how many times do you need to mash the keys for the moth guy on the mill? i can't get past 2 openings and I've tried pressing the keys repeatedly, holding the keys, pressing the direction and other buttons and am just hard stuck
Hey i LOVE the game! I was just wondering when the next Update is scheduled! Idk if there is a schedule for something like this, i just cant wait for the next update!
Did you pick it up from the caves below? After you do, go up the shaft of light and then return to the campsite and talk to the Auxiliary Commander back at the campsite to complete the quest.
Pay attention to them, see how they're moving up and down? Just jump when they're down.
If you can't tell which is why, just pay attention to the state they're in and jump. If you make it, great, keep doing that. If you don't, then jump in the opposite state. EZ.
Experiencing an error at the launching and starting of the game (MacOS) the error shows up after I select whether the character will make noise at the start of the game, no matter which option I choose it comes up with "unknown error
Error: ERORFS: read-only file system open '(long ass file name)' how do I fix this
After leaving the forest and exploring that abandoned settlement on that kind of "peninsula" or cliff in the north, an arid zone, and finding Red (the veteran dragon) there, doesn't the game have more content after that? I'm going back to all the places I went but can't find a way to continue the game. On this website I see screenshots that I haven't seen yet so I assume there are more things to see... but where do I have to go to move forward?
You know? Of course I found that abandoned campsite with the hole, I investigated it right after leaving the forest and then right after finding the rope in the first building I dropped everything to go immediately to see if I could descend... but the game didn't allowed me. Then I went to enter the second building and at that moment I met Red. I guess now that the game was programmed so that the rope thing would only be enabled after the encounter with Red. I just tried again now that I read your answer and indeed the option to descend has appeared. Thanks for responding and sorry if I bothered you ;D
PS: All this mind control and gelatinous beings, or slime, have you played Changed (DragonSnow)? :3 But it's good that this one does show NSFW content, unlike Changed that tempts you and caresses the subject but never really gets into it... it's as if Changed seduces you with the idea but always leaves you wanting to do the thing.
Can i ask what is the synthesis cauldron? And there is something like a statue in the tranquill pathway that has the description "a series of stone-like blocks". Is there anything special about it?
It's given to you by a merchant in a tent, on the far side of the slug nest you travelled through during a previous quest.
Make your way back to the slug nest and just keep following the path. You'll find a way through it, back up to the surface, and the merchant will be nearby.
do you mean to get caught by the slug again to enter the slug nest? But then it teleports me to the water srping again. Or it seems like i forgot how to enter the slug nest proberly...I need help.
The slug nest is in the jungle. You visited it before as part of a quest. From the jungle campsite, go to the right and climb up the vines to the new area. Then go all the way to the north-west (top-left) of this area and jump up a ledge.
Then proceed down a hole and you'll be in the slug nest. Make your way to the far side of the slug nest and you'll find a way out. The merchant is on the other side.
I dunno if I did something wrong but I just got told to go see the Auxiliary Commander in the main settlement but he's not there. If I go into the building I get dialogue from him for looking at the door but he's still not actually there to talk to, and I can't teleport anywhere or go anywhere else except to the new part of the camp
I did mess with the bananas before I was told to talk to the Aux Commander I wonder if that borked things
I can assure you there is no virus in our downloads, as long as you are downloading the game here from this site.
Please grant your game permission to download our game without running any kind of security or virus removal on it. The download should complete and the game should be completely playable.
Hello! Please tell me how to get through the desert. Wherever I go, I die all the time. The only place I can run to is the slime pit on the left. And there's still death. From the previous comments, I learned that it is possible to cool in the shadows and lowlands, but this does not work for me. Game version 0.308 rus. The game is very cool.
Your destination is in the north-east, down some stairs. Make sure to duck into some shade if you're getting overheated. Look for houses, dark valleys, holes in the ground, etc.
download the app "Joiplay" and then download the pc version of the game. Then extract it in your downloads folder, then use joiplay to open it, and it should run. I've had a couple lil issues here and there, but otherwise works great.
For the life of me, I cannot escape the full moth bindings in the windmill. I see the arrows and manage to start beating my way out, but 7 seconds is not enough time for me. I have noticed that diagonal directions are a bit tricky in this game. Jumping diagonally from rock to rock in the jungle, for example.
