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so.. i'm stuck in a part of the game, on the third mission, i really don't know what to do or where to go and i can't get out of the jungle, i'm literally stuck there, where was i supposed to scout out?.. im kind lost,i dont know if my save broke..


That's a bit vague but here's my best advice:

Did you see some cutscenes with your fellow dragon explorers as you travelled down there?
If not, you missed something. Go back to the Quiet Meadow Inn, go upstairs, and the door on the far right. Talk to the li'l guy in his room.

If you did do and see that, you need to go up the cliff with the glowing jump sigil, down into the slug den hole... and look for a hole that leads you deeper.
Or you can just lose to the slugs down there, they'll take you to the boss.

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I also got stuck on this part. Spoilers kinda. I couldn't get the sigil to work (assuming its the one where grove fantasizes about jumping down into the pit.) I did have the idea to lose to one of the slugs, but after defeating the boss, the dialogue for the scene ends abruptly and it seems to be frozen? Can't move or anything.

Edit: Oop, silly me. The dialogue issue's been patched in one of the hotfixes.

I replayed a part of the game and you're right, sorry for the inconvenience I really accidentally skipped a part of the event but thank you very much for helping me, I love this game it's one of the best I've played in a long time,thank yu again! 

S'OK, you're welcome, and thank you for giving it a fair shake!

I've seemingly gotten softlocked in the deeper slime caverns looking for Kuno's knife. I defeated all the crimson slime dragons but can't progress or leave. The only interactable objects of note, are the chestplate which spawned the armoured slime and the slime plants in the corner that can't be passed.

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You need to interact with the wooden planks that are over to the left. Then go over to the big tentacle plants on the right.

Ah, thank you. I had interacted with it at some point but other than the flavour text nothing had happened but it worked this time.

Donno if it's only me or else. In the Gallery for bandit hideout, I cannot wear the slave suit from the purple case.

Anyway! Great job! Definitely it's the best new year gift I get!

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How to get the tree to light the waterfall? I looked but couldn't find it.:() 


Teleport to the "jungle campsite". Keep going upwards and to the right. 

Once you reach the top of the waterfall, go to the left and jump across some stones in the river. 

Hope that helps.


I would like to know if there will be a Russian version of the game?

Since a volunteer was involved in the translation, and suddenly he left the "team" if you can call it that

All translations are  done by kind volunteers so we can't promise anything I'm afraid.

We'll try and contact the person who did the previous Russian translation. But we cannot guarantee it.


This is my answer: Ringo and I will make Russian translation only after all the bugfixes. Right now we are getting acquainted with the update. Be patient for a while. 


Hi, I am wondering why there isn't gallery/memories in my room anymore after the update? Did it move to somewhere else or is it a bug?


You need to complete all the new content before the gallery will reappear.

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Hello dear developer, I am a Chinese player and am communicating with you in broken English, you may not know how many of your game lovers we have here, thank you for the gift

One thing is that some of us who are not proficient in English can't fully enjoy the updated content, so I wonder if there are plans to update the Chinese?


There are plans for a Chinese translation in the near future. We will make an announcement when it is completed.

es muy divertido 

Finally thank you sooi much ive been waiting months for this.

it's finally here, THANK YOU :)) . But should l start new game GROVE in this version or just copy GROVE(v0.204) In GROVE(V0.3) to continue ?


It's really up to you if you want  to start new or continue. There's a few small art assets and mechanics and collectables to find in the old content though!

Just... don't actually copy-paste the new version into your old version. Make it a separate file and just delete the old one!

Tis it better to start the new one... You will soon understand why.

yeah , because you never know something new 

Great, finally updated. Thank you for your New Year gift.


Should I continue my old save or start a new game?


哦耶!let's go!


here we go


LETS GOO BOISS! we are waiting 1 year for this!


esperando un poco


oh boyyyyyyy the wait is painful 


just one thing: T.R.O.L.L


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I wish in one day can Android download it game


In fact, you can use it on Android phones through some RPG runners.


