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Question to the developer: If i want to move save file data from version V0.108 to a new version V0.109 is it possible or do you have to start over?


you can copy save from 'www' > 'save' folder and put it in new version


Ok thanks for the info.


Amazing game indeed❤️ I really enjoy Arts and gameplay(quite grindy but not bad)! It took me almost 24 hour gameplay to complete all. Thx for creating this game! Can't wait for the next act but I knew that your team gonna continue on Grove after this. that game also amazing~

Ah also in lastest version while I try to complete the food recipe it really fun to finding all but it's took me awhile cus of some typo in item description. 

-Like instead of Sweet Berry Jam labeled as ingredient item it's the Sour Berry Jam one that got labeled but actually no use in any recipe. 

-Same as the cooked swamp truffle that also in use in recipe but not labeled as ingredient.

-making mushroom riceball also got item named fishy rice ball on obtaining screen but the item is still mushroom riceball.

So it's mostly small typo i found. But I hope you find it helpful.

And I got a clay cup too! don't know what it does tho XD

Love from humble player!❤️


Thank you very much for playing and for exploring the cooking section of the game! 

Sorry about the inconsistencies... lots of things changed as we worked on them, but we will try and clean it up for future updates!

(1 edit) (+2)

I just finished the game. After playing it for the past days since it launched, and my god. In my humble opinion, as a fan of you guys and your previous spectacular work with Grove, this one surpassed all expectations

Seriously, there's not a single game I would rate higher than this, and I'm a massive lewd game collector. Truly and wholeheartedly wish your team a nice vacation and smooth sails on the production of the next chapter.

I loved I so muxh i paid extra and bought a copy as a gift to my friend ^-^. You guys should absolutely open up a Subscribestar, or a patreon just to receive monthly donations, I surely would support all the way I could!

Anyway sorry for the massive wall of text, 20/10 game, loved it. Recommending it to my own supporters too. 



Thank you, thank you! Massively appreciate the overwhelmingly kind words and buying a gift for a friend! 

We haven't got a monthly donation thing 'cause... we're just hobbyist game devs and don't think we'd have enough to show month to month. We'd rather donations be freely given than in a sort of expectance of content since our personal lives make that hard to achieve.

Nonetheless we appreciate the sentiment, and thank you again for playing!

Some CG seems to be missing from the gallery, such as the troubled CG of Maku Chief at the beginning. Have you considered adding such content to the gallery in the later stage?

I love this game, thank you for making it!


Probably not... we don't usually add story CGs, mostly because they're a bit pointless without context and because it'd bloat the gallery massively.

But thank you for the suggestion nonetheless, and thank you especially for having played the game!


I love this game, but when I try to link joycon to play it I can't seem to attack and dash, hopefully this can be checked.


We... never made any claims the game would work with Joycons. We've only tested it with Xbox controllers, I'm afraid.


This game worsened my hoarding problem 10/10



And sorry!


Great work! I really like this game so far. Poacher Boss bad ending feel somewhat sweet, I must be corrupted by interloper :3.

I have encounter a bug. After telling Garth that they can go find the shaman to remove interloper's corrupted equipment, you can still trigger the corrupted Garth event at night. if you refuce the urge, you can tell them again to find the shaman for a cure, even though you have already told them, and they have already thank you for doing that before. 

And Keep up the good work!


Thanks for the feedback, and the praise! Glad you enjoyed it, and appreciate the bug report too.


Played through the first act lovedi it, Hope they'll be special events where our main prowler ends us imprisoned for multiple days, along with an obendience stat for such days. XD

I would just point out that you seem to have it so that bark makes rope instead of vegetation. I'm guessing that's unintended.


Nope, Bark Chunks are meant to make Rope Bundles. It's based on real-world bushcraft!


Really? Huh. Learn something new every day.


how can i open this gate?


and another room on the right right northern side of this place...


Not accessible in this current Act!


so eager for the next update ˃ʍ˂

will it be possible to work for an evil path? such as totally surrender and defeat the good to corrupt them and even the secret guest helping us...~♡

trade jizz for weapon and equipment and so on uwu


Woah, how did you get that suit?


Wait, how did you get the full suit?

(1 edit) (+1)

finish the game and you can find the suit :3


I got through the game but don't seem to have found it, does it need to be crafted? Also what is the green key for?


it's just in the map u save garth, get captured and get off then go right side to the green light room


bought it and LOVED IT! The demo was nice, but the real game is ASTONISHING.

I love especially the losing consequences!