I dont know which scene is getting trapped in batcave.I'm trying to unlock the scene: "Trapped with seemingly no way out... a resident offers you an enticing, sensual deal". Can you help me? I've been playing the finding purple crystal quest many times to get to the batcave but am I missing anything?
Also about the "sticky slug egg", ive managed to collect it. I know why i missed it before, "grove" keep moving to the left eventhough im clicking on the egg and the chest. But the keyboard still work. How to use the egg though? I see it mention the wizard but when i spoke to him he said nothing interesting.
One more thing, I dont know what i did before but I randomly collect a bun and put it in the pocket, on the table. It's a really cute bun. But sadly i mess up with grove launcher (i was moving it to another folder so it didnt launch correctly) resulting deleted the game and redownload. Now i dont know how to get the bun back. And if it will appear in future like art gallery.
For the bat cave scene you're missing, proceed through the cave until you reach the area with the purple mineral. The gate will lock behind you and a bat will appear. Talk to him through the bars and accept his offer.
The sticky slug egg is used for crafting with the synthesis cauldron.
The bun you found is in a secret tunnel in the valley. You need to get it before completing the desert temple, or you won't be able to acquire it.
Thank you for your response. Ive already get the slug egg in one of my savings. But do i need to continue from that save to the end again to keep the slug egg, is it important? I do want to keep it though. Where is synthesis cauldron? i'm also missing the middle armor (the one next to mercenary plate and dust covers) and i have no clue where to get it.
Thanks to your previous reply, i was able to unlock all scene. Now i just need to work on the items ^^. I wonder how many items that you can able to equip on yourself like the undergarment (is the mummy wrap gonna be an equipable item?).
In my personal pocket space there's nothing except to modify tool and the pet. Look kinda sad so can u give me hints once again?
Hello! There's a scene I'm missing in the art gallery and I'd like some help with it:
It says "You find yourself entering a path... and pestering a newcomer and his tent. Suddenly, your corruption flares up"
With 10 corruption points, go to the mercenary commander's tent to the left / west of the Inn. Interact with the entrance a few times, and this scene will occur.
Naturally, you'll need to do this when the tent is still there (the one with the flag next to it). You might need to go back to a prior save in order to get it, but it'll pop up in the future!
Hello im looking for help on a few Gallery parts :D I finished the entire game, is there some i cant get anymore?
Forest: "There is a puddle of green slime sticking to the top of this Memory... You see Visions of a distant cliffside lake and an overbearing black thong on your groin.
Cave: This chest is sealed with a thin layer of red slime...You see visions of a trickster chest deep within a cave.... (How can that be? I already have the rong from that chest AND i did the scene)
Bandit: The one with several thick purple restraints, i cant figure that out at all...
Batcave: Trapped, with seemingly no way out i guess thats if you dont blow up the exit?
You don't need to start an entire new playthrough to unlock these scenes you missed! If you have save files from earlier in the game, you can load them up and find these missing scenes in the 'past', and then go to your gallery in the future and they'll be unlocked!
Forest: Whilst wearing the 'undergarments' you can get from rescuing somebody in the forest... proceed as far to the east as you can.
Cave: For that scene, you need to trigger the chest trap, witness the 'scene', and then win the subsequent battle!
Bandit: I think this one is just getting kidnapped by the bandits? Lose a fight to them, do the short little escape sequence and reclaim your gear.
Batcave: When you reach the room with the mineral and get locked in... go talk to the person who trapped you through the bars, and accept their offer.
Misc: I am afraid I can't help if you can't share the hint...
Head back into the slug nest, and look for a way to proceed downwards... look carefully, pay attention to the walls and floor, and you'll find the path.
hello just wondering about something, when i go appraise some items to the wizard's brother shop a number appears before the next line of dialogue, what does it mean , is it a secret ?
Also what does the slug egg do ? is it like a future pet or something ?
Not sure about a number appearing in Bizz's appraisal dialogue... are you playing one of the translated versions of the game? It might be some kind of small error.
I think it might be an error then because i am playing the 0.308 version, the original, thanks for the answer.
i dont know if you want to have the bugs reported or not but i just wanted to point out that when you fight the snake in the gallery and lose , it gives a real gameover,like send you back to the menu gameover, i dont know if it was just a bug on my part but i just wanted to say it.
"Failed to load" would imply either some kind of issue with either your download or the game startup...
