can someone help me move my save from .307 to .308...? Id even be up for using discord for it or idk but i tried and there is no .308 folder on my PC, even after multiple redownloads
Grove v0.308 (and beyond) will be saved in a file simply named GROVE. We're trying this out to make other OS and people using the app's lives easier.
Anyway, it should definitely be there on your PC, right in the spot you selected to save it. Worse comes to worse, use your PC's search function and look for the GROVE folder. There's a save file transfer guide included in the download that'll walk you through the instructions in doing so. You should be able to manage it on your own, it's not much more than copy-pasting.
okay i dont know how but the GROVE Folder was.... transfered to my Pictures... and i dont know why. I redownloaded the game *Multiple* times and everytime the Folder got sent there Seperatly, completly seperate from the game and im super confused
So the GROVE folder is empty? It doesn't have any of the game files in it? That's... very perplexing if so.
I would recommend actually specifying a location for your download, or at the very least keeping your browser's download manager open so you can keep track of where exactly the game has been downloaded to.
If, for some reason, the game files don't download with the game itself or end up elsewhere then... something is very odd with your computer since this is the first time this error has come up. I would recommend either downloading the game via the launcher instead, or just using the search function on your computer to look for the files and where they're ending up. They should be SOMEWHERE.
i mean you could go back to blue/green slime area and farm them as your too tough now for them if you got the heavy armour (that provides health boost and DEF stat boost
Hi ! Thanks for the game, it is really enjoyable. However, after the dream where you have press buttons to escape a creature chasing you in the inn, my inventory is cleared ! Is it expected ?
Play a little bit more. After this 'morning sequence' you SHOULD get all of your stuff back. Check again after somebody tells you to "meet the Auxiliary Commander".
Hey ! Thanks for the quick reply ! I just tried again, but my inventory is still cleared after the dude tells me to go see the Auxiliary Commander (right outside the inn after the morning sequence, including the beach). Moreover, I still have the "helpful mist" on me; My inventory section is empty and I cannot equip anything because no other options are available. (I can equip an armor in the armor room, and then I have an helpful mist in my inventory but I can't do anything with it)
Edit : I can send you my save file of before and after the dream if needed !
Edit 2 : I can also provide you with debug info maybe ?
Do you mind telling me what version you are on for GROVE, and what operating system you're currently playing? We had a bug similar to this with an older Linux version that had been fixed (tested using Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS), so a bit of additional information would definitely help.
Sure ! I don't know where I could find useful info on my Grove installation, but it shows up as GROVE v0.308 in the window title, and the game is stored and launched from an external SSD. Filesystem is NTFS on the relevant partition.
As for the operating system, I am playing on an Arch Linux machine (kernel 6.1.12-zen1-1-zen), with KDE Plasma as DE and X11 for graphics. I'm not sure either of what info you would want to have here but I'll gladly give more !
Thanks for taking the time to investigate the issue :)
Edit: I tried multiple in-game paths and they all let my inventory empty (I can still collect items afterwards but they seem to be in a different inventory than the one I had before)
Is there is a "debug" mode where more things are logged or where I could get a log file for you ?
I'm going to test the same save files on windows afterwards. Will update this comment or reply when it's done
So I did the tests on windows. I made three save files on linux:
Save file 1, made right before going to sleep (before the nightmare)
Save file 2, made during the night, in the library, right next to the library exit (after having pressed all the buttons)
Save file 3, made right after going to the beach (so without items)
I ran these saves on Windows with the same game version.
Starting from save 1, nothing interesting happened. (however my inventory was back as soon as I left the dream; I didn't need to go sip coffee or go to the beach)
Starting from save 2, I went through the library exit door and got Error: Could not restore bookmark EQUIPSTATE as it doesn't exist and couldn't continue
I just want to say that Kuno is my absolute favorite character in the game! I don't even feel sexually attracted to him but I do want to cuddle him and show affection.
Also, had a really great time playing the game! Looking forward to the next update in the future!
