to get but now we arrive at my biggest and most annoying system, the shards. The prices are to high and so I don't feel sorry that I cheated and got myself about 10k of them and resonating crystals because 500 for a disenchant is robbery! And i know it's just aesthetics but it's kinda a big part of the game appeal as i wanted to see how a fully acce'd Kivu would look like (not that good with everything on but still hot). I love the game and can't wait for the next act! P.S. if the economy is still broken in the future I still won't feel bad to cheat.


hey I'm having some trouble storming the fortress, I get in and stay hidden from the targeting gun as best I can until I shut it off and then I have to face the boss, but by the time I get there that targeting gun took all of my health and my only waterskin and a full stack of berries so by the time I get to the boss I'm at a sliver of health and I have nothing to heal with, do you have any tips or anything I should backtrack to do to prepare, I am using the jungle armor because I couldn't find any other schematics besides wrist guards dropped by a bug if there are any other items or upgrades I should get please let me know because I'm stuck here.   


A pretty easy set of schematics to get are the rubber set, all you need to do is build 4 sheers (like the one you used to get to the boat in swampland) and open the 4 locked chests on the map (1 is in a random start room). you will need a lot of rubber but it's a good set to have. And regarding the gun, if you pay close attention it has a 3 burst fire followed by a cooldown that you can use to your advantage.

I also had trouble.  

If you can craft the bowgun and/or better armor, that might help--unfortunately I don't recall where I picked up the schematics/parts.  Other than that, apples heal a bit more than berries, and play around with cooking--there are some foods that slightly increase your speed, attack, and defense, and last all day.  So you can eat them in the morning and still carry a full stack of healing items.  

For the automated turret, the key is to stay in the shadows or behind cover.  Use your dash ability to get between shadows, and once you start getting close to the turret, pay attention to the timing.  If it can see you (green targeting reticle), it fires three times and then pauses--so get in a location where it can target you but there's something blocking its fire, let it shoot the obstacle three times, and then you have a few seconds to push the block before getting back behind cover again.  

Trying to play this, but between the lag and having to use a point and click combat it became to frustrating to even pass the tutorial.

So hopefully in a next patch the lag is fixed. 

But the point and click combat is annoying for having to use a laptop mouse, and no access to other controls

You can use an Xbox Controller if you have one, which may make things easier.

Also make sure you're not playing the game off of a USB or external hard-drive since that is a big cause of laggy performances.

我真的沉迷于这个游戏,我迫不及待地想玩 Grove 的第 3 章,Prowler的第二张地图是否有任何更新,有更多的配件和服装?

A huge enemy that was supposed to be in the cave has disappeared on its own!

 Is it possible to meet him?

There will be a gallery when you complete the game to view missed scenes. You can also revert to a previous save if you need to.

Does the current version no longer disappear on its own?

I don't quite understand your question.

The large enemy in the cave shouldn't disappear on its own. You will be able to discover him if you simply walk to the area where he is... maybe you can see his shadow?


 I may have looked at it wrong.

 I will try again with another saved data!


Whats the sound at night ı cant find the source 

Deleted 150 days ago

They are vines on trees in the starting area.

Deleted 150 days ago
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