We've been having a handful of reports in the past few days of curious error messages like yours, ones we've not seen before, that mention things failing to load or things being 'broken'. Not to deflect blame but... it SEEMS like's servers might be a little bit wonky lately and causing errors and corrupted file downloads, because we've never had any of these issues pop up before.
My best recommendation for you for now would be to redownload the game and try again. And to babysit the download and make sure it doesn't oddly pause or skip or anything in the process. We'll look into it on our end and see if maybe something has somehow ended up being corrupted.
Do you mind telling us what OS you're running Grove on? If it's on Windows, this is quite unusual but could be due to your computer permissions not allowing the game to load all files, the unzipping corrupting the game version, or the download not completing properly
would love to play this but before i start playing it will ask about voice. no matter what one i click the game says "Unknown Error" and then a file name
"Error: EROFS: read-only file system, open '/private/ver/folders/yt/_5vfgq2s31n9hh__553bd0b80000gn/T/AppTranslocation/EC5F1831-E8BA-43C2-B70A7A3E702D0B60/d/"
this is the mac version. This game looks great i will wait for the fixes and keep an eye out for when i can play or get windows whatever comes first lol
I've been playing the game for few days and i really enjoy it. I opened the art gallery. There are many scences i'm missing though. The scences that are locked say:
1. You see a vision of a distant cliffside lake and over bearing blackthong on your groin.
2. You see visions of a trickster chest deep within a cave.
3. Trapped with seemingly no way out... a resident offers you an enticing, sensual deal
4. Hearing a cry for help, you rush into your first encounter
5. This memory shows a particular slimy green cast.... close to a certain forge
6. The sun begin to set. A big burly blacksmith.... and a small, slender,.... and equally pent-up companion, intermingling within the warm confines of the forge.
I see the moon dust in the item but dont know what it for? I also dont know how to unlock the middle amor.
Really appreciated if you would reply to my comment. I dont mind playing the game from the start just to get those scences, to say how much i like the game. Hope you can give some tips, guides or hints. Kinda sad reading comments saying it takes long time for content updates, yet really good work. Thanks for reading!
I can say that you don't need to restart the game to unlock these scenes. You can return to prior saves in order to get the ones you missed, and they'll appear in your gallery in the 'future'!
That being said, all but two of these are quite early in the game. Since I don't REALLY enjoy just telling people every one, as exploration is a big part of Grove... I'll just give you some hints for now.
1, 2, 4 and 5 are all unlocked BEFORE you rescue the blacksmith from the slime cave. Try exploring around more, putting on certain things... or losing particular battles.
3 and 6 are right near the end of the game, and also close together. If you have a save game in the 'mine quest' you can get both of these... pay attention to when somebody traps you in a room... and go visit the blacksmith after you finish.
Wow thank you very much!! Now i know that, i'll try to explore more. Though can i have 1 more question? I saw people mention "sticky slug egg", so if i pick it up in one of my previous savings, will it appear in the 'future' just like gallery? Thanks again for the hints.
If you're referring to images from the game itself, please do not share them here or anywhere else. We don't want to spoil things for people looking in the comments. The only exception to this rule is if you are having some kind of bug or error message.
If you're referring to some kind of fanart or outside art inspired by the game, it can be shown here, or linked to if you have a Twitter account or other exterior gallery.
I just love the way you guy have responded almost every comments, telling us details and some game functions. The one behind that screen and his/her team must really love their work to care for us that much. Knowing that this game is not a "job" as you said, the next big update won't be anytime soon. Yet again I am really looking forward for it. Love <3
Thank you very much for the kind, personal comment. We do indeed care about our players, and we want our game to be received and perceived positively.
But yes, this game is not our job, and it's just two people working on it.. so the next update will take some time as we handle obligations like work and studies. We appreciate your patience a great deal.
The "sticky slug egg" isn't found by defeating enemies. It's an item you pick up from the ground, in the depths of the nest... though after you complete the quest, it might have vanished.
I can't comment on lore and plot speculation as that would potentially spoil things, I'm afraid. But we do appreciate the interest in such.
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Can you run grove on mobile?
i think you can use joiplay on Android
Hello Mr.Dev
I was wondering, I have played this game since before 0.2 and now we are at 0.3 so can you inform us about when will next update take place?
Respectfully thank you in advance 😉
Hello! I'm afraid we do not have any specific dates for the next update yet. Our plans are to release it some time in this year 2023.
Thank you for playing, and we appreciate your patience!