Found this game on a separate website and I fell in love with the art style. The combat mechanics are simple but fun and the story seems cool. I can't wait to play this!
Once again, this is one of the best games of such kind I have ever played. Words cannot explain how much I love the game. Everything is just right, and everyone in the game is just so adorable. The most recent update is definitely worth the wait, and would love to see more coming in the future.
Is there any reasonable way to earn enough to buy all of Bizz's items? I've gotten almost all the scenes and at this point I'm just curious to see what all that stuff will end up doing. Likewise, am I able to give him the old coin from the ship, considering Bizz deals in antiques?
Most of Bizz's items are simply there for flavour and don't have any function (aside from the bun trophy and the burger ingredients...), but if you're a bit of a completionist... you can either grind enemies or make use of the various coin / dice mini-games scattered around the camp! One is located within the inn during daytime, and another is located within the beach hut during nighttime.
Antiques and the such you can give it to Bizz via the 'Appraisal' function he offers when you talk to him.
If you TELL us the error message, we might be able to help you. It's not just a random string of nonsense. We should be able to figure out something from it.
Screenshot it if it's too complicated to type out.
im on the bandit quest and ive aquired the utility key, cell key and entrance key but i cant seem to use them? im unsure where to go after this and my supplies have run out :/ i might just be dumb but i ned some help please lol
Have you tried heading to the 'north' part of the bandit hideout? There's a second area to sneak your way through and one more key to acquire if I'm remembering rightly...!
If you have done that and got the key at the top-right of the north room... then your destination is back in the 'south' area (the first area) over to the left / west! You're looking for the bandit leader!
You've got this, I'm sure. Nothing crazy you need to do, you just need to find the place you haven't been!
ive gotten the key in the north and returned south. theres the cell door to the room with the beds but i still dont know how to get in?
ive been trying to use the keys from my inventory and idk. im pretty sure i have all the keys but i still cant acess the room. not sure what else im missing to do
ive been stuck on this little part for a few days now and im so confused :')
edit: after a through examination of the area, i discovered that i was infact, missing a key. the gold key to unlock the cell with the prisoner XD. thanks much for the help!
Sounds like you're missing the "Skimpy Armour". To acquire it, you need to do one of two things:
During the bandit hideout section, get captured by the bandits and then escape. You'll be left with some 'tatters' that can be given to the blacksmith, which he'll then make into the armour for you.
If you missed this opportunity, you can make the tatters using the Synthesis Cauldron. You acquire this from the merchant on the far side of the slug nest, and need to give it to the wizard at the inn. Then you need to gather the materials to make the 'tatters' from enemies in the jungle, desert valley and beach cave.
In our experience it's just a case of closing and re-opening and seeing if it happens again. If it's still running into errors, make sure that you've performed these steps before running Grove:
1. Right click the GROVE zip file you downloaded
2. Use the archive utility to unzip the files.
3. Drag the GROVE app into your applications folder.
There's also a chance that an old save from before 0.2 can lead to errors like the above. If all else fails, try starting a new game and playing through to see if you still run into these crashes.
I'm trying the new section of the game after loading a save that was in the gallery, everything is fine until you finish the dialogue that prompts you to continue with the story to the new section, it's EXTREMELY laggy, text and movement take a solid 15-20 to load.
I’m assuming you’re in the dream? Make sure you’re on the latest version (v0.308), and not playing on a USB or other form of external media as that can easily cause a significant amount of lag.
I had not understood that corruption gave access to more stuff prior to the update, and because of that my corruption was 1 all the way until I got back from the desert and opened the package.
How much content did I miss by doing this? Am I able to go to previously explored areas to find the content I missed, or is it too late?
You've missed a small handful of stuff, most of which you can't go back for, no. Flavour text, one or two items, some scenes get additional text or images if you're corrupt enough, one particular scene only unlocks if you're corrupt enough...
