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Wow, this game is a great experience. The art, the lore, every little detail. This is the perfect gay rpg style game and nothing can change my mind - i love what you did with all the puzzles and different kinds of fighting along the gameplay, made the game so much more interesting (not to mention the characters personalities and design, because oh la la). I thank the development team for this masterpiece, i'm looking forward to play future releases :). PS: i didn't even had an account before i decided to leave a comment because of the final message in the game, YOU GUYS DESERVE ALL THE SUPPORT! God, i got here by recommendation and i will DEFINITELY pass it on.

Whoa, thanks so much for the overwhelmingly positive comment, truly! It means a great deal to us to have people enjoying out game, and we're humbled you wanted to make an account just to comment here.

Word of mouth and donations help us greatly, so thank you very much for passing word along.

Hi, I absolutely LOVED the game, I can't explain how much I enjoyed the slime scenes. I'm really really looking forward to the future updates!

I had a question about the gallery feature; I've noticed I have one scene left that hasn't been unlocked yet, and was wondering if it becomes accessible if I somehow managed to find it in an older save file. I presume game over scenes become unlocked no matter the save file it happens in (because it's virtually impossible to "Save" after ending up in one), but does that apply to other scenes (which don't end up in a game over) as well?

The locked scene I'm curious about is the blue treasure chest located in the very far right gallery. I would appreciate it if you could give me an answer. Thanks! :)

Since we move the gallery around quite a bit during development, I can't really remember what scene that chest is through just its position. If you share the hint that comes with it, maybe we can help.

Buuuuuuut, otherwise, you're in luck! You can indeed go back to an old save to add gallery scenes you missed! So if you've saved relatively often you should hopefully be able to go back and get whatever you missed!

Otherwise, thank you very much for the compliments and kind words on the game! We're glad to know you enjoyed it so much you intend to 100% it!

Thanks for the reply!

I'm happy to hear that old save files work. The chest in question is about escaping the hideout with a loot or something?

Could you type out exactly what the hint says, please? I just want to make sure I'm not misguiding you.

I apologize for the ambiguous wording; I wasn't on my PC when I sent the reply.

The hint says: "You leave the bandit hideout, but with a souvenir in tow... You decide to leave this with another, until they have the necessary tools and amount of time to repair it."

No worries, thanks for clarifying.

OK, this one is a bit complicated, and there's two ways of doing it.
The first way is to revert to a save back at the Bandit's Lair when the Bandits are still around. You need to get captured by them, escape from your cell, and re-equip your clothes. You'll get an item when you re-equip your clothes, and you can give that item to the Blacksmith, who will make it into some armour for you later.

The second way of unlocking this scene is by using the Synthesis Cauldron at the Inn in order to create the latex straps. You'll need a few materials to create it, one of which can be found in the slug caverns and from defeating slugs, and the other in the desert from fighting 'shambling mirages'.
If you don't have the Synthesis Cauldron, you need to find it from a special merchant. You'll need to head back into the Slug Den in the Jungle, and follow the path through until it emerges back outside again, where you'll find a tent. If you need more clues, let me know.

Otherwise, good luck with hunting down this final scene!

I really don't know if I'm really stupid or I just don't understand how to move forward here.

I've tried everything, friend in the end, even in another save I gave myself the entire inventory and nothing remains the same


Go back to the Inn, go to your room, to to the wardrobe, and put on the Dust Covers (the orange crystal).


Cute drakes, horny monsters, interesting worldbuilding lore and hot porn

Glad to hear we seemingly checked all your boxes!


Just a Great game and everything that's about to come, i just finish the game at the current version 0.308. I just finished it and i'm imagining how in the future i'm going to make a torch to see again the insect friend I made after the battle, to see how is he doing, haha! I never comment on any games because I didn't feel appasionate about commenting due to none of these games got hard on me, they are never long enough or the story isn't as good as I imagined. I finally found the game where I felt really integrated and really excited to keep playing and see how to story progresses. I love how you, or the developers got involved in the game and got the perfect balance with corruption, history... and all the aspects that the game has. I'm definetly going to follow both "grove" and "prowler" games. And has a future developer for software (still studying bruh :p) I see the love you guys put onto the game and that's where it hits me the hardest (on a possitive way), where the love put onto any game, catches me and that wants me to start new things and continue doing great things. There are mant aspects that I want to comment on, but I won't since you don't want to spend so much time reading this, like the fact that you guys made a gallery section that most games don't do... Keep up the good work :3, still going to comment and talk about this game in the future, I promise. 


