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(4 edits) (+1)

Love the game I wish the cooking and crafting had a numbered system like the item burner when you remove items to clear inventory space, instead of crafting/cooking things one item at a time. I'm really struggling to find cavern to Sera-Vasir (matriarch) saying a caven south west but I haven't been able to find it... I've been searching for a while I'd appreciate the help


It's not a 'cavern', but a 'coven'. You can find it in the Swamplands, to the far left of the main swamp area (where the music and title appear). 

You will however need some Flimsy Shears to access this area. You can find a blueprint for Flimsy Shears in the serpentfolk's hideout, where you learned about Sera-Vasir!

oh is that why there are areas tied off by that rubber? I already have the blueprints I just didn’t know how to access the other areas… 


Yep, you got it.


When I interact with the berry pile, 50 aita berries suddenly appear in my pouch. I'm pretty sure that's not supposed to happen? I can share the save file if needed, since it reliably happens every time I try it.


Yeah... it's a glitch we're aware of but has proven difficult to fix... for now, consider it a little bonus 'cheat' if you struggle with combat in game.

Deleted 36 days ago

Love the game so far, but I think I'm stuck af. 

I'm lvl 12, 4 hours into the game. I feel like I've seen everything so far a few times and I spent last hour checking if I've seen everything so far 100%. I even went the entire route to the dusk prowler camp 3 times just to make sure I didn't miss anything. I've also met the fisherman, got the key and a bucket. On the northern side of the main area there is a place I can't climb by myself and that's all I've discovered in the last 1.5 hour of searching. 

All my side quests are finished (last one was to harvest from the farm) and my main tasks still only say to Rescue Garth and Return to the Prowler Camp. I'm assuming the last curio I'll find after rescuing Garth, but I've no clue how to do that. 

Please help lmao

To rescue Garth you need to visit the Jungle Holding Site sub-locale. There's a couple of small puzzles to pass by involving security lights and laser beams.

Thank you for the answer!

Unluckily, I've no idea how to pass that either. I know that you can destroy the thing that powers the lights and makes them flicker, but everytime I try to run past them I get caught by them. Even if I'm seemingly out of range I get blocked by the rock on the upper side of the screen and can't progress forward.

You need to go up and through the fallen log near the top. I promise you there's a way through it, plenty of other folks have made it through! Don't forget to use your dash ability as well!

i lost my bucket after dying and i cant find a new one :(

nvm i got one from fish man. good thing he sells em and i didnt notice first time i traded lol

The game used to crash for times but uh some kind of magic made this game running normally now. However it's good to let you know this bug once existed and probably not solved...


I wonder will you find someone help with Chinese translation? It's hard to read text last time I played this game because machine translation is alwasy not very satisfying.


We have some volunteers working on Chinese translation, but we do not have an estimated time of release. Thank you for playing our game even with machine translation!

will you be selling the acts separately? or will we be able to experience the full game after buying this version?


The plan's to make it so once you purchase once, you get the rest of the acts!


Hello. I am a translator translating into Japanese. As part of my translation work, may I ask if this game was created using RPG Maker MV or MZ?


RPG Maker MV!

My deepest gratitude for your reply!


I can't leave any items that I want.


can you add a skip tutorial feature?

If I played the demo do I have to start everything again or can I use my old saves?


You have to restart I'm afraid!

I played the demo and it was great, Now I'm trying to install the Act1 version but it won't open...or at least it won't let me start the story. I already tried to fix it with the nw.js like describted on the side...but it won't work...please help xD

Same dude...the game just won't work and always glitch when I walk out the tent for the first time... :(

(1 edit)

We're going to be investigating this issue as soon as possible, but it may take about a week, as the lead developer is on holiday right now.

We're really sorry that this issue is preventing you from playing, and we'll try and have something for you as soon as we can!

If there is any kind of error message that the game is displaying, please let us know.