But that's OK! Keep playing through the game the way that comes instinctively to you! And when you finish, you can start a new game and maybe try and interact with and get involved with more corruption stuff. It might be fun to try a different playstyle and see what ya missed? That's sort of the point of an RPG, no? :)
i tried to get my savedata from .307 to .308 but i cant find the .308 folder and when i try to redownload the game it just shows its hosted on a different illegal third party site but... it transfers me to the browser version of itch...
If you don't remember where you downloaded it to, the .308 version is just called GROVE now. You should be able to transfer your saves to there.
I don't know what this is about a third party illegal site though. If you're downloading the game here on, there's nothing that will take you off of the site.
i am extremely, like beyond extremely disappointed..... i have an accumulated 17 hours on this game, this is over many months of on and off playing, spent hours just grinding levels so it would be easier to play...... all gone.... all of it..... i have to re-invest all that time and effort just to play the new update......... the thing im most frustrated about is the lack of awareness to this issue, lustful desires the game had at least the common decency to add a function for people who did lose it all, the function to spawn anything, money, levels and gear. i dont care if its cheating, i didnt come here for the gameplay, i came here for the adult content.....
mind you most of the hours ive accumulated are from replying parts of the game and id prefer not to waste another few hours playing crap ive already gone through again and again.......
Are you playing on the itch io launcher or via website download?
If it’s via the launcher then the newest version’s files are now in the ‘GROVE’ folder (no version number). Go to the game icon within the launcher, right click and there should be an option to open the location of the game. Your previous version’s saves should be located in the folder there.
If it’s via the website, unfortunately the key due to how RPGMaker stores its files, the save directory is located within the downloaded Grove folder itself, and will require a transfer between every version update.
We’re hoping with the 0.308 update that future saves won’t need to be transferred again via the renaming of the grove directory, but do let us know if you run into any further issues.
Im using Itch and im on mac, i found save files but they arent my original save files, they are files i had just made, attempting to start again. i have looked through everything with the name grove attached to it and nothing... i found the text file next to the launcher explaining the process, went to the compressed files and found save files, then moved them to a backup but from that point i got lost, the only save folder there was the one i just accessed with the saves i just made, you have nothing on that list explaining what or where i can get import saves? i went to your twitter found pretty much the same info but for windows, the save file names are the same so i know i found what youve been directing us to but not what im looking for.
also i am 100% certain grove was not deleted from my mac and my old files where still there not too long ago, i actually saw the update email when 0.3 dropped and started playing again (with my old saves) only to realise the only thing that had changed for mac users was the name and icon of the game.....
look i really really appreciate your speedy response and your level of concern in helping me but from what i can see, i believe its all gone and if you didnt get the fact that i invested 17 hours of time into this game, i loved it, i absolutely hands down loved the game but to see all that time and effort gone.. with nothing to show for it....
in all honesty i wouldnt be as disappointed and disheartened if you did have the feature to just add levels and money, thats all i want, my levels and money back, i truly dont care if i have to start again if i just had an exp boost and money bags.
The MacOS build was very much experimental when it first released, so there isn't much we can do there regarding the location of the saves, if you yourself don't know where they are unfortunately.
If it helps, I'm happy to send over a modified save with similar amounts of GOLD and LEVEL if you let me know what amount you had, and can place you at the beginning of v0.204, but you will need to unlock the 0.3 scenes again.
Got this error message before even getting to play the game. I've been wanting to play for a while now and the game wouldn't even open without crashing on the previous versions. This is the farthest it's gone period
That error usually occurs because you haven’t unzipped the folder before dragging the program into your applications folder. Right click the file you downloaded, use the archive utility to unzip the files, then drag the grove app into your applications folder.
Would you guys consider adding more debuff armors/ accessoires like the prisoner outfit or the cock suckers but like not area restricted and can be kept? Like a cursed item where it has some unique buffs but has a detrimental stat maybe. I think that would be pretty cool
Maybe, but we'd have to very careful with them as they could easily end up breaking new encounters, or be a nightmare to balance around. That's why they're usually restricted to one particular area; it's much easier to balance it for a chunk of the game than the whole game.
