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Ok so i beat that south area of the Jungle completely and reached that area in the desert where i was teleported back because i didn't had good enough equipment to get beyond there. also talked to that hoodie guy who gave me some armor and now i'm not sure what to do next haha ^^;

is there still something else to do beyond that?

Be sure to talk to the wizard if you haven’t already, he adds the necessary enchantments for you to brave the northern region of the map. Once you have the set equipped, wander back to the north and try going through the gulch again.


Not sure if this has been reported already or if this is just me, but the area that's in front of Grove is pretty much impossible to navigate because the game goes through some serious slowndown for some reason. I've also experienced slowdown on the dunes area, but i'm not sure if it's just me that's going experiencing this.

Not just you. We're unsure of why this slowdown only occurs for some folks and not others.

Right now, best temp fix is to use mouse click controls, and close any other background programs you're running. Playing the game windowed might help slightly too.

Hey where did you find this area? seems different from the previous demo i played

This is a new addition to 0.2, but bears somewhat of a resemblance to a certain 0.12 area. 




I noticed something when fighting the boss in the desert with the corrupted wraps on. It's impossible to beat it without getting an auto game over. Is it possible to beat him like this

Head back to the safe room. There should be something to help you...

Except I can't, I can't turn back, it won't let me

I stupidly saved in the boss room

I figured it out, there was a glitch causing the wraps to 1 shot me

Thank you

Is there a .zip version of this? I remember the previous versions were .zip, and I can't seem to extract it on my pc

Backup download for you:


so I need to create a new save file?

There's a save-file transfer guide in the download. That should tell you what to do.

after you lost to a enemy the picture sticks there through out the whole game over animation >w<

(1 edit) (+1)

Be sure to download the new 0.201 version hotfix, this solves the overlapping game over issue.

- RegalBuster

thank you it works now xD

I'm in trouble because I don't know how to walk in the desert, someone to help

Stick to the right side and use the buildings and sit in there a sec. You should get an audio when you've cooled down.


One of the best RPGM games on this site.

Good character style, interesting story (Amazing right?), not usual mechanics for rpgm. ZERO sissified, futanari, and bimbo who's already pissing everyone off! Lots of bad endings and little things you might have missed. 

But why 4 and not 5 stars?

There are several reasons.

1)Too little customization of the character's clothing (and the amount of it in general. I'm not talking about a general skin armor, it would be cool to add more accessories that have their own little scene and effects... please...), you can literally wear either a ring or underwear... 

2) Want more permanent effects (or something like that) for the character, the same plants parasites that pounce on our hero or slugs... Want to get them on a permanent basis with a more safe outcome, as the same slime pants. (Grove slug-daddy with a slime belly looks just amazing, sorry that this is just one small end...)

3) Sudden, abrupt drops in performance... I don't have a weak computer, I can play many recent games but for some reason in this game I get lags...

So far so good. Love and look forward to further updates, the developers are good. Learning the mysteries of the world is as interesting as seeing the hero once again caught by tentacles

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The current build only goes to the valley right, after that we return with the blacksmith?  Also as much as I love the character he's kinda stuck on my screen like in a perpetual conversation along with Grove's image, maybe its a bug (looks like the first image when I walk around).  All in all I love this game its really well done, even similar games don't compare, I like how it run

Make sure you're playing the most recent hotfix, v0.201

And no, after you reach the sandstorm, the game tells you that you need protective equipment and teleports you back to the Quiet Meadow. That's your clue you need to go somewhere else... somewhere in completely the opposite direction to the desert, in fact...

...there's only so many directions you can leave from, so I'm sure you can figure it out if you just try.

(1 edit)

Thanks I'll look around, I have an idea of a certain small spot, and the hotfix worked.  Thank you, can't wait to play more! Not to mention getting to know Tuon more 😘

In this location the game lags so badly that it is impossible to pass.

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Can't update to hotfix 0.201. Directs me to the 0.122a version. (this is on the pc app.)

Same for me

See above reply


You'll have to get at it via browser for now. Sorry, not sure why this is happening, as the files definitely exist and we didn't do anything to tell it not to jive with the app.


This seems to be because you didn't specify a platform. Is it possible to mark it for Windows?


updated now, thank you.

Worked perfectly. Thank you!

Works now for myself.

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im on cliff side forest and the map become this how do i fix it :(( plz help it super annoying

Mobile isn't supported. Sorry.

aww that lame can you show me the cliff side map so i can go plz :3

It's not just the cliffside. There are many areas that would also be completely black. It's... not really an ideal way to play, 'cause you wouldn't see the scenes either.

Sorry. We'd support mobile if we could. It's an issue with joiplay.

ohh ok guess i have to play pc but thank btw XDD

If you're using Joiplay, hold tap on Grove game icon in the main menu -> Edit Plugins -> Scroll down to YEP_GridFreeDoodads and disable it. Start up your game again and you will be able to see the map. After getting through the area, you can enable it again without issue. I played Grove just fine on Android and just finished the latest version.

Game is really amazing and you can see all the hard works of the devs putting in it. Big horny energy in this 👍

ohhh really thank so much i will do it now :D

kind of a dumb question, but how do you teleport? Is there a hotkey for it?

(1 edit)

Menu > Items > Key Items > Documents Case.


Ive got only one scene left but i cant find any ways to unlock it. It's the second to last one at the rightmost room. I guess something to do with the new guy in Quiet Clearing and his tent. Anyone can help me?