(1 edit)

It doesn't have to be fixed in some days, I'm fine if it takes some week, it's just that I was happy to play it xD So what happens is: When I press on "Begin New Game" seconds later on a black screen the text: "Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, open 'C:\Program Files (x86)\....\prowler-windows\www\save\persistent.rpgsave' For more information, push F8" appears. Even If I press F8 nothing happens..and I don't know what to do. I already tried to open the game as an admin.

(Edit)...Nevermind...Now I tried to start it again and this time it worked...I really did nothing different, but now it worked...I guess I just mixed something up? idk...but now it worked after i started it as a admin. Still thanks for your help and Happy New year :D

Oh! That is a pleasant surprise! Maybe some New Years luck?

I'm happy to hear it worked, and I hope you have fun with the game!

Where can i find a tool that cuts tough rubber strips

In the serpentfolk's lair, deep in the swamp. You'll need to do some jumping across the river and knocking down some bridges to make your way there

Hello, not sure if you're aware, but the berry pile is mega bugged - every time I interact with it I get 50 berries, which completely fills up my inventory and I have to burn them all...

Yeah, we're aware. The berry pile's been giving us trouble for a long while... we're sorry about that, we'll try and find a fix, but it's being a little difficult.

love the game so far but im going crazy! does anyone know how to get broken claws

You get them from Chargers. They won't show up until after you've beaten the miniboss in the cave in the Stream locale.

Please ask if this game supports Chinese Simplified?

We have machine translation version available currently in-game. 

An improved version is being worked on.

I didn't find the translation settings in the settings。

Pardon the confusion.

The Japanese / Chinese translation is a separate version of the game. 

You can download it for free by checking the link in your email receipt, or find it on your account, to access the game download webpage.

Understood, thank you for your doubts, sorry for the trouble.

(2 edits)

Hi there, loving the game so far. I can't seem to find a map to proceed to the next part of the game, I am at the part where I've rescued the merchants and one of the first milestone tasks finished. I've searched a lot of places but I can't find any trace of maps, any suggestions?

I am guessing that I need to find a glowing rock around the enemy's den in the glistening stream, but I don't think the rock is there..

Nvm, found where to go! Didn't account for the underground water flowing and thought it was just a small room ;P

(1 edit)

I don't know how to get this item. Please let me know.


Good day. I would like to leave my review.

I would like to clarify right away that although the conversation will be mostly about the negative, I really liked the game, below I will simply describe those aspects that irritated me. P.S. Sorry if I offended you in any way - I wrote the review through a translator, he could have misunderstood me)

1. Controls:

   1. I noticed that when picking up items from different places (and even different items, it seems), the game reacts differently to overload. In one case, you are told what kind of thing is in front of you, and in the other, you are simply told that you need to free up a certain number of places in the bag. The first option is still convenient;

   2. In most cases, I perform this or that action (for example, exiting a visited location) not by mistake, but on purpose, but it is done so that the "cancel action" option is selected by default. This is very annoying, because farming resources is a monotonous visit and clearing of locations, the head just tries to click on certain buttons faster to skip this stage, because of which I wasted a lot of time on what I canceled with an action, although I needed to leave the location / drink tonic and so on.

   3. It seems that the timing in the controls needs to be worked on, because I constantly miss in dialogues, menu items, when I'm in a hurry for the reasons described above. Perhaps it is worth making it so that dialogues are skipped with one click, and when it is necessary to make a decision (select a dialogue item, buy an item), the game waits a little (literally a split second) before letting me choose an answer.

2. Gameplay.

   1. I had problems with tracking stamina. Firstly, I constantly dropped it to zero, because The game doesn't inform you graphically (except for the bar at the top) that it's almost over, and secondly, it's not clear how long it will take to restore after it's depleted. It would be nice if it restored when your stamina was depleted, you would see it at least by the same bar, but you just couldn't use dashes and strikes.