Hi! I'm sorry, but I cannot for the life of me find the third armour kit. I have Lightweight Dyed; Mercenary Plate; Dust Covers; and Skimpy Covers. Running MacOSX
the third armor set is the regulation knight plate. i think its unlocked when you buy the regulation plate base from the blacksmith and talk to him again. how did you get the skimpy covers tho?
where do i go after i complete the nothern gulch? the only thing i see that has changed is quiet clearing opening, but i cant seem do be able to do anything about it (unless i didnt spend enough time there)
Head down to the bottom-left exit of the Quiet Meadow, and follow the road to the cliffside. From there, head south. You should be able to figure out the rest.
If the entire game somehow disappeared, then I'm sorry but there's nothing we can really do. I can assure you the game doesn't do that normally though so it's probably something on your end.
If it's JUST your save files vanishing... please make sure to check that you actually extracted / unzipped the game before playing! If you don't do that, your saves won't write properly!
If you updated using the Itcho App like I did, all is not lost! browse to the install location, the ,308 update renames the install folder to GROVE and leaves a folder named with the last version you had with your previous saves. \GROVE0.307\www\saves. In that folder browse to \www\saves. Copy all the files in the saves folder over to the the same location in the GROVE folder, it worked for me!
Comrades, who are waiting for the Russian translation - bear a little more, it is about to be ready. I've been optimizing everything for 2 weeks into Russian and I think it will be fine. And my friend is testing now.
There seems to be a problem on MacOS where the necessary save files aren't being included in the download? Can't seem to find a fix to this and it prevents me from progressing any further than the title screen
There aren't any save files that are included in the download or needed for the game to run. But from the sounds of things, you might be getting the "EROFS: read-only file system" error.
If that is the case, make sure you've actually extracted the Zip file first. Right click (or ctrl click), and open with archive utility. I think that's the software. Once you have, drag the app into your app folder
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can someone help me move my save from .307 to .308...? Id even be up for using discord for it or idk but i tried and there is no .308 folder on my PC, even after multiple redownloads
Grove v0.308 (and beyond) will be saved in a file simply named GROVE. We're trying this out to make other OS and people using the app's lives easier.
Anyway, it should definitely be there on your PC, right in the spot you selected to save it. Worse comes to worse, use your PC's search function and look for the GROVE folder.
There's a save file transfer guide included in the download that'll walk you through the instructions in doing so. You should be able to manage it on your own, it's not much more than copy-pasting.
okay i dont know how but the GROVE Folder was.... transfered to my Pictures... and i dont know why. I redownloaded the game *Multiple* times and everytime the Folder got sent there Seperatly, completly seperate from the game and im super confused
So the GROVE folder is empty? It doesn't have any of the game files in it? That's... very perplexing if so.
I would recommend actually specifying a location for your download, or at the very least keeping your browser's download manager open so you can keep track of where exactly the game has been downloaded to.
If, for some reason, the game files don't download with the game itself or end up elsewhere then... something is very odd with your computer since this is the first time this error has come up. I would recommend either downloading the game via the launcher instead, or just using the search function on your computer to look for the files and where they're ending up. They should be SOMEWHERE.
Does anyone know how to get a lot of money for Bizz?
play the dice game in Wizards place (central camp/home
yeah, I tried and a bust. I always lose gold and not winning at all.
i mean you could go back to blue/green slime area and farm them as your too tough now for them if you got the heavy armour (that provides health boost and DEF stat boost
Hi ! Thanks for the game, it is really enjoyable. However, after the dream where you have press buttons to escape a creature chasing you in the inn, my inventory is cleared ! Is it expected ?
Play a little bit more. After this 'morning sequence' you SHOULD get all of your stuff back. Check again after somebody tells you to "meet the Auxiliary Commander".