Thank you very much for playing our game, and for the long and kind comment! We're happy and humbled to hear such overarching praise for the game and all its features, and we hope that you can enjoy future updates for both Prowler and Grove just as much!

Always a great compliment to know our game can be inspirational, too! Good luck with your own work, and thank you again for your kind comment!

Heyo! I've been playing this game since one of the earlier releases and it thoroughly impressed me for the incredible story and unforgettable characters, especially Grove himself, it made me laugh the first time he spoke to the mercenaries and everyone was surprised to hear him speak. Both normal enemies and bosses have a different and appealing design, my favourite so far is the imp (from the dream section) and unsurprisingly my corruption level is around 20.  Proudly wearing the skimpy outfit I completed the game so far and can't wait for what's next. I'm also keeping an eye open for "prowler". Best of luck and thank you for developing an amazing game. 

Thank you very much for playing our game, and for the high praise! It's greatly appreciated, and it's always good to know folks are really enjoying their experiences with our kinky content.

Hope you'll continue to like what's to come in the future for both GROVE and Prowler!

Hi I can’t find the fruits for the first task please a need help

They're in the slime forest. Follow a path to a clearing, and find a shimmering spot in the grass. If you reach the big green slime puddle, you've gone too far to the right.


Hello, please help me how do I get to Bizii

In the jungle, in the tunnels where you fight the red slugs and slug golem. There is a pathway that leads to a ladder, which will eventually arrive at Bizz.

Thanks a lot :3

This might be a dumb question but uh, where do you find that "cursed latex underwear"? idk if i accidently skipped it, but i already passed the place where we save the swordsmith.

Sounds like you missed it, I'm afraid. When you're in the slime forest, you need to save the blue dragon. You'll get the underwear after saving him.

(1 edit)

can you show me a screenshot of where i need to save him, please?

It's... really not hard. There's only two paths to take through the forest. You can figure it out I'm sure.

If you're really struggling, I'll say this: if you reached the big green slime puddle, you've gone too far.

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I think it would be nice to add some more synergies and strategies to the combat system, like a stun build, or something to combo with bleeding (because artery stab is not really good in my opinion).

We'll try to add more strategies to combat as we continue development, of course!

I'm enjoying the game, but I want to ask what the dreams are about. they are clearly telling a story that continues the more corrupt you are, but I haven't seen any new ones in a while. Also, will there be a new build anytime soon? Finally, do you have a patreon? I'd love to support the work.

We don't have a Patreon, but we'd greatly welcome any donations through here. You can hit the 'Download Now' button and make a donation through there, no need to actually download the game again.

Thanks for the praise and hope you continue to enjoy our game! There's more dreams to be found later in the game as you progress through the story.

I think I found a bug?
So I went to give Wizz my inert black underwear, but also before that, I made Grove eat the fruit in the farm. So now, it is playing both the Wizz Inert Underwear cutscene and Grove masturbation scene at the same time.

It's a known bug, but we decided not to fix it since people have had fun with it, haha.

So, it's not a bug. It's a feature :)


I found the game by chance browsing. It turned out to be one of the nicest games I ever played!

I simply love seeing Grove being violated by monsters and also the story is fascinating and captivating!

I hope there will be more to play and more to see soon!

I got a little bit disappointed by the grapple mechanics, especially the "present yourself" one because you get rid permanently of your armour. I get it's normal if monster rip it off from you, but it felt a little too punishing if I decided to undress willingly.

Also I found it very difficult to try to win combats by "whoring" myself. In my first try I thought it was possible, but I soon found that you'd lost most of the times, especially because of TP generation and regeneration while in a grapple.

By the way, it is a overall really gooooooood game!

Can't wait to see new content!


Thank you for the kind praise! We're still working on the game in the background. Glad to hear you enjoyed your time with it overall, and thanks for the feedback.