   2. It's a bit tiring that when you run out of stamina, you literally can't do anything except run around the enemy. It would be nice if you could deal some weak blows to the enemy or somehow help restore stamina, for example, parry the enemy's blow so that it would restore faster.

   3. Collecting water and farming... To be honest, I constantly forget about this damn bucket) It would be convenient if farming was part of the process of visiting a location. For example, if grains dropped randomly from any enemy, and after visiting the camp, you were required to choose what to plant next, plus automatically harvest. It's just that with the current system, I really had a situation where it was easier for me to collect resources at the location, rather than farm them.

   4. Collecting resources is perceived as work. You need to constantly keep in mind how much space you have in the camp, and also manage it. It seems like it would be easier and I could concentrate more on the story if all this management didn't exist and I would just save all the resources until I was blue in the face (infinity), and when necessary, sell them. The inventory limitation is annoying, because the routine process of collecting is even longer due to the need to return to the camp, poke through all the menus there (save / sleep / collect resources), although in fact you need to farm a certain amount of some resource.

   5. The maps themselves are cool, but due to the need to farm, they are not enough. Not enough in terms of both size and variety, and in terms of the number of generated situations. If this were a roguelike with a million projectiles, where each battle is unique, then they would probably be enough, but again, because of the farm, clearing the same map for the 20th time becomes boring. Probably the most pleasant surprise was the enemies in the fields, hiding in the bushes - this is a cool moment. 

   6. Losing all your items when captured is very annoying. It turns out that there is only one option here - load the save. It seems that this should only work in roguelikes, where things can be easily found in the next tray.

3. RPG system.

I have only one complaint here) Your games have always lacked perks from character corruption. For example, I liked it when the character has almost all the items that are put on him when he loses, but it is almost impossible to play like that. It would be cool if the game became more difficult, for example, you would have to go through quick time events, but in return you would receive perhaps even more power than when using regular sets. If I'm not mistaken, then you begin to understand the speech of interpollers when infected, here you could automatically give a translation at a certain level of spoiled equipment worn.

4. Graphics.

Well, everything is nice here in general, but the only thing that is wildly annoying is the sunset. When you play at night, it just burns your eyes out in some swamp. Perhaps it would be worth adjusting the lighting for each of the maps.

5. Story and NSFW content

As for the NSFW content and plot, everything is great here. The animations are constantly surprising, and the setting and plot make you constantly guess what will happen next. The only thing is that it seems to me that the Groove was somehow more intimate and homely - I still remember the bun and the gatherings on the beach. But I hope we will get to this in the next acts =).

In general, I will wait for the next act, I wish you success!


When the game get out of it's development it will be free?

Hello, could someone help me with this, there is only one part left for the "gear", and I can't find where it is. Thank you.


Hello, the Prowler v0.117 windows JP/CN encounters bug, it shows this when I talk to NPCs, when I open taskboard or toolbox, or even the beginning of the game (when I start a new game). Please help.


This one is from the start of the game guide.

Hi, I just released an update for the JP/CN build, can you test it and see if it's fixed? It should be up in 5 minutes (no new version number)

- RegalBuster

It works now!!! Thank you, I can't wait to have fun with your excellent work.

(1 edit)

l reach the Interloper Fortress to defeat this final boss ( l think ), but i can't get pass it, it has a sheild and then something greenlight make me lose game over, is there a way to defeat this  final boss, l need some help ? By the way, this game is so amazing , l love it and even GROVE game too.


you need to keep the special helm you get that let you pass equipped.

you mean the special helmet blue, l tried but nothing happend, it's keep losing game over, it very hard to defeat this boss, any guide for help ?

(1 edit)

Thanks for the kind words on the game!

Berry198 has answered your question.


How find a way to pass through the Barrier in the Interloper Fortress?
I was in Swamplands...((

You need to complete the tasks in the Swamplands. Find the lair of the serpent folk, pick up a schematic for Flimsy Shears, and open up new areas of the Swamplands using that tool!