Hey ! Thanks for the quick reply ! I just tried again, but my inventory is still cleared after the dude tells me to go see the Auxiliary Commander (right outside the inn after the morning sequence, including the beach). Moreover, I still have the "helpful mist" on me; My inventory section is empty and I cannot equip anything because no other options are available. (I can equip an armor in the armor room, and then I have an helpful mist in my inventory but I can't do anything with it)
Edit : I can send you my save file of before and after the dream if needed !
Edit 2 : I can also provide you with debug info maybe ?
Do you mind telling me what version you are on for GROVE, and what operating system you're currently playing? We had a bug similar to this with an older Linux version that had been fixed (tested using Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS), so a bit of additional information would definitely help.
Sure ! I don't know where I could find useful info on my Grove installation, but it shows up as GROVE v0.308 in the window title, and the game is stored and launched from an external SSD. Filesystem is NTFS on the relevant partition.
As for the operating system, I am playing on an Arch Linux machine (kernel 6.1.12-zen1-1-zen), with KDE Plasma as DE and X11 for graphics. I'm not sure either of what info you would want to have here but I'll gladly give more !
Thanks for taking the time to investigate the issue :)
Edit: I tried multiple in-game paths and they all let my inventory empty (I can still collect items afterwards but they seem to be in a different inventory than the one I had before)
Is there is a "debug" mode where more things are logged or where I could get a log file for you ?
I'm going to test the same save files on windows afterwards. Will update this comment or reply when it's done
So I did the tests on windows. I made three save files on linux:
I ran these saves on Windows with the same game version.
I hope this helps !
What's the highest level you can get to?
Should be Level 20 if you're playing the most recent version of the game.
I just want to say that Kuno is my absolute favorite character in the game! I don't even feel sexually attracted to him but I do want to cuddle him and show affection.
Also, had a really great time playing the game! Looking forward to the next update in the future!
Thank you for playing! Glad you enjoyed characters like Kuno, and had a great time playing! :)
He's so cute!I think so.
Are there any plans to make an Android version?
We've no plans at the moment, but you can play the game using certain emulators like JoiPlay if you really want to.
Just know we don't officially endorse them, so if you run into visual and performance bugs, don't blame us.
I want!
Found this game on a separate website and I fell in love with the art style. The combat mechanics are simple but fun and the story seems cool. I can't wait to play this!
Hope you enjoy it when you give it a go!
Where is the gallery again? I thought it was it groves room, but I am not seeing it.
You have to finish the game to see it
Once again, this is one of the best games of such kind I have ever played. Words cannot explain how much I love the game. Everything is just right, and everyone in the game is just so adorable. The most recent update is definitely worth the wait, and would love to see more coming in the future.
There'll definitely be more, in time! For now, thanks a lot for the kind words and praise!
Will there ever be an android version?
Hi there! I tried playing your game on MacOS but I was met with this error message for some reason.
Is this a me problem or a coding problem?
A similar error message occurs when pressing X in the options menu
The 'read-only' error indicates that you may have failed to extract the game, or have yet to place it in the applications folder.
1. Right click the GROVE zip file you downloaded
2. Use the archive utility to unzip the files.
3. Drag the GROVE app into your applications folder.
If a developer verification error appears when attempting to run the game, follow these steps:
1. Open 'System Preferences'
2. Go to 'Security and Privacy'
3. Go to the 'General' tab, then at the bottom (above the lock), grant an exception for the 'GROVE' app and click 'Open Anyway'
- RegalBuster
That worked! Thank you so much.
How do I unlock the Miniquest in slime cave?
If you're referring the hole in the wall at the back of the cave, you'll unlock that in the future! Just keep playing for now.
oh thx a lot.
I could feel your hard working in the game, and I really appreciated it!
hope in the future we can have more interactions with those main characters.
Thank you :)
Is there any reasonable way to earn enough to buy all of Bizz's items? I've gotten almost all the scenes and at this point I'm just curious to see what all that stuff will end up doing. Likewise, am I able to give him the old coin from the ship, considering Bizz deals in antiques?