10 corruption, interact with his tent 3 times.

can i know how to get corruption point? it's only 8 now.


you can get corruption points by going to the slime dragon cave, getting slime-suited, burning it off with the nearby fire, teleporting away to rest, and then repeating. It's slow but repeatable, if you don't wanna play the game 'properly'.

Thanks :D

May I also ask where his tent is?

Kuno dissapear when waiting for you, if you go to the upper room (some forest meadow).

Known bug. Working on a hotfix.

So I figured out how to get my saved games working, now, new issue. I went North the first time and got sent back by the Sandstorm. Met the new desert dragon guy, and was making my way back to the bridge to reexplore. When I entered the area with the bridge, the blacksmith is blocking my path. I can't talk to him, but if I try to run back to the previous area, it says "I better not keep the blacksmith waiting" and wont let me leave. I'm basically softlocked right now. Anybody had this happen, or know what to do here?

when you get turned back by the sandstorm, that's all you can do in the north. Your goal is to head to the south now.

Leave the Quiet Meadow campsite via the bottom-left entrance, follow the path out to the cliffs, and then head south.

I finish the south first, now I block at the sandstorm, that very needs an obvious mark that I don't know where Kuno wants to go. What item do I need to pass the sandstorm > <?

bottom-right of the river, in the jungle campsite area.

(2 edits)

I finished the South, just don't know the item, thanks anyway~

And after help Rinnal, I was don't know where to go, too XD

IS Protection ward? 

south from the broken wood bridge, into the wall, then go far right.

Deleted 2 years ago

The blacksmith at the maintown does the same thing after you get sent back from the sandstorm

A known bug. We're working on a hotfix. For now please use the 'documents case' in your Key Items. Teleporting anywhere shall fix the issue.

When I click on the exe it says "unableto find locale data files. Please reinstall" I did reinstall it and it still doesn't work

Please try this backup download:

I've actually got into the game with the winRAR, but thank you though!

Losing to a slug causes an infinite loop of loses.

Unfortunate known bug. We're working on a hotfix. Expect it in a couple days time.

Check the twitter accounts in the description to know exactly when we push it out.

I just passed the game, it's awsome

how can i get past  sandstorm


There's an item you need, that can be found in the jungle to the south. After you are turned back by the sandstorm, head to the bottom-left of the Quiet Meadow camp and follow the path...

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What are the changes to the previous content, besided the added new one? You mentioned some "touch ups" I think on Discord. It's just - I have saves from the previous version and want to check the new content right away, but also thinking of replaying everything from the beginning to see though touch ups)

You should start Patreon or sell the Early Access type of the game on Steam. The game is very good!

The various grapple scenes for each enemy now have new dialogue in them. So replaying from the beginning will give you some new details to read when fighting those earlier enemies.

I screwed up my progress big time can't go forward cause of the sand storm and can't go back to the inn cause the blacksmith is blocking the way back and can't teleport back either so I'm stuck. Looks like I'm gonna have to make a new game.


ive noticed a few glitches, mostly persistent images that wont go away, even if you change areas. they also persist upon reload if you save after they appear (most notably talking to the blacksmith back at the inn camp after returning from the sandstorm)

have the same problem with the blacksmith in the bridge area. i just teleported ant that seems to work if you go to that area after completing his quest.

rip didnt know i needed the old game to access my old saves XD.... welp gonna do it again cause ngl it was pretty fun.


I want to Android download it game pls, thx

Use joiplay

For those people who want to know what that is.


done download it,  so what next?


how can find it game and I don't know how to use for joiplay app? can you help me pls ? thx


In anticipation of the new version I'd like to leave this extremely important message to the devs:

Good job, and take some time off to rest now!

Does anyone have a problem with the black screen bug which appears when the MC goes to the Cliffside forest on PC ? I met that bug and asked on the Discord Server but there are no solution for that. What should i do ?


Will it playable on android? Can't wait to play it!


Sorry to deny you when you're so eager, and even named your account after it, but there won't be an android-compatible version of v0.2.

Simply put, a lot of plugins we use for visuals and mechanics simply just don't jive with joiplay. And if we removed them, you'd be missing features and parts would be unplayable.

Sorry. We'd honestly like to support all the folks on Android, but Joiplay just doesn't wanna... play joy.


oh i see , it's ok thank you for replying me !

Deleted 2 years ago

Its  great game, I originally donated $3, but man this game. Bought it a second time for another $10


Very kind of you to do so! Thank you :)


Just so people who aren't in the discord are aware, the next update is planned to be out around December 15th. Might be a few days before or after, but that's the date they're shooting for.


its not recognizing my save files for some reason, even though they are in the game's save folder.

I'm sorry to ask this but when the next update will be upload?


Before the year is finished. We'll give a specific time and date on our platforms, so make sure to follow and or join the Discord and get pinged there, OR just +Follow GroveDev here on if you prefer!

How do you get the slime dragons to slime suit you? I have been in 20+ battles and only the boss has suited me, none of the others have.


iirc you just let them complete a grapple orgasm while being at more than 50% stamina. they then let you go and if you encounter another one their grapple visuals will be different!


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I like the story so far 

And finally a furry turn based rpg with a bit of seriousness in it (that and tavern of spear) not when you are close to kill a boss, it gets angry and hits you until you have 5% of health left

I really like grove very much and ill wait for more updates 


do you think you'll be able to post a gallery for those of us that can't play the game or use chromebooks?

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