1. We use RPG Maker MV to make Grove.
2. Adobe Photoshop is our primary art program!
3. You're welcome to refer to our game in your own projects. But please do not use or copy any assets from our game directly.
PS (creative cloud) version 24.4.1
The game's 10/10. However..
I shall touch the banana. Hope the possibility of stealing it will be implemented :D
how many times do you need to mash the keys for the moth guy on the mill? i can't get past 2 openings and I've tried pressing the keys repeatedly, holding the keys, pressing the direction and other buttons and am just hard stuck
You don't need to mash the arrow keys. Just press them in the direction of the indicators that appear. It should take about 4-5 presses.
Hey i LOVE the game! I was just wondering when the next Update is scheduled! Idk if there is a schedule for something like this, i just cant wait for the next update!
Thanks for playing! Currently we have no update schedule, but we're hoping it'll be done a little quicker than the last update.
- RegalBuster
found this game a couple of days ago and I have been loving every minute of it since.
Thank you, glad you've been enjoying it!
why can't I return kuno's knife
Did you pick it up from the caves below? After you do, go up the shaft of light and then return to the campsite and talk to the Auxiliary Commander back at the campsite to complete the quest.
This is the wrong place.
You need to go back down into the slime caverns. Back to where the green slime dragons are, and where you rescued the blacksmith.
There's a new cave that's opened in the back of that room. Go through it and look for the knife further down.
anyone know how to get past the river vines in the jungle
Pay attention to them, see how they're moving up and down? Just jump when they're down.
If you can't tell which is why, just pay attention to the state they're in and jump. If you make it, great, keep doing that. If you don't, then jump in the opposite state. EZ.
Where is the ancient tree exactly
In the jungle, near where you rescued Kuno (the blue dragon) from the river. Make your way back up there and follow the jump spots around.
how many green apples are there in the game? and are there anything special once you collect all of them?
There's 10 green apples in this build. If you find them all, you'll get a little vanity prize (and maybe some good vibes too~).
At present, I only see three。3/10 get√
Experiencing an error at the launching and starting of the game (MacOS) the error shows up after I select whether the character will make noise at the start of the game, no matter which option I choose it comes up with "unknown error
Error: ERORFS: read-only file system open '(long ass file name)' how do I fix this
Nvm found solution based off of previous question
After leaving the forest and exploring that abandoned settlement on that kind of "peninsula" or cliff in the north, an arid zone, and finding Red (the veteran dragon) there, doesn't the game have more content after that? I'm going back to all the places I went but can't find a way to continue the game. On this website I see screenshots that I haven't seen yet so I assume there are more things to see... but where do I have to go to move forward?
Go check out the other building at the abandoned settlement and look for a bundle of rope. You can use that to descend into a cave somewhere nearby.
You know? Of course I found that abandoned campsite with the hole, I investigated it right after leaving the forest and then right after finding the rope in the first building I dropped everything to go immediately to see if I could descend... but the game didn't allowed me. Then I went to enter the second building and at that moment I met Red. I guess now that the game was programmed so that the rope thing would only be enabled after the encounter with Red.
I just tried again now that I read your answer and indeed the option to descend has appeared. Thanks for responding and sorry if I bothered you ;D
PS: All this mind control and gelatinous beings, or slime, have you played Changed (DragonSnow)? :3
But it's good that this one does show NSFW content, unlike Changed that tempts you and caresses the subject but never really gets into it... it's as if Changed seduces you with the idea but always leaves you wanting to do the thing.
Can i ask what is the synthesis cauldron? And there is something like a statue in the tranquill pathway that has the description "a series of stone-like blocks". Is there anything special about it?
It's an item that allows you to combine items into something new.
where is it though?
It's given to you by a merchant in a tent, on the far side of the slug nest you travelled through during a previous quest.
Make your way back to the slug nest and just keep following the path. You'll find a way through it, back up to the surface, and the merchant will be nearby.
do you mean to get caught by the slug again to enter the slug nest? But then it teleports me to the water srping again. Or it seems like i forgot how to enter the slug nest proberly...I need help.
No, don't get caught by the slugs.
The slug nest is in the jungle. You visited it before as part of a quest. From the jungle campsite, go to the right and climb up the vines to the new area. Then go all the way to the north-west (top-left) of this area and jump up a ledge.
Then proceed down a hole and you'll be in the slug nest. Make your way to the far side of the slug nest and you'll find a way out. The merchant is on the other side.