I found every gear schematic except one. If someone can tell me where I can perhaps find it...


Do You have a list for interlopers/sealed gear (green gear) how can i get those?, i have the green gloves, those that You get when You are caught at night and the belts for chest. Is there any form to get the sentry gear?

Just finished what there is to play of this game and I loved it! the scenes were so good and it was fun to play! Will keep an eye out for more updates of both this and potentially grove, or any new projects you guys start up, looking forward to seeing more from you and your team!


Thanks so much for playing, and for the kind words and review!

It's really hard! Playing is really great! But should we try adding more CG of oral sex, anal licking, and foot licking? It not only enriches the content but also avoids the boredom caused by too many insertions. I hope you can consider it more carefully and I would be more willing to purchase it. I'm sorry if these would make you feel uncomfortable!

Thank you for making this game! It's really fun and I will always support you!

Thank you for the kind words!


The game is great but I have a problem where my save files unexpectedly disappeared! Anyone have a completed save file so I can get the gallery back? Played the game for 14 hours and don't want to start over again to get the end save.

I am happy to play this game ♡ I will wait your future development

Thank you kindly~!


Played through the whole game so far, and I am happy to say it was well worth the money! Personally, I'm also really interested in the future development of this game! Good Job Devs!

Thank you very much for playing, we're very grateful for everyone who gives the game a shot, and very glad you enjoyed your experience well enough! :)

Sorry if you already know this.

I was able to deliver 20 berries in a pile of berries even though I only had 2. Is this a specification?

It's a bug we're aware of... and is quite a pain in the ass to fix... so for now, please enjoy the many berries to help you through the game!

wait how do u do it tell me I wanna try :D

  Max transfer transfers maximum transfer even when maximums wildly exceed available resources. ;p have fun.

I'm so tempted to dive into this after falling in love with Grove. But I was super disappointed with grove not having a satisfying romantic conclusions with the characters you spent the most time with. Before spending money and time on this game I think I would like to know in advance if there's any point becoming enamored with primary character arcs - or is it just mostly enemies that have interesting interactions like in Grove

(1 edit)

For what it's worth, Grove is far from complete and the romances far from 'concluded'. The romances in that game are intended to be story-long relationship building rather than quick sexual flings. Though of course there are moments like that should you lose certain fights...

If that's not your preference for romance, fair enough, but I figured you should know. That is also how we are handling things in Prowler: story-long romances.

(4 edits)

  Thank You. I - think that actually answers my question. Sounds like I shouldn't go into this expecting to find anything I didn't find in Grove - which, again I just wanted to know upfront. So far I've been enjoying this almost as much as I did Grove. 

 But, just to elaborate a little in response to what you said. "If that's not your preference for romance, fair enough"

  Quite the contrary, I absolutely adore the style of character & world building I found in Grove. Not sure if I just didn't expect to find a solidly fleshed out world & properly 3 dimensional characters in a lewd scalie fetish game - or, if it was just the right media at the the right time; but, either way I got way over invested in Grove a couple weekends back hahaha.    

  I'll 'try' to explain this without major spoilers - I'll just need to be a little verbose to avoid specific references. Sorry in advance for the text wall this might turn into.

   Right near the current 'conclusion' of Grove there's a point where.. the world/story starts to.. fragment?Optimistically, this is some of what you meant when you said Gove is "far from finished". Conquering new territory shifts from being challenging, feeling earned, and motivating return trips for more thorough exploration toward these smaller rapid-fire spaces (with really interesting stories to tell) but nothing to revisit once they're completed. (Which is fine. For the record. I'm just landmarking what part of the game I'm talking about for what I'm going to say next.)