I just want to report a problem I had in the swam map, first encounter with a plant there and the game stopped.


Ah... that's no good. Alright, we'll add it to the areas for testing performance. We recommend in the meantime that you try closing the game, leaving it off for a while, then retrying to see if this happens again or not.


Tried and the problem wasn't there anymore! Now everything is smooth and...sticky ;)


Glad to hear it!

I know it's not a great fix but sometimes the game runs up a lot of memory and you just need to close and re-open it every now and then... doing our best to try and look into a fix.


How can I obtain this metal fragment? I’ve been wandering around in that open space for quite some time, but I just can’t seem to reach the metal fragment located in the upper right corner.


You need to visit several different zones in the Streams locale. After a while you should hear a twinkle and see blue text in the bottom-left.

Go back and check, and the item will have moved closer.



We hope to release machine translations in the next few weeks! Thank you for your patience.


Could I seek advice.

How can I obtain these two accessories?


max out reputation with trappers and finish their tasks will unlock them in their latex shop


Thank you so much!

Does not support Chinese?


Not yet, but we hope to have a machine translation in a few weeks time!

(1 edit) (+1)

If I buy this, will i get the other acts too?



Where can I find the rubber chest piece? (If there is one)


There is one! 

It appears in a locked chest, in an area to the RIGHT of the main swamp zone (the place where the music and title appears).

This area requires flimsy shears to enter, and there is a 1/2 chance of it spawning. You're looking for an area with a serpent, some boats and wooden platforms.


Thank you


Another small bug, if you attempt to head out on an expedition with max pouch capacity but select exit instead of proceeding or stashing items then the overlay for the locations on the map remain on screen.


Oh dear... thanks for the continued reporting.

I am also looking forward to the release of Grove

If we follow the general game, this game is very good, but the 18+content is too little, and the collection process is too complicated. We have 4/3 of the time to collect items, and if we die, we will lose all equipment. This is not in line with our original intention of playing the game. It is recommended to include some of Grove's mechanisms in this game, and we hope to improve it in the second part


I've played the game until the end and I still can't make a bowgun i only found two 2 part of bowgun one in first forest and one in savannah i guess there are 3 parts that need to be found to assemble the bowgun.

if anyone knows where the last piece is, please tell me, or if not want to make it too easy, just give me some clue.

(To the developers)

I just bought this game yesterday and I really like it, it's one of the best games I've played.


Logic would follow that if one piece was in the Streams, and one piece in the Savannah, then the last piece would be in the Swamps, no...? ;)

Thank you very much for purchasing our game, too! We're really pleased to hear you enjoy it so much!


I wonder if weapons like the crossbow that have in demo also available in this one or can we use our save data in demo.


Demo save data cannot be transferred.

The bowgun from the demo is still in the game though its location has been moved.

Bought the game, just gotta wait for a mac version now


 i cant buy this masterpiece game bc im in russia :(


I encountered another bug. I escaped the containment room in the Savannah and it triggered the end of the day sequence when I made it out. I got lucky and apparently made it back to camp instead of being caught but the screen was black. I could move around but was totally trapped with my only option being to quit.


Thanks for the report, a bit of a fringe-case but we'll look into it regardless!


How do you get rubbery slab? I'm also having a hard time finding the Searrated Blade Scrap after saving the leader and all the tribe members aren't hostile anymore. The leader said they won't attack me unless I provoke them so I was under the impression they wouldn't attack me unless I do first. But even after attacking them they just stand there and they used to be my source of blade scraps.

(1 edit) (+1)

NVM I just realized it the tribe member on the side of the room that trades Tar sap (I thought it was the leader).

edit: NVM again, discovered the second tribe member was a merchant. Hard to notice imo but on the other hand I could be more observant as well lol. 


Oh yeah one more thing, I suggest that the future gallery rooms have a test/debug room (like maybe summon enemies or interact with characters like the Grove game has) because I'm not a fan of what this have right now, it's a little immersion-kill if I'm being frank

Again! just a suggestion, idk how hard it is to implement that kind of stuff so take your time for the future arcs ya all


Sorry you feel that way about it. Given the nature of the game's mechanics compared to base RPG Maker and its enemies, we didn't want to do anything too crazy that could run the risk of affecting the rest of the game beyond.

Still, it's something we may look into improving a little once we're sure everything else in the game is stable. Thank you for your feedback.

How to get more Resonance Crystal QAQ


Some renown quests can reward it and interlopers can drop it sometimes.

