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I'm a non-English speaker who plays the game with translation in some places.

In preparation for the desert, I was given desert clothing and enchanted by a sorcerer. (I thought it was just a chat, so I skipped it without translating, but I guess it's done because no conversation has happened since then.)

However, I can't get to the back of the sandstorm, is there something I'm missing? Is there something I'm missing, or does the rope in the hole have nothing to do with it?

Dust covers are equipped.

Here are the steps to enter the desert:

You will be given 'Dust Covers' by talking to the Mercenary Commander, after you have completed the jungle.

You must take them to the wizard at the Inn, and he will enchant them for you and allow you to equip them.

You must return to your room, enter the 'Armoury', and equip the 'Dust Covers' from the crystal.

You can return to the 'valley', the area with the purple sludge and Shambling Mirages. Proceed to the top of the area, slide down the rope, and walk to the north to enter the desert.

Do NOT go through the hole in the wall. The entrance to the desert is the right-side.

I guess I didn't explain myself very well. I'm sorry.

I went to the desert properly equipped and examined the broken house and the hole I fell into, but I couldn't climb the underground rope and couldn't find any other place to examine.

Also, is it some kind of glitch that when I go into the desert, it's not hot, but when I go in and out of the shadows and broken houses, the heat comes back?

The place you are looking for is in the top-right of the map...

Walking around in the shadow areas, or inside the house, will cause your heat to drop. If you walk around for several seconds, there will be a sound-effect and the screen will get dimmer. That means you are cooling down!

Does the upper right corner of the map mean here...? I couldn't proceed no matter which hole I fell into...

And if you enter an area from a valley like this, the heat system itself does not occur.

Could it be that when I went to the Western Cliff Crossroads on foot before going to the desert, an event happened where I stayed at the camp again, and that's where the flag went wrong...?

help me pls ;-;

Please make sure you are playing the most recent version of the game (v0.203)

In the previous areas, you can find a pool of water. That water will cleanse you of the various stamina-draining debuffs, and make this fight easier!


Is it normal when entering the desert for the game to suddenly freeze up and move hardly at all?  I'm at the entrance but as soon as the last line ends I don't move much if at all


Love this game, keep up dude 

When you take the blue dragon on adventure, in the first scene, if you go to the spring to clean after fighting the first monster, the blue dragon will disappear, and it is easier to pass the electronic level with the mouse.

also a prefect game

So i let that happen by mistake and softlocked myself since kuno never respawned for his escort


Not sure if it's a bug or not but when you fight the Shambling Mirages in the North are you supposed to lose half your total HP and armor at the start of the encounter? It's making getting through this section really tough


It's a problem affecting every monster encounter after you reach a certain point in the game. New to this patch. I've seen it happen with slugs, mirage, worms beneath the desert, and a couple others..

Though when you're fresh off sleeping in a bed/tent, that first fight there's no issue.

Ah I see, I'll just wait for a hotfix/bug fix then because it honestly makes the game unplayable  with that glitch going on. I do hope the developers gets alerted to it quickly or I might send him a message

In case you didn't see, game has been updated. Bug should be fixed now. Make sure you use a save BEFORE the issues though, as I don't think it can retroactively solve them.

Does Grove gain corruption if you end up letting the brawler mess with you in the periphery jungle?

This game once again made me feel a lot of satisfaction, although when the bandage monster appeared, I was looking forward to seeing Grove wrapped into a mummy, and then maybe struggle? Or a struggling CG event.

It just reminds me of the treasure chest monster in the previous version. Or maybe there's a coffin somewhere Grove found, when player decide to check,Grove will be pulled in and tied into a mummy, and then maybe struggling, ejaculation, which will reduce some STM, finally if STM down to 0, you will enter an GAME OVER CG, in the end he will be trapped in it forever and continue to dedicate his semen, which is... awesome!

Of course this is just one of my kinky favor.. But speaking of which, I do LOVE water grappler GAME OVER scene, sooooooooooooo AWESOME!!

Oh and I want to ask, what is that "Personal Pocket Space" for? there's only two tables, and can do nothing. 🤔

Looking forward the next version, can't wait for it!! Wonderful job! If you do have Patreon, I will definitely support for sure.

Thanks a lot for the kind compliments and support. Really glad you enjoyed the game so much!

The personal pocket space is mostly empty for now. Just a little teaser for future updates.