I dunno if I did something wrong but I just got told to go see the Auxiliary Commander in the main settlement but he's not there. If I go into the building I get dialogue from him for looking at the door but he's still not actually there to talk to, and I can't teleport anywhere or go anywhere else except to the new part of the camp
I did mess with the bananas before I was told to talk to the Aux Commander I wonder if that borked things
Are you playing the most recent version, v0.308? I believe this issue has been patched.
After updating my most recent save didn't work, but I had a save from before I messed with the bananas and the Commander showed up so no more issues
how can i get backup link?
Why do you need a backup link? Are you having issues with one of the download links?
In the process of removing the virus, some files were deleted, because they were also deleted at that time.
I can assure you there is no virus in our downloads, as long as you are downloading the game here from this site.
Please grant your game permission to download our game without running any kind of security or virus removal on it. The download should complete and the game should be completely playable.
ok i'll try it
why i cannot find the slime farmer?
If you never visited the area during your first journey through the forest, it won't appear.
Oh, What a fantastic Easter egg!So this is the use of that pump, I should have known it... What are those purple carrots used for?
Well, seems Grove need to fall deep but not to be deeply fallen.
No use for the purple carrots at this time!
I cant leave the dessert area
pls can someone explain why the light says a sandstorm makes it impossible ??
...that means a sandstorm is there, and it's impassable, and you can't go that way yet. Should be pretty obvious.
You need to go somewhere else for now until you get the right protective equipment to be able to enter the desert.
If you're already in the desert area, your goal is in the north-east, down some stairs.
Thanks SirIzike
Your destination is in the north-east, down some stairs. Make sure to duck into some shade if you're getting overheated. Look for houses, dark valleys, holes in the ground, etc.
Is there any possibility for and android version ?
I use Joiplay to run the pc version on my android, seems to work well so far
download the app "Joiplay" and then download the pc version of the game. Then extract it in your downloads folder, then use joiplay to open it, and it should run. I've had a couple lil issues here and there, but otherwise works great.
For the life of me, I cannot escape the full moth bindings in the windmill. I see the arrows and manage to start beating my way out, but 7 seconds is not enough time for me. I have noticed that diagonal directions are a bit tricky in this game. Jumping diagonally from rock to rock in the jungle, for example.
Never mind! I figured it out! Very clever, haha! :3
I dont know which scene is getting trapped in batcave.I'm trying to unlock the scene: "Trapped with seemingly no way out... a resident offers you an enticing, sensual deal". Can you help me? I've been playing the finding purple crystal quest many times to get to the batcave but am I missing anything?
Also about the "sticky slug egg", ive managed to collect it. I know why i missed it before, "grove" keep moving to the left eventhough im clicking on the egg and the chest. But the keyboard still work. How to use the egg though? I see it mention the wizard but when i spoke to him he said nothing interesting.
One more thing, I dont know what i did before but I randomly collect a bun and put it in the pocket, on the table. It's a really cute bun. But sadly i mess up with grove launcher (i was moving it to another folder so it didnt launch correctly) resulting deleted the game and redownload. Now i dont know how to get the bun back. And if it will appear in future like art gallery.
For the bat cave scene you're missing, proceed through the cave until you reach the area with the purple mineral. The gate will lock behind you and a bat will appear. Talk to him through the bars and accept his offer.
The sticky slug egg is used for crafting with the synthesis cauldron.
The bun you found is in a secret tunnel in the valley. You need to get it before completing the desert temple, or you won't be able to acquire it.
Thank you for your response. Ive already get the slug egg in one of my savings. But do i need to continue from that save to the end again to keep the slug egg, is it important? I do want to keep it though. Where is synthesis cauldron? i'm also missing the middle armor (the one next to mercenary plate and dust covers) and i have no clue where to get it.
Thanks to your previous reply, i was able to unlock all scene. Now i just need to work on the items ^^. I wonder how many items that you can able to equip on yourself like the undergarment (is the mummy wrap gonna be an equipable item?).
In my personal pocket space there's nothing except to modify tool and the pet. Look kinda sad so can u give me hints once again?
Thank you very much!
With 10 corruption points, go to the mercenary commander's tent to the left / west of the Inn. Interact with the entrance a few times, and this scene will occur.
Naturally, you'll need to do this when the tent is still there (the one with the flag next to it). You might need to go back to a prior save in order to get it, but it'll pop up in the future!