Hello, please tell me how to get into the passage that is indicated on the screenshot, otherwise the character does not want to go down there, but only describes this passage

That passage is where Grove comes out in a later quest, he can't get in since its inaccessible until meeting later story requirements

i lost my saves ;c


Did you make sure to extract the game after downloading it? If you didn't, then your saves won't stay since the folder is 'write-only'.

I am a little bit confused about the clue for the other purple chest... "You find yourself entering the west path... and after pestering a newcomer and his tent. Suddenly, your corruption flares up...", At who point in the story can this be achieved?

This can be achieved after the Auxilliary Commander arrives at the campsite, until his house / office building has finished being made.

You need at least 10 corruption points to be able to trigger the scene, by interacting with his tent repeatedly.

Thank you


Great game, I love it, I hope it gets updated soon, I've played it many times!

Thank you! We're still working on the game, but it'll be a while yet!

Can we or will we be able to top majority of the cast? Or at least get some options to? Graver primarily bottoming doesn't sit right with some of these.

Also cause I kinda want to see Tuon bottom but thats beside the point

Overall the game is really good! I enjoyed playing through what I could. 

What I liked:

Story telling was great. Not much else to say its solid. Types of damage styles you can play between. Casting, Physical, Grappling. The maps were pretty and simply to navigate even if you do get lost.
Having the town evolve throughout the game ie workers building it is a really nice touch especially when updating through several different patches as a WIP game. Theres a lot to like about this game. I spent more than i like to admit. Lets say its 24 hours plus. The immersion itself is spectacular exploring every nook and cranny was great. Also helped when you never check the task logs.... I read a comment that said the game is too easy and I disagree. The game can be challenging if you play a certain way. Especially if you are like me who are M.Attk focused and really like exploring everything and killing everything on sight and not avoid a single mob. And self resetting the map because you didnt realize sleeping in a camp respawns everything because you accidently hit a too much during the cut scene where it explain the respawn when you just wanted to heal. THAT ASIDE great story great playability will probably do another playthrough doing the cheese method to actually see how long it would take. Since the way i did it took me way longer than i needed to ( Trying to not get downed lost clothing too often. )

The several things that bothered me.

Battle mechanics really simple to learn. Simple to cheese. Some of the scaling doesn't really seem right though. Like grappling doesn't do much damage past the slimes and doing physical damage doesn't increase in damage unless using very specific weapon and armor type which doesn't feel right. Having 20 attack and doing 45 on a slime while having 22 doing 70-90 ( don't remember exact number ) on a slime doesn't sound right. I been mostly avoiding a lot of things. Did a corruption playthrough and a non corruption playthrough. But face it I want the scenes so its going to be corruption ( praying it doesn't affect too much later down the line and there is a threshold before it goes to the gutter on relations and whatnots. ) That part aside having 22 Sigil bonus damage and doing 120 vs having 19 MAG Dmg and doing roughly 55 damage there's a jump somewhere. Also figured noticed that having 300-400hp during most of the combat likes during the bat. I die in 2-3 hits and let alone so any significant dmg back to their 1k+ hp chunk. The amount of hp healing item cheese and avoidance was needed even when i was trying to get certain scenes. 

I also really like the ideas of pets. Although would be nice if they were also combatants ie seduce prey or hypnotize into a ally for a while Was struggling through the beetle? fight with all their respawnables. Took me an hour and I wasn't even under the suggested level I was around lv 15 when i did it. Game gets easy with overleveling but if you don't overlevel you end up with the hardest fights in the world without much leeway. Yes you can cheese doing get up attack ( get 35 tp ) give yourself get up attack repeat but its a combat type that rough when you are set up for magic attack to cast fire or azure blast. Otherwise if you only wanted the story and what not its easy to breeze through. 

Things i noticed because im a battle junky in rpg games even in this genre. 


Mainly only bought Azure weapon because skills are the only thing keeping me alive in this game. Azure Schimitar any Schimitar use at risk of being 1 shotted. Had 400 hp fighting a boss and it chunked me with a crit to 20 hp remaining. Was rough with defense loss. Don't really have good criticism because I only used Channeling Blade for more M.Attk. cause it has the buff M.Attk and a source of tp regen.