I used JoiPlay and managed to finish the previous version(v. 0.204).

how ? I hv do it before but can't work.....I don't know how to make it

The only problem I had was the black screen when going to some places. If we have the same problem just do what this text says:

"If you're using Joiplay, hold tap on Grove game icon in the main menu -> Edit Plugins -> Scroll down to YEP_GridFreeDoodads and disable it. Start up your game again and you will be able to see the map. After getting through the area, you can enable it again without issue. I played Grove just fine on Android and just finished the latest version."

I found this on someone's comment, but I forgot their username.

Hi, does your joiplay also close when you reach the part of the North bridge? Do you know how to resolve?

No, it doesn't. I'm sorry, I don't know how to fix that.


*unintelligible yell of excitement at upcoming update*

Hi there! Is there a guide for all of the secrets/encounters? I think I have up to around half of the encounters but I have no idea where the rest are.

Here ya go!

thank you so much! Loving the game so far, can't wait for the update!

Need a little help... I replayed Groove one more time, but I still don't understand what the "personal pocket space" is for (it's empty). Maybe I missed something and need to look at the guide? 


There will be things added to it in the next update.

Aaah, I understand. Thanks. 

I have a few questions I have unlocked all the chests for the scenes. 

 and I and all the armor but I did not understand the conditions to unlock the knight armor.  

since I want to make a backup with the minimum and one with the maximum corruption.  (to be done I give up holding slaves for the minimum) 

and how a function of the 🍏 I currently have 3.  otherwise .

I love these games and I can't wait for Monday's update.

The knight armour isn't too hard. Go buy the "regulation knight base" from the blacksmith, then just talk to him again afterwards and he'll make the armour for you!

The apples are just a fun little collectable! See how many you can find, and maybe you'll get a little something in the future!

Thanks for the kind words, and hope you enjoy the upcoming update a great deal!

OK I'm worried that the armor one is needing the slime and therefore increasing the corruption. Thank you for answering.

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hi i finished the game , can someone tell me how to get the last 2 chest in the last room of the gallery ? and the gold one too , of the same room ?

I think the golden chest is to lose the tutorial battle at the start of the game!

I'm afraid I can't remember the other two chests just by their position... could you share the unlock hints, and then I can help you further.

hi thanks for answering,

 the purple one says'' you find yourself entering a western path... and pestering a newcomer and his tent. Suddenly your corruption flares up...'' 

and the blue one : you leave the bandit hideout with a souvenir in toe... you decide to leave this with another, until they have the necessary tools and amount to repair it.'' 

your game is great by the way

Thanks for the compliment! Glad you enjoy it enough to want to 100% it!

Purple chest: With 10 Corruption, try and repeatedly enter the Mercenary Commander's tent over to the left / west of the inn (hooded guy who gives you desert robes).
You can grind Corruption points if you want by getting repeatedly captured by the jungle slugs or the green slime dragons.

Blue chest: You need to give the 'slave suit tatters' to the blacksmith and let him make a new set of armour for you. This item can be acquired by getting captured by the bandits and then escaping... and there'll be a new way to acquire it in the upcoming update.
Up to you if you want to replay the game, or wait for the new update.

Hope this all helps!

yes it does , thanks can't wait for the new update.

will there be a way to play the new version or the current one on android?

You can use JoiPlay or MaldiVes emulators to play on Android, both now and on the upcoming update, but both of them have issues and are not officially supported or endorsed by us. The game is made for and intended to be played on home computers.

If you're desperate, JoiPlay has graphical issues on certain maps. MaldiVes has subpar performance. Pick your poison, hah.

ahh I see its just going on a trip soo and it's a bit inconvenient to take my laptop so wanted to see my options thanks

And when will there be a Chinese patch after the update.

——A Chinese who can't wait

We will try to release a Chinese patch before the end of the month. 

Wow, it's like a gift! I can't wait for the update.

Is there any Donation link except "paypal" here? I don't have the paypal, thank you~


You can donate by hitting the 'download now' button, inputting your amount, and using your card information!