There is no Patreon, but you can support the game via a donation after clicking 'download now', or you can directly donate to the PayPal address in the game description


oh , l forgot something you guys need to know . After l finish GROVE game the final end , l open Current tasks 

and then the task says in the picture :

Is there another story or it is just a bug . if it not bug , can you guys sovle this task  for me , thanks you.

(1 edit)

have you explored the desert ? this text should appears when you check your tasks before going to the desert.

if not you still have half of the update to enjoy ^^


10/10 as usual. My favorite part of the update is the slave suit fitting scene with the blacksmith. Hopefully we'll get a chance to be more intimate with him and the other explorers as the story goes on and Grove gets more corrupted. The other explorers also got some character development which does help the player care about them.   

I'm going to give some constructive criticism here, the enemy scenes have started to feel a bit similar to one another in terms of themes. This is still fine, and I am being nitpicky, as I still very much enjoyed it, but may lead the game to feel repetitive in the future. Perhaps future updates can explore some new themes such as transformation, domination, hypnosis, or mind control, etc to add more variation to the enemies.

This is also why I think the added scenes and character development of the other adventurers are a great addition, it adds depth and introduces new possibilities and maybe future storylines with other characters that can help the game fell less samey than just hunting for game overs. If you changed nothing, I'd still be happy, these are just my two cents.

Some issues I've encountered are that the naga's enthrall doesn't seem to do anything, and I had terrible lag in the sandstorm desert (which is probably my laptop's fault)


What a great idea !


Thanks for your kind feedback! Hoping to spice things up a bit with future updates, for sure... this is still fairly early days for the game, so I hope you'll enjoy what's to come in the future!

Also, do check out the latest update we just released. It should solve the naga problems, and should lessen the lag issues somewhat, amongst other things.

(3 edits) (+1)

"Spoiler Alert ! "

Hi , l just want to say it , this game looks amazing and fantastic . This is the first time l play this game and l play in 40 mintues , l love this GROVE game very much.

l hear this is a new version GROVE 0.2 game right ?, but if you planning next update new version GROVE game in 2022, l can help you for some idea for update GROVE game 2022.

+1.  l love all these characters :  Rinnal , blacksmith , Jaler , can you do more gallery three characters l don't know why but it look so awsome if you do more gallery three characters.

+2.  l got some idea new , can you do more control these characters , l mean is control hypnosis all these characters like Rinnal , blacksmith , Jaler and even Grove too, control hypnosis all three characters by using fruit or something else like monster or something strangely in the night (for example ), this gonna be very awsome if you argee this number 2.

+3 ok, this is the last idea , well l can see a lots like monsters , bandit and slime , but l have some brillant idea to help you planning next update GROVE game . can you make new monsters  something like big ,huge , muscle  ,... Can you make a ghost like a ghost dragon , demon , spirits anything else type for the ghost , some guadian and add some new monster control hypnosis all these characters like blacksmith , Rinnal , Jaler and Grove

 That's all these idea l can help you planning next new update GROVE game in 2022. l really love enjoy this GROVE game , l can't wait to see next update GROVE in 2022. 

after l finish this game , but l'm missing suit armor the middle , l cann't firgue out where to find it ? , l need help please, thanks you.


I'm afraid you've missed your chance to acquire this armour set right now. It's only available if you buy the 'plate base' from the blacksmith after you rescue him, and then talk to him again after the bandit hideout.

There'll be a method added in future updates for acquiring stuff you missed. But right now, you'd have to replay...

How do unlock the blue tick?


*mild spoiler alert*

this is probably one of my favorite update so far. i can get intimate with some of my favorite characters and the smut is really nice (my fave is the one with nel). the only thing that made me scream "WHYYYYYYY" is when we get the suit from the blacksmith. when he said he'll help put it on, i thought something more naughty than that scene would happen, but the writing is still really good.

tho i do found a bug in this version. even if i already got the scene with river tentacles, the chest in gallery didn't open. and it's not a bug but the blinking bridge at the last part is too punishing with such a small window frame for the blue tiles in the last zigzag bridge. other than that this update is really good and can't wait for the next one. i want to say some encouragement but i don't know what to say without making things awkward (sorry)


Thanks for the compliments on the game! Glad you enjoyed it, by and large. :)

have you guys slove this gold chest in misc room , l cann't firgue out how to unlock ? , l need some help.

maybe it's the one for giving the slime strip to the wizard. i don't remember exactly which one is that


Start a new game,and lose to the bandit on purpose in the tutorial.

l see ,thanks you

l need some help , the purple chest in misc room have to l unlock it ? , where can l find it , and of course the gold chest too . l jus don't know where to find it


I've got the purple one but can't unlock the gold one

Really , l didn't see show how, l can you show me more details how to unlock purple chest ? 