Ranger: Doesn't feel great lost dmg and a skill i never after testing it because I would get hit even with the skill active ( bad rng maybe ) but still wasn't great looked amazing though.

Standard: Its standard. Liked it more than ranger.

Knight Reg: I used it... was when i realized stat was negligible with enough gold farming and item spamming
Dust: Confused on what this actually does. The hp gain on it basically let me survive 1 of the double hit enemy started doing.

Skimpy: What i wear because it gives more stats than standard and i don't trust evasion after ranger evasion failed me. Dust confused me too much to actually use and Knight was negligible because hp is already low.

Accessory concerns:

Azure band. Some mobs ended up robbing my tp more than i could even regen from attack or being hit PLUS the ring. Felt like it needs a buff or at least increase our tp so that 3% regen actually regen enough tp for it to be viable.

Undergarments.. cause it seemed good then realized grappling damage scaling dropped significantly compared to normally attacking. Also in what way were we suppose to regen tp during that there were so many times i had to item cheese during that phase just to get back up because i couldn't generate tp. 

Earlybird ring REALLY GOOD early as in its name. Then you see skill costing 30+ so swapped over to Azure and well.. ended up just using the Shelterwing amulet because hp was nicer to cheese item spaming. Was very expensive.

Shelterwing Amulet. It heals. 2 armor still taking more damage then this thing can keep up. Did reduce the amount of items i needed to heal cheese.

Sigil Band. M.Attk scaling increase feels like it need more because of how bad the scaling for everything as is.

Wow, that's a BIG comment. Thanks for all the feedback though, and for playing our game for so long.

We won't be spoiling specific future content here, but we do plan to have more relationship scenes with the other NPCs in the future.

(1 edit)

excuse me, but will there be any lasting effect or difference if i choose to let the imp mate me? i'm a bit confused since 2 possibilities end up in the same outcome.

and also, where can i found the black sludge?

thank you


Sorry, we're not gonna reveal any story stuff or spoilers.

The black sludge can be found by defeating Shambling Mirage enemies. They can be found in the valley and the desert. 

Alright that's fair.

But at least, may i know if it will end up in auto game over or not?

Because if it is, then i have to restart my playthrough again.

It won't result in an automatic game over. We don't intend to ever make the game unwinnable. It'll always be a decision, or a failure in battle, or something like that.

Alright, thank you


I like the game a lot but I don't usually have my PC, I have brothers, and I don't always have the opportunity to use my PC. I would like to see it on Android but it is obvious that it will be much more difficult for a cell phone. But aside from my problems, I really liked the game 10/10

Thanks for trying out the game, and for your praise, even with the difficulty of playing.

you can play it on Joiplay! i also dont have a PC so using emulators like this is my go-to nowadays!

Geniuenly a great and fun game. Hope there will be a romance route with the brawler in the future. I geniuenly love him


Thanks for the kind words, and it's nice to see more outward love for Rinnal the Brawler! Play your cards right and maybe you can kick something off with them in the future!

Here's to hoping the game runs smoother on my new computer and I can enjoy the lewdness and adventure that is GROVE! Srsly though, BEST OF THE BEST!!!


Just a question about future implements of corruption. Will there be a larger narrative impact of your corruption level later on? like people notice and start trying to avoid you for fear of it spreading, or you change physically in response to how corrupt you are. I understand that it would be more than problematic to implement if you all don't plan to do anything like that. Thanks!


We intend to do more with the Corruption mechanics, that much we can definitely say. As for the specifics... we don't want to spoil it right now. We know folks are very interested in all the stuff we can potentially do with the mechanic, so hopefully you'll like what we come up with in time!

(1 edit)

Amazing game! Although i must say it is not my first time playing this genre, it was my first time actually enjoying the gameplay. I was curious (and still am) about what's going to happen next. The dialogs are the perfect lenght, the interactions are cute and well... Anyways, i do hope this game gets updated
P.S.: Will there be dragon mobs? And i loved you made this game for linux! Not many people do that, so i really appreciate running without an emulator.

Thanks so much for the praise! That's great to hear you resonated with the gameplay so well! We've tried our best to do some interesting things with the gameplay, so we're glad folks think that shines through.