You don't have to download the game again to complete the donation, so don't worry about that :)

Ok,got it~Thank you;)


there are only 5 days left until the release of the new update I can hardly contain myself

Wow, is the news true? May I ask where you can get this information? If you can share, thank you for telling me.


he had said that by the 15th it will be released

Wow, thanks for your answer. I’m really looking forward to January 15th.


To be precise, it was said that he was hoping for the 15th, so this is not a fact.


This is the best news I have heard this year.


Sorry to disappoint you, but we have not confirmed this information yet! The game may take an extra day or two. We may also delay the release for an extra day to prepare ourselves, or because of jobs / work / personal obligation.

We will make an update here on, on RegalBuster's and SirIzike's Twitter, on our Discord and FurAffinity pages when we have an exact date settled. 

Please be patient for just a little longer. I do not want you to think we lied to you.

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It’s OK. It doesn’t matter if we wait a few more days. You can update your game after you finish your work. Finally, I wish you a happy new year.


Thanks for your kind wishes and your understanding :)

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quick question, how do you get to the abandont tent on the western cliff crossroads, from where at night purple light comes out? and how do you get the middle outfit?

the tent can't be accessed yet.

the armour can be bought from the blacksmith.

hope that helps.

in this update it will be like an ally was captured can you have the option to help him or let him be corrupted or have the option to ally with the enemy depending on your corruption?

Not in this update, no.

Thanks for the answer and I hope you guys have a lot of success with the game so until the 15th to play the game when it launches :^)

ps: I don't speak English so if you got something wrong, know that I'm using google translator ok

I'm so excited for the next update that i can't wait for more time 


We're almost there. A few more weeks at most. Should be this month for almost certain.

This is the best news I’ve heard all year. Thank you for your contributions.

How to use the Chinese patch

Links and instructions should be here.

Thank you!!

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Happy new year and fuck this spam add. 

For curious people who want to play from a tablet or phone (not sure if you can). Try the Steam Connect app, it allows you to restream not only games from Steam,just some settings and your complitly fine.

Thank you very much for the game, I sincerely wish everyone involved lots of happiness and only success in new year. Double thanks to the Ringo who made the Russian patch (sorry, but about discord, I'll pass)

Looking forward to the update, have a nice day!


Happy New Year to you too, and thanks for the kind wishes.

Update will hopefully be arriving soon. I can't promise a Russian patch immediately, as our translators are just volunteers, but we'll at least try!

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Hey There Guys Happy New Year! :D i was wondering how many days were left until the game because I lost track already? I remember you said 20 last time


We're getting close to release. I can't give a specific date, but we're definitely hoping to get it done before the end of January. HOPEFULLY in the first half of January!

Gotta put the final coats of polish and content into the game, and do a good deal of testing, but we're almost there. It really shouldn't slip out of January!


I would like to wish you all a happy 2023! May this year be the best year ever!

Thank you, and same to you!


Worth the 10 dollars I gave

Greatly appreciate the donation, thank you so much~!

I'm scared to release the new update, I can't wait to play it, it's the best NSFW furry game out there, a lot of people are waiting for it, I know you guys barely have time to do things because of school and etc, but you guys are very good at it, but it's eating me up inside

It's not going to be too much longer. Try and stay calm and patient for just a little longer, OK? 

Thank you for the compliments, and I hope you enjoy the update when it arrives!


thank you and happy new year seriously what a unique game no wonder it's the best of all NSFW seriously


Just out of curiosity, will this new update have bestiality?

not that I'm complaining but it would be nice to have content like that on it


Not in the typical sense, no.

But if you enjoy lewd scenes that involve an anthro, and some kind of creature that is quite feral-minded and not all that intelligent, you miiiiight enjoy a particular scene.

Another Rinnal scene then? 👀🤤

Greetings. I really want to know when will be the announcement of the next update?

Soon. We're hoping for somewhen in the first half of January.

Make sure to follow us here on, on our Twitter socials, or join our Discord server if you'd like to know in advance.

Best wish!

Thank you!

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