Deleted 2 years ago

I found a glitch that made me laugh harder than i ever laughed before. So, the box of unusual fruits in the village? Eat one before you go with the blacksmith to the bridge to the north. But don't take the hassle to walk, teleport. The dialogue of the fruit will screw with the travelling along the bridge. I had Grove moaning and c*mming during the dialogue of the blacksmith looking at the abandoned bridge. I've literally never laughed so hard in my life. The Jacksmith talking to the Blacksmith.

Thank you, Grove devs, i really needed the laughter and joy in this kinda rough time in my life, even if it was an unintentional glitch!

(posted originally on a wrong page, oops, sorry)


Known glitch... won't fix, because as you say, it provides some pretty fun results! 

Spoilers Ahead, do NOT read if you haven't finished the game (as of current post):

Anyone find out where the location is for the corruption peak scene is? For the purple chest in the misc gallery? I'm thinking it has to do with the tent that glows purple before you go down south to the wall area. Maybe max corruption? I'll try it myself but I don't really know where to find this.

Also, another side note: I also don't know how to unlock the gold chest in the same gallery. Hopefully someone has found it (or is it not in yet? Idk)

Absolutely love the game so far, this is one of the good ones folks, and I can't wait to see more!



Thank you


Thanks for the compliments on the game! Glad you enjoyed it so much!

Absolutely! I think that games like these (NSFW or not) that are smaller need more attention, and I like the story that's being made here. Plus I really love the ranger, poor guy has gone through the ringer lol!

I'm not exactly too sure what to do after I take the blacksmith North? I've explored the northern path but it keeps telling me to go the southern path, which I can't seem to find

Go to where you spawned. There should be a new path lead to the south.


Is there blacksmith gallery sex scene ?  Where can l find it ? , l really want to see blacksmith gallery sex scene ^^


Give the wizard at the inn a 'slime slab' from the 'slime dragon cave'. You can get a 'slime slab' by getting defeated (NOT GAME OVER) by a slime dragon, then using the fire nearby.

The slime slab will appear at the blacksmith's forge. Go and press Space / Enter / Click on it, and the scene will begin.

The other scene, you have to get the 'bandit suit tatters' from the bandit hideout. You get them by being captured and escaping, when you pick up your clothes once again.

Give  the 'bandit suit tatters' to the blacksmith before you cross the northern bridge, or enter the jungle... and then, at the end of the game, he will engage another scene with you.

why when i download  i download it in rar file can i download it with zip?



Hello, I was just wondering if it's possible to pass this point?

The colours change too quickly


Easy, you just need to go the white and wait , then you will pass it

Bug Report: if you leave Kuno and go to the spring, he'll disappear.

Which weapon would you say is better, because while I love the dagger, I want to upgrade to the Azure weapons and don’t know which is the best purchase

"Staggering Dash" doesn't buff attacks in its next turn

Bug Report: At the end of 0.201, if you go talk to Blacksmith after he give you skimpy covers, the standing pictures persists.

Is there blacksmith gallery scene ?  Where can find it  , l went Enter gallery and didn't see blacksmith gallery , can you guys show me where is it ?

The blacksmith scenes should be in the 'MISC' gallery, the furthest room to the right.

- RegalBuster

l see , but l went there the furthest room to the right  , l don't see it , can you show me more details while l'm playing ?

Things are such that there is a slave clothing CG is the need for blacksmith to trigger, but I found the previous archived to his clothes but later failed, I can only find the item number of items was 11 re-access to the clothes but couldn't trigger CG

I think I know what you're talking about, and yeah we're looking into fixing the skimpy covers unlock sequence from being locked away later on. Should be out with the next patch.

- RegalBuster

Thank you, but I want to add that if you don’t get the slave suit tatters in time and give it to the blacksmith immediately, for example, if you go to the bridge first, then it will no longer trigger the event for the blacksmith slave suit tatters.

Have you guys been there , l really want know and get inside , but how to l get inside there ? Can you guys show me how.

You have to rescue the ranger who gets kidnapped by a slime. He's in the previous screen to the north. After you do so, you'll get some corrupt underwear, put it on, and then head through the seal.

Thank you , it work


Have fun! XD

I'm gonna sound dumb as hell, but how do I play this? Usually there's an executable file but I can't find one.