Most of Bizz's items are simply there for flavour and don't have any function (aside from the bun trophy and the burger ingredients...), but if you're a bit of a completionist... you can either grind enemies or make use of the various coin / dice mini-games scattered around the camp! One is located within the inn during daytime, and another is located within the beach hut during nighttime.
Antiques and the such you can give it to Bizz via the 'Appraisal' function he offers when you talk to him.
Appreciate it!
It doesn't let me play on mac 😭
Have you downloaded the MacOS version? Is the game giving you an error message? Going to need SOME details to be able to help you.
I did try downloading the MacOS version but when I open the game an error message pops up or the application closes by itself.
If you TELL us the error message, we might be able to help you. It's not just a random string of nonsense. We should be able to figure out something from it.
Screenshot it if it's too complicated to type out.
Read-only, eh? Sounds like you haven't extracted the game.
Right click (or ctrl click), and open with archive utility. I think that's the software. Once you have, drag the app into your app folder.
This information is already included in the game's download instructions. Make sure you read that in the future, yeah?
im on the bandit quest and ive aquired the utility key, cell key and entrance key but i cant seem to use them? im unsure where to go after this and my supplies have run out :/ i might just be dumb but i ned some help please lol
Have you tried heading to the 'north' part of the bandit hideout? There's a second area to sneak your way through and one more key to acquire if I'm remembering rightly...!
If you have done that and got the key at the top-right of the north room... then your destination is back in the 'south' area (the first area) over to the left / west! You're looking for the bandit leader!
You've got this, I'm sure. Nothing crazy you need to do, you just need to find the place you haven't been!
thanks for the reply!
ive gotten the key in the north and returned south. theres the cell door to the room with the beds but i still dont know how to get in?
ive been trying to use the keys from my inventory and idk. im pretty sure i have all the keys but i still cant acess the room. not sure what else im missing to do
ive been stuck on this little part for a few days now and im so confused :')
edit: after a through examination of the area, i discovered that i was infact, missing a key. the gold key to unlock the cell with the prisoner XD. thanks much for the help!
You're welcome. Glad I could help, indirectly or otherwise!
Well, comrades, as promised, here is the Russian translation. Feel free to download.
how do you unlock the fifth armor set? ive completed the game and looked everywhere but im still somehow missing it
Sounds like you're missing the "Skimpy Armour". To acquire it, you need to do one of two things:
During the bandit hideout section, get captured by the bandits and then escape. You'll be left with some 'tatters' that can be given to the blacksmith, which he'll then make into the armour for you.
If you missed this opportunity, you can make the tatters using the Synthesis Cauldron. You acquire this from the merchant on the far side of the slug nest, and need to give it to the wizard at the inn. Then you need to gather the materials to make the 'tatters' from enemies in the jungle, desert valley and beach cave.
thank you! is the slug nest in the jungle?
It is, yes. You went through it as part of one of the quests, if you remember. You jumped down a big hole by a tent.
i'm doing the "a new source" quest and i have no idea where the primary division settlement's mines is
You can get there by going straight upwards from the "northern bridge camp". Cross the bridge, and just keep going straight up.
If grove isn't any more careful watching the blacksmith romp he might end up with his own chastity cage with his lust armor..
MacOS is weird lol. The game worked in the beginning but now it refuses to run properly.
In our experience it's just a case of closing and re-opening and seeing if it happens again. If it's still running into errors, make sure that you've performed these steps before running Grove:
1. Right click the GROVE zip file you downloaded
2. Use the archive utility to unzip the files.
3. Drag the GROVE app into your applications folder.
There's also a chance that an old save from before 0.2 can lead to errors like the above. If all else fails, try starting a new game and playing through to see if you still run into these crashes.
Hope that helps :)
- RegalBuster
Will Tuon meet the bat after all? I like Tuon a lot,
So seeing their relationship makes me sad...
i know a lot of people like tuon and bat
I wish there was a different route
When I try to adapt the translation patch, the current game causes an error and is unplayable.
Can you distribute the v.0.204 game?