Where do you find the last 4 Armor pieces?

Is there a way to discard items?


Of course! 

Pouch > Utility > Item Burner

Thanks a ton!


Where do I find flexwood branches? XD




Thank you!!

I just played v0.109 and encountered an error when I tried to equip something. I wonder if this is because I used the saves from the previous demo version?

That might have caused it. If you make a new save and equip something, does that error still occur?


Deleted 175 days ago

Yes, it still happens. So I restarted a new game, and the error just disappeared! Now I'm enjoying this game. It is fantastic!

I haven't even finished act 1 yet but already this game is so Good! The scenes in it are incredible! Love your work and can't wait to see more from both Prowler and Grove, If and when there are more updates XP


There will be more updates for both, yes!

Thank you for playing and for the very positive remarks!


Not a problem at all! Looking forward to more from you and your team :)

How can I obtain these two accessories ? I'm having fun collecting all of them but I'm out of ideas for these two.


I still don't have a clue how to unlock these accessories, and I hope to give me some hints, thank you very much

This one may be bugged, but it's related to the first stage Old Trap Binding that gives you the single nip piercing. We'll take a look in a few days, sorry for the wait! 

- Regalbuster


I checked the first stage Old Trap Binding. It's working normally. I just miss it. Another is fixed with 1.09 patch. Thanks a lot. now back to resonance crystal farming.

I already complete the game and i found out theres some cg missing in the gallery,like "Writhing Mass 02",will it be fix in the next patch?


Yep, we're working on it!

(1 edit)

I had so much fun with this game!

One thing I wish for

I wish there was a specific button in the gallery that would take you back to the list!

And when you view multiple galleries, the images overlap!


Have you tried the 'esc' button?

But thank you for playing and congratulations on completion!


soooooo does the green slab thing just translate the poachers? tried that dungeon part of first map going for north because it said "something can be inserted" but i guess it's for act 2 huh...

either way, amazing game, i like the gay sex parts, though it's pretty....buggy, and I guess grindy but it's obvious lol


The green slab key can be taken to a certain sub-locale for a little post-game treasure...!

Thanks for playing, and make sure to update whenever you can as we're working hard on patches to make things more stable.

I'm a Japanese player, but first of all I would like to say a big thank you for this wonderful game. And please help me with any tasks I'm stuck on.

1.The Fortress.

「 Find a way to pass through the barrier in the the Savannah. at the Savannah 」

I defeated all the enemies around me 
because I couldn't get in due to the mysterious green power. 
Furthermore, I stopped the machine guns and drones and investigated, 
but I couldn't find anything and I'm in trouble.
2.Forging an Alliance.  
「Increase your Renown Level」
Many items were replaced and all other services were received. 
I maximized my rating and received a request for a new potion, 
but it still hasn't been completed.
 What should I do to move forward?
I'm really sorry for my poor and long English. But I've been stuck here for hours, so I'd like some solution...

For Forging an alliance you must create "rubbery" items found in locked chests in the swamplands. You can also trade Tar Sap, and buy 'latex services'.

When you have filled out the Reputation (check with leader), they will send you to defeat enemies around the fortress area.
After defeating 5, return and they will take you on a quest to get an item. That item can unlock the fortress gate!

I hope this helps give you some clue for proceeding!


The task progressed after defeating 5 enemies and delivering 2 pouches! I really appreciate it!


Another thing is that this game has a lot of good parts, including the story, battles, and defeat scenes. However, the scenes where the main character smiles from time to time are incredibly cute. Yeah, the scenes where they were innocently happy were so cute that I couldn't help but laugh.

It's a pleasure to hear you could emotionally connect with our character!

Talking of those craftable items from the swamps. I seem to have missed one well hidden chest. Any hints as to where the torso piece schematic is?


Area to the right of the 'main' swamp zone, behind some rubbery strips... but it's a 1/2 chance of the area spawning so it might take a visit or two...!


The one with lots of goo pools and bugs?

Also, during boss fight. If you loose and end up with full corruption after 'leaving' off the plinth, you don't get the 'bad end' and instead get teleported back to camp as normal.

So:  1. is that intended?  2. Since you now have the new fancy suit, is the helmet meant to not be visible?


No, the other one. It has a dock with a serpent and a locked rubber chest.

Please make sure you update to v0.109, and this error may hopefully have been fixed. (you will need to repeat action, it cannot fix on a save where it's already happened, only prevent it in future)

(and yes, helmet is not meant to be kept)

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