This may be a silly question but do the green apples do anything aside from healing 10 HP? The item text makes me think there is more to them.
They are, for now, semi-hidden collectable items! Find 'em all for a vanity prize!
Hello im looking for help on a few Gallery parts :D I finished the entire game, is there some i cant get anymore?
Forest: "There is a puddle of green slime sticking to the top of this Memory... You see Visions of a distant cliffside lake and an overbearing black thong on your groin.
Cave: This chest is sealed with a thin layer of red slime...You see visions of a trickster chest deep within a cave.... (How can that be? I already have the rong from that chest AND i did the scene)
Bandit: The one with several thick purple restraints, i cant figure that out at all...
Batcave: Trapped, with seemingly no way out i guess thats if you dont blow up the exit?
Misc: Left Purple chest
You don't need to start an entire new playthrough to unlock these scenes you missed! If you have save files from earlier in the game, you can load them up and find these missing scenes in the 'past', and then go to your gallery in the future and they'll be unlocked!
Forest: Whilst wearing the 'undergarments' you can get from rescuing somebody in the forest... proceed as far to the east as you can.
Cave: For that scene, you need to trigger the chest trap, witness the 'scene', and then win the subsequent battle!
Bandit: I think this one is just getting kidnapped by the bandits? Lose a fight to them, do the short little escape sequence and reclaim your gear.
Batcave: When you reach the room with the mineral and get locked in... go talk to the person who trapped you through the bars, and accept their offer.
Misc: I am afraid I can't help if you can't share the hint...
The 'sticky slug egg' can be found in the slug den, after you have defeated the boss enemy. It's on the floor, near the chest.
Kind of stuck in the explore the forest mission. I exited the slug cave and talked to the merchant guy but I don't know where to go next.
Head back into the slug nest, and look for a way to proceed downwards... look carefully, pay attention to the walls and floor, and you'll find the path.
Gotcha! I managed to find it, thank you so much!
Happy to help :)
hello just wondering about something, when i go appraise some items to the wizard's brother shop a number appears before the next line of dialogue, what does it mean , is it a secret ?
Also what does the slug egg do ? is it like a future pet or something ?
For now, the slug egg is used for crafting!
Not sure about a number appearing in Bizz's appraisal dialogue... are you playing one of the translated versions of the game? It might be some kind of small error.
I think it might be an error then because i am playing the 0.308 version, the original, thanks for the answer.
i dont know if you want to have the bugs reported or not but i just wanted to point out that when you fight the snake in the gallery and lose , it gives a real gameover,like send you back to the menu gameover, i dont know if it was just a bug on my part but i just wanted to say it.
also should i give the numbers just in case ?
If you can share a screenshot of the dialogue, showing the "number" popping up, that would be useful.
And we'll look into the snake fight gallery issue, thank you for the report!
when I opened it, it show this error,
Failed to load: js/plugins/SRD_SuperToolsEngine.js
how can i fix it ?
"Failed to load" would imply either some kind of issue with either your download or the game startup...
We've been having a handful of reports in the past few days of curious error messages like yours, ones we've not seen before, that mention things failing to load or things being 'broken'. Not to deflect blame but... it SEEMS like's servers might be a little bit wonky lately and causing errors and corrupted file downloads, because we've never had any of these issues pop up before.
My best recommendation for you for now would be to redownload the game and try again. And to babysit the download and make sure it doesn't oddly pause or skip or anything in the process.
We'll look into it on our end and see if maybe something has somehow ended up being corrupted.
Do you mind telling us what OS you're running Grove on? If it's on Windows, this is quite unusual but could be due to your computer permissions not allowing the game to load all files, the unzipping corrupting the game version, or the download not completing properly
I'm using Windows 11, then I'd check my computer permissions or redownload, thanks for replying.
I've sovled problem, is was RAV Antivirus isolate that code, when I remove the RAV Antivirus, finaly successful running.
would love to play this but before i start playing it will ask about voice. no matter what one i click the game says "Unknown Error" and then a file name
"Error: EROFS: read-only file system, open '/private/ver/folders/yt/_5vfgq2s31n9hh__553bd0b80000gn/T/AppTranslocation/EC5F1831-E8BA-43C2-B70A7A3E702D0B60/d/"
this is the mac version. This game looks great i will wait for the fixes and keep an eye out for when i can play or get windows whatever comes first lol
Hmm, we've had a few errors like that occur in the past 'Read-only', and that's been solved by making sure you've extracted the game before playing
Do you mind double checking if you've followed these steps?