Sorry about that!
"GROVE v0.204 backup link" should now be amongst the downloads.
Thank you for your quick response.
I'll download and play!
I'm trying the new section of the game after loading a save that was in the gallery, everything is fine until you finish the dialogue that prompts you to continue with the story to the new section, it's EXTREMELY laggy, text and movement take a solid 15-20 to load.
I’m assuming you’re in the dream? Make sure you’re on the latest version (v0.308), and not playing on a USB or other form of external media as that can easily cause a significant amount of lag.
Corruption question-
I had not understood that corruption gave access to more stuff prior to the update, and because of that my corruption was 1 all the way until I got back from the desert and opened the package.
How much content did I miss by doing this? Am I able to go to previously explored areas to find the content I missed, or is it too late?
You've missed a small handful of stuff, most of which you can't go back for, no. Flavour text, one or two items, some scenes get additional text or images if you're corrupt enough, one particular scene only unlocks if you're corrupt enough...
But that's OK! Keep playing through the game the way that comes instinctively to you! And when you finish, you can start a new game and maybe try and interact with and get involved with more corruption stuff. It might be fun to try a different playstyle and see what ya missed? That's sort of the point of an RPG, no? :)
i tried to get my savedata from .307 to .308 but i cant find the .308 folder and when i try to redownload the game it just shows its hosted on a different illegal third party site but... it transfers me to the browser version of itch...
If you don't remember where you downloaded it to, the .308 version is just called GROVE now. You should be able to transfer your saves to there.
I don't know what this is about a third party illegal site though. If you're downloading the game here on, there's nothing that will take you off of the site.
Do you guys plan to make a mobile version of the game?
It looks like the 0.3 upgrade removed the gallery that was in your in room? Is there a way to go back and view all previous encounters?
You will have to finish the content in 0.3 to access the gallery again
i am extremely, like beyond extremely disappointed..... i have an accumulated 17 hours on this game, this is over many months of on and off playing, spent hours just grinding levels so it would be easier to play...... all gone.... all of it..... i have to re-invest all that time and effort just to play the new update......... the thing im most frustrated about is the lack of awareness to this issue, lustful desires the game had at least the common decency to add a function for people who did lose it all, the function to spawn anything, money, levels and gear. i dont care if its cheating, i didnt come here for the gameplay, i came here for the adult content.....
mind you most of the hours ive accumulated are from replying parts of the game and id prefer not to waste another few hours playing crap ive already gone through again and again.......
Are you playing on the itch io launcher or via website download?
If it’s via the launcher then the newest version’s files are now in the ‘GROVE’ folder (no version number). Go to the game icon within the launcher, right click and there should be an option to open the location of the game. Your previous version’s saves should be located in the folder there.
If it’s via the website, unfortunately the key due to how RPGMaker stores its files, the save directory is located within the downloaded Grove folder itself, and will require a transfer between every version update.
Make use of the save transfer guide here for both the launcher and the web download:
We’re hoping with the 0.308 update that future saves won’t need to be transferred again via the renaming of the grove directory, but do let us know if you run into any further issues.
Im using Itch and im on mac, i found save files but they arent my original save files, they are files i had just made, attempting to start again. i have looked through everything with the name grove attached to it and nothing... i found the text file next to the launcher explaining the process, went to the compressed files and found save files, then moved them to a backup but from that point i got lost, the only save folder there was the one i just accessed with the saves i just made, you have nothing on that list explaining what or where i can get import saves? i went to your twitter found pretty much the same info but for windows, the save file names are the same so i know i found what youve been directing us to but not what im looking for.
also i am 100% certain grove was not deleted from my mac and my old files where still there not too long ago, i actually saw the update email when 0.3 dropped and started playing again (with my old saves) only to realise the only thing that had changed for mac users was the name and icon of the game.....
look i really really appreciate your speedy response and your level of concern in helping me but from what i can see, i believe its all gone and if you didnt get the fact that i invested 17 hours of time into this game, i loved it, i absolutely hands down loved the game but to see all that time and effort gone.. with nothing to show for it....
in all honesty i wouldnt be as disappointed and disheartened if you did have the feature to just add levels and money, thats all i want, my levels and money back, i truly dont care if i have to start again if i just had an exp boost and money bags.