And you're very welcome for the Linux build. It's... not the easiest thing to get working, but we're happy to try so as many folks as possible can play.

The game is still being worked on, though it'll still be a while before a new update. We hope you can be patient with us, and thanks again for the feedback!

I really like this game, and I also really like Grove. Personally, I think this is a very innovative gameplay (at least I played it very innovatively and I really like it, it's the number one in my heart!) Even if it doesn't have 18 banned content, I still love it and hope to continue making it. I have been waiting for a long time But I don't mind continuing to wait for updates! My words are quite lengthy. Thank you very much for reading, and I am extremely grateful for being able to create such an excellent game!

Thank you for the kind words! 

hi, could somebody help me regarding the quest “deliveries undelivered”, i´ve been stuck in the 3rd delivery because i forgot where it was supposed to be delivered, i´ve already delivered the package for the blacksmith and the wizard but i can´t find the 3rd one

Go to your inventory, check your Key Items. The deliveries are marked with a Star symbol and the description tells you where to take them!

Where are the newcomers in the upper left corner of the channel after purchasing desert equipment


Are you referring to a locked chest in the gallery?


I'm sorry. I don't  understand your question. Newcomers? Channel?

Maybe this helps: When you have the desert equipment, your destination is in the upper-right corner of the desert. Look for a staircase.

(1 edit)

Also, now that I've actually found the gallery, I can't seem to unlock this chest. I assume it's somewhere in the bat mines, but I can't seem to find it. Any help?

When you enter the room with the purple crystal in the mines, a bat will appear and trap you with a fence. Go and talk to the bat through the fence and agree to their offer.

Thanks! I guess my brain just always immediately went to the blasting powder and never thought to talk to the bat. In retrospect, I dunno how the chest's hint didn't click XD

Oh when was this :O I actually don't know what part of the game I'm on LOL

(1 edit) (+1)

Absolutely adored this. I came for the lewd, but was not expecting the game to be as feature rich as it was. Seriously, my playtime by the end hovered around 15 hours (though a lot of that was due to... reasons ;P) despite me only expecting maybe a 3-4 hour romp. I was also pleasantly surprised by the amount of engaging story and character dialogue. I feel like you don't really get that with many other porn games, and I actually do value good story in my lewd stuffs. I absolutely love the four main adventurers and you can really feel their bond. Their personalities shine through so well (I love Kuno!!!!) and nobody really feels out of place. The story kept me engaged all the way through and I'm dying to see where it all ends in the future.

Having the town evolve throughout the game as the workers build it up is a VERY nice touch. It really helps make the whole place feel alive. A lot of other porn games have this weird syndrome where everything feels so static and so obviously game-like.  It's clear that the dev team put a LOT of work in giving the world of Grove personality and life. I don't feel like I'm talking to an NPC that was coded to be there, and that's a hard thing to do in a game without true voice acting. I cannot praise this aspect enough.

The scene writing itself was extremely good and imaginative (and hot!). Detailed, but without being too wordy or flowery. The purple text being used when appropriate got to me a lot more than you'd think, and it really helps the immersion (and... arousal >.<;;). Hypnosis/Corruption is a major tick for me, and I'm pretty picky about how it's written. You guys absolutely nailed it. Knocked it out of the goddamned park. And again, brilliant move with the purple text.

Perhaps my ONLY complaint is that the game is (in my personal opinion) too easy. Part of that could be over leveling (I was level 14 by the time I finished all the content), but part of that is because it's too easy to recover from a bad situation. I can't tell you how many times I was able to loop "Get Up -> Attack -> Get Up -> Attack" to avoid what should have been a certain game over, which becomes basically impossible for the opponent to break out of if you're wearing the Azure Band. Then once the health is low enough, I can just use a grapple move to finish them off. I think future enemies could benefit from shorter grapple sequences (the Wraps enemy benefits from this and is harder to deal with because of it) to make it more difficult to finish enemies off/escape before they finish you off first. You could also make it so that enemies are more inclined to attack you rather than attempt to fuck you if you are at critically low health while prone. I think the game could benefit from this change the most to make it more difficult. That way I'm more inclined to pay attention to my health. Other than that, I'm not sure how to balance the game to make it a more fun challenge. I'm definitely no game dev.