(1 edit)

Download the files, extract them into a folder, and the game should be in there.

The main download is a .rar compilation. There's a backup .zip file linked at the bottom of the description if that's easier for you.

If you don't know how to extract folders... you'll need software such as WinRAR or 7zip.

(1 edit)

l really want to see 2 missing room gallery , can everyone help me please , how to l unlock gallery.


Those are still inaccessible for now.

l see , l will be wait for the new version Grove , the game very cool ,keep going ❤.

Oh,l forget to tell you something ? , is there blacksmith gallery ? , l really want to see it ^^


The blacksmith's scenes should be in the gallery, yes.

(1 edit)

l go Enter gallery  and l didn't find blacksmith gallery scene , can show me where is it ?

Every now and again, there's some text that doesn't wrap and get's cut off.  Though I'm really enjoying the new update so far!

 im on B04-21 CHAPERONE -Error- and it sooo laggy it gets to the point of barely playable and i cant get past it the level because of that one that have tiles 12 is impossible because of the lag and how fast it going, is there any help on this level


We're testing out a potential fix. We'll update when the update is ready.


This update came out very interesting, and quite large, although there were some bugs, but this did not greatly spoil the impression of the game. I would like to express my gratitude for its creation. And I want to ask a couple of questions: 1) Was there a translation into Russian? 2) Will there be more slimes? =) 3) When will there be a new update? =) As you understand, I am from Russia, and I would really like to have a translation into Russian, but even if it doesn't work out, it's okay, the game is very good without it. Thanks again.

Thank you for playing the game!

There is no Russian translation yet, but thank you for your interest and for playing the game. Спасибо за игру!

There will be more slime content in future updates :)

New updates will be in 2022. +Follow the game or for news

so what happen here? i just play this game and when i go to this forest it's just dark i can't see anything?

can someone help me?

Apologies, but mobile and Android are not supported at the moment. 


If you're using Joiplay, hold tap on Grove game icon in the main menu -> Edit Plugins -> Scroll down to YEP_GridFreeDoodads and disable it. Start up your game again and you will be able to see the map.

it's work ! thanks for that but actually i already past that forest even without see anything lol

Found a bug when you try walking back after teleporting back to main camp after saving kuno from the river and resting with the trio. It repeats the same recap sequence when you first head south. You also can't walk back to camp from the jungle area, only teleport within this section.


Does any one know how to unlock the purple chest in the last room of the gallery?


I also don't have any clue of how to unlock that scene.It mentioned something about corruption,so maybe it require  high corruption point to trigger the scene?

(1 edit) (+1)

My current corruption level is 7, that's not the highest number, so i started a new game to collect more of it using this guide, maybe something triggers if i will have a max corruption level

Deleted 2 years ago



Oh wow, just wanted to say how much I liked this update!

I first played it on a save game with 0 corruption, as I want to keep our poor guys save! But now I'm almost done replaying it with a save where I gather as much corruption as I can get and I was surprised several times by scenes that didn't lead to a game over but to a new scene, e.g. the one with the slugs. Also the "Oddities" are always fun and I'm very much looking forward to seeing more! 

Another thing I'd like to add is that I also like the attention to detail regarding game overs when others are around and their reactions. Though not every case covered, many are and they really add to the overall coherence and make me want to try out every combination.

 Two examples where one could add onto this are (spoiler!) one, where you have to clear the way for Kuno. As you clear the stage he could comment on your appearance as I'd imagine him to be a bit flustered if Grove has a green parasite wedged in his mouth :D And secondly, if you lose to the jungle boss, in the scene themselves I believe Kuno and Rinnal don't directly appear, I think them appearing somehow in the sketch or commenting would really add to the scene. And regarding those two: I find it funny that you can free them both, but as soon as you are trapped yourself they panic and it's game over :D

 But I realize that adding something for all these edge cases is an immense and ever growing effort, so I'm already surprised at how detailed it is! 

Now this became a bit long for a comment, but I wanted to share these thoughts. I find the story very intriguing and even got nervous at some parts. So keep going and thank you! 

(1 edit)

Being abducted by the slug will prevent the player from using the teleport or exiting the area. This happens regardless if the player already finished the corresponding quest in the jungle. This will break progression.

Please reproduce and fix. Thanks! :-)

Why cant i see gallery i had in previous version now in 0.201? i have transfered all that rpgsave file now I have all saves but gallery didnt show up

You have to beat the game again.

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