The MacOS build was very much experimental when it first released, so there isn't much we can do there regarding the location of the saves, if you yourself don't know where they are unfortunately.
If it helps, I'm happy to send over a modified save with similar amounts of GOLD and LEVEL if you let me know what amount you had, and can place you at the beginning of v0.204, but you will need to unlock the 0.3 scenes again.
- RegalBuster
Got this error message before even getting to play the game. I've been wanting to play for a while now and the game wouldn't even open without crashing on the previous versions. This is the farthest it's gone period
PS. This is on Mac
That error usually occurs because you haven’t unzipped the folder before dragging the program into your applications folder. Right click the file you downloaded, use the archive utility to unzip the files, then drag the grove app into your applications folder.
Would you guys consider adding more debuff armors/ accessoires like the prisoner outfit or the cock suckers but like not area restricted and can be kept? Like a cursed item where it has some unique buffs but has a detrimental stat maybe. I think that would be pretty cool
Maybe, but we'd have to very careful with them as they could easily end up breaking new encounters, or be a nightmare to balance around. That's why they're usually restricted to one particular area; it's much easier to balance it for a chunk of the game than the whole game.
Hi! I'm sorry, but I cannot for the life of me find the third armour kit. I have Lightweight Dyed; Mercenary Plate; Dust Covers; and Skimpy Covers. Running MacOSX
the third armor set is the regulation knight plate. i think its unlocked when you buy the regulation plate base from the blacksmith and talk to him again. how did you get the skimpy covers tho?
Skimpy covers you get by getting captured by the bandits.
oh alright, thanks!
i accidentally deleted the game file, is there a way i can retrieve my data or get my levels and items back?
If you've still got your save files, you can download the game again and transfer your saves across.
If the whole thing's gone, not in your recycle bin... then I'm afraid you'll have to redownload it.
where do i go after i complete the nothern gulch? the only thing i see that has changed is quiet clearing opening, but i cant seem do be able to do anything about it (unless i didnt spend enough time there)
Head down to the bottom-left exit of the Quiet Meadow, and follow the road to the cliffside. From there, head south. You should be able to figure out the rest.
alright thank you!!
I hope this game updates and has other languages like Portuguese that would make my gamerplay much easier
I lost my saves( Feels bad. Somehow my game got deleted... And i dont know how.
If the entire game somehow disappeared, then I'm sorry but there's nothing we can really do. I can assure you the game doesn't do that normally though so it's probably something on your end.
If it's JUST your save files vanishing... please make sure to check that you actually extracted / unzipped the game before playing! If you don't do that, your saves won't write properly!
I can drop you, if you want
If you updated using the Itcho App like I did, all is not lost! browse to the install location, the ,308 update renames the install folder to GROVE and leaves a folder named with the last version you had with your previous saves. \GROVE0.307\www\saves. In that folder browse to \www\saves. Copy all the files in the saves folder over to the the same location in the GROVE folder, it worked for me!
Comrades, who are waiting for the Russian translation - bear a little more, it is about to be ready. I've been optimizing everything for 2 weeks into Russian and I think it will be fine. And my friend is testing now.
question, were do you get the triple blitz ability?
It's a weapon skill for the Azure Scimitar weapon, which you can buy from the blacksmith.
There seems to be a problem on MacOS where the necessary save files aren't being included in the download? Can't seem to find a fix to this and it prevents me from progressing any further than the title screen
There aren't any save files that are included in the download or needed for the game to run. But from the sounds of things, you might be getting the "EROFS: read-only file system" error.
If that is the case, make sure you've actually extracted the Zip file first. Right click (or ctrl click), and open with archive utility. I think that's the software. Once you have, drag the app into your app folder