Edit: I'm stupid and found the Gallery. Derp.

Anyways if you actually read all that, thank you and sorry for the wall of text! I absolutely love this game. Thank you so much for all your hard work!

Wow, that's a big comment, and remarkably focused on the various written and environmental story aspects of the game, As one of the two devs who does a lot of the writing, it made me very happy to read so much kind praise, so thank you, truly! I only hope we can continue to make such pleasing content for you!

As for your comment regarding difficulty... it's a funny ol' thing. Just as you've commented the game is too easy, there's people who've said it's a bit difficult, and folks who've said it's just right. There really isn't going to be pleasing everyone where this is concerned without a difficulty slider... but RPG Maker doesn't support such things, so we'd have to look into a whole bunch of coding, reworking, or items and such...

Anywho, as long as you got to play through and enjoy yourself, that makes us happy as devs! And we'll try our best to keep on improving the game in the future

It came to my notice that the latest build cost quite a space, can you guys consider resizing it in the upcoming update?

We're certainly going to try.

(1 edit)

Is/Will there be a dedicated Patreon for this game or for your group in general?

Very unlikely! We prefer to use donations or direct donations.

Will the game have an Android version?

You can play it via mobile emulators like Joiplay but it's not the best. There's some visual and gameplay bugs, because the emulators don't support some of the plugins / mods we use for the game.

Not much we can do about that unfortunately. You should still be able to play the whole game but computer works much better.


when is there going to be another update


Sorry, we don't have a date yet, but we can confirm the game is still in development!

Awesome game.

The nsfw is great and the game itself is good even without all the porn.

Also kuno is bestboi.

Thank you kindly!

The game was a masterclass. I am wondering, though, will there be more save slots for future updates?


More? 99 isn't enough for you? I'm not sure we can add any more...

Nevertheless, thank you for your kind words.

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I’m more so worried about when the game is significantly more complete, but for now I do have enough haha. Although, I do save a little too much


You can copy the save files and store them somewere else on your pc. It's a bit more work, but if you want you can do this to have more saves. Be carefull with changing the name tough, I'm not sure if this will make the file invalide for the game

(1 edit)

This game is awesome.

Aside from all the artwork and the beautiful graphics, the lore of this game is very intricate and well built, capturating the attention of the player, and the end of this version that ends on a cliffhanger makes me want to know how the story continues.

I look forward to the next release, but for now the game is perfect as is

Thank you for the kind words! We're proud of the work we've done so far and that so many people seem to enjoy it, from the lore to the lewds to the art and mechanics.

Hope we can continue to impress moving forward, and hope you'll continue to play it when we do!

Hi devs, love the game.  Looking forward to more (of both this and Prowler)!  

I have a lore question (or two) and a future-content question.  

Lore question:  What exactly are the lekta (the auxiliary commander's race)?

I had thought of him as another dragon, with the "tokadi" (Grove and most-to-all of the other characters) and "lekta" (the auxiliary commander's people) essentially being different ethnicities of dragon.  But he refers to himself as a different species, and having different anatomy.

(Related:  Are the bandits dragons as well, or some other race such as lizards?  They don't have horns, whereas all the other dragons--and the lekta--do....).

Future-content question (possibly related to the aforementioned "different anatomy"):  Do you have any plans for consensual sexytimes for Grove?  

Hey, thanks for the enthusiasm towards our games and lore! As for your future content question, the answer is yes, potentially! You might have noticed you can build your relationship with certain NPCs. Play your cards right and maybe something might bloom from that!

As for your lore question, I'm afraid I can't answer most of that just yet. I CAN say the bandits are NOT dragons though, yes.
As for the lekta auxiliary commander... you'll have to wait and see, but you're very observant to notice those things about his physicality and what he says about himself. In future updates you'll see an answer to your question though...!

Thanks again for the questions and interest!

oooh, interesting.  Thanks for the info, and the quick reply!  I'll wait...  ]:=8)~

I love this game. Please tell me when will the next update be.

Sorry, we don't have an ETA... but we really appreciate your interest! Thank you truly

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