Extract (using extractor or a similar tool) the Zip file, and drag the 'GROVE' app into your applications folder.
If a developer verification error appears when attempting to run the game, follow these steps:
1. Open 'System Preferences'
2. Go to 'Security and Privacy'
3. Go to the 'General' tab, then at the bottom (above the lock), grant an exception for the 'GROVE' app and click 'Open Anyway'
Thank you! got it working! Only had to move it into my applications. I did not need to give it any exceptions. Thank you again. you were a big help
I've been playing the game for few days and i really enjoy it. I opened the art gallery. There are many scences i'm missing though. The scences that are locked say:
1. You see a vision of a distant cliffside lake and over bearing blackthong on your groin.
2. You see visions of a trickster chest deep within a cave.
3. Trapped with seemingly no way out... a resident offers you an enticing, sensual deal
4. Hearing a cry for help, you rush into your first encounter
5. This memory shows a particular slimy green cast.... close to a certain forge
6. The sun begin to set. A big burly blacksmith.... and a small, slender,.... and equally pent-up companion, intermingling within the warm confines of the forge.
I see the moon dust in the item but dont know what it for? I also dont know how to unlock the middle amor.
Really appreciated if you would reply to my comment. I dont mind playing the game from the start just to get those scences, to say how much i like the game. Hope you can give some tips, guides or hints. Kinda sad reading comments saying it takes long time for content updates, yet really good work. Thanks for reading!
I can say that you don't need to restart the game to unlock these scenes. You can return to prior saves in order to get the ones you missed, and they'll appear in your gallery in the 'future'!
That being said, all but two of these are quite early in the game. Since I don't REALLY enjoy just telling people every one, as exploration is a big part of Grove... I'll just give you some hints for now.
1, 2, 4 and 5 are all unlocked BEFORE you rescue the blacksmith from the slime cave. Try exploring around more, putting on certain things... or losing particular battles.
3 and 6 are right near the end of the game, and also close together. If you have a save game in the 'mine quest' you can get both of these... pay attention to when somebody traps you in a room... and go visit the blacksmith after you finish.
Hope that helps.
Wow thank you very much!! Now i know that, i'll try to explore more. Though can i have 1 more question? I saw people mention "sticky slug egg", so if i pick it up in one of my previous savings, will it appear in the 'future' just like gallery? Thanks again for the hints.
The slug egg will not appear in the future, no. It's a single-use crafting item for now.
Otherwise, you're welcome, and good luck finding the missing scenes!
What kind of art?
If you're referring to images from the game itself, please do not share them here or anywhere else. We don't want to spoil things for people looking in the comments.
The only exception to this rule is if you are having some kind of bug or error message.
If you're referring to some kind of fanart or outside art inspired by the game, it can be shown here, or linked to if you have a Twitter account or other exterior gallery.
I just love the way you guy have responded almost every comments, telling us details and some game functions.
The one behind that screen and his/her team must really love their work to care for us that much.
Knowing that this game is not a "job" as you said, the next big update won't be anytime soon. Yet again I am really looking forward for it.
Love <3
Thank you very much for the kind, personal comment. We do indeed care about our players, and we want our game to be received and perceived positively.
But yes, this game is not our job, and it's just two people working on it.. so the next update will take some time as we handle obligations like work and studies. We appreciate your patience a great deal.
What is the program/app you used for making Grove? is it possible to get it for free?
We use RPG Maker MV to make Grove. It can be purchased via Steam if you wish, but it's not free.
The "sticky slug egg" isn't found by defeating enemies. It's an item you pick up from the ground, in the depths of the nest... though after you complete the quest, it might have vanished.
I can't comment on lore and plot speculation as that would potentially spoil things, I'm afraid. But we do appreciate the interest in such.
1. Hopefully, yes.
2. We don't intent to post any spoilers ourselves.
3. The "sticky slug egg" can be found deep in the slug nest.
4. The pet is intended to be a cosmetic, non-combat follower, just for fun.
5. The red merchant's items are mostly jokes, but some of them can be taken to your room at the inn and used in the 'personal pocket dimension'.
6. I don't know what "bundles" are.
Ah, it's a slight mistranslation. It should be "bondage".
This is where you can check the status of enemy bondages and things forced upon you, like the slime suits or mummy wrappings.
That's correct, yes.