  Then we get these significant character moments, kinda. It's more like each of the central characters had a lead-in towards some satisfying final character interaction - (Note: I'm not talking about something specifically NSFW. I'd like that, but it's not about that.). JUST when it feels like some sort of payoff is coming for many of the characters, you hear of strange happenings at night. Then Tuon, Jaler, & Bosc basically just run out of dialog. Kuno & Commander (Having welcomed the player into private spaces) promptly re-lock their doors & exit stage left. And, this wouldn't matter- except, Grove did such a good job getting me invested in these characters to begin with - it's a little unfortunate it doesn't do anything more with them in the end.

   All that's left then is to investigate the aforementioned "night time happenings" which leads directly into credits, and the Grove 2 teaser - which I assumed meant Grove was as complete as it was gunna get. Save for the obvious recent updates to language packs and stuff that is.

  But, what you're saying makes sense - and is a bit comforting too as you seem to be involved with/close to the development? It did feel like those final moments were leading towards something, and I guess maybe that something was just incomplete? It would explain why everything seemed to just get unceremoniously dropped right around the same time near the 'end'. If nothing else, I'm glad to hear that, at least sounds like, there's more content planed - and maybe some day I'll come back around to find more satisfying conclusions.

   But for now - it seems like I just need to tune my expectations accordingly. These games are genuinely impressive, not just "for a fetish game", or whatever - I mean that in general, there's loads of really well executed & thoughtful game design here, (Especially, IMO, in Grove). That's going to take time. Keep up the good work - and I'll look forward to the results.

In terms of building 'romantic' relationships with NPCs at the very least, Prowler is somewhat similar to Grove. But I would at least like to think -- as the writer for both games -- that the rest of the game's story and content (and definitely gameplay) has some differences to keep it interesting and not just a rehash or "nothing I didn't find in Grove".

Thank you for the praise re. Grove's writing, and your explanation of what happens. All I can say is that the reason the game takes the turn it does regarding NPC interactions is that, ultimately, we're an RPG first and not a Visual Novel, and we don't want the character interactions and relationships that should span the entire game being something you can rush and conclude well before the actual main game's narrative.

So those moments you've described in terms of interactions, they're a bit 'significant', yes, but far from the end. Just a milestone on the way of the overall relationship, which is intended to span the entire game. Prowler works in a similar way, where you can't build relationships past a certain point without continuing in the story.

Hopefully that explains everything to you as well as possible. And if you have taken the plunge and purchased Prowler, we're very grateful for you giving it a go, and as the writer I hope you enjoy the game to a similar degree, even if the content and context is different!

I appreciate this! Makes sense. Thank you for the conformation. And yes, I have picked this one up, and am diving in. I was always going to, I want to see more of the work y'all are doing. This conversation is more about me wanting to set my expectations according as far as what I'll find in games currently and what I should get excited about down the road.

Personally loving the scenes where Kivu's balls are larger~
An issue I've noticed however: When captured by the insects in the swamp, the slimed image seems to be overlayed atop the enlarged-balls image, effectively showing Kivu with two sets of balls; one engulfed in slime, the other large and pink underneath


It's the best.


Thank you for thinking so!

I've encountered a problem where my movement speed is permanently hindered, as if i got caught by an interloper. Is there a way i can fix this?

Not without reverting to a prior save unfortunately. And making sure you've got the game updated to its most recent version.

I don't know where to ask this so I'll do it here. which enemy has the monster bone as a drop? and how do I get the accessory case? I've been searching for a while and can't figure it out :P

//side note//

it would be cool to have a bestiary of sorts so you could check for which drops enemies have and maybe some lore on them 2 :3

nvm abt the case, i found it(yippe!!) but the other stuff i still dont know

Monster Bone can be found in the Savannah, in little piles on the ground. They're pinkish white carcasses found in a few areas.

i found em, thx a lot!

Congrats on making yet another very sexy game. Thoroughly enjoying it!

Thank you!

(1 edit)

Have you guys started work on act 2?


will this game be released on steam

No plans at this time.

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