Quick question. I just finished exploring the jungle part, and have the dessert armor, but I cant find where to go, or the red veteran. Can someone explain where those are, or if they're still in development?
Make sure you took the armour to the Wizard at the Inn. He'll install some charms on it so you can now go to the desert in the north. You might want to check in with the guy who gave you the armour as well, he'll give you some tips to help desert exploration.
I know this is probably a commonly asked question, but would this game ever be possible on mobile? Like i used to play it on pc and to be fair 10/10 game, i just want to play it again
Due to certain plugins and functions we use for the game that don't easily work with emulators, we don't recommend playing the game on mobile... but you CAN play it if you want, but there'll be missing graphics and other oddities.
Not much we can do besides a fundamental reworking of the game's coding... and much as we appreciate people playing, we don't really want to compromise on our mechanics and artistry. Sorry.
In the jungle. From the "jungle campsite", climb the vines, and keep going to the north-east (top-right). It's where you jumped across some stones in a river to save somebody in the past.
Oh gosh I love the game! I haven't run into any issues so far besides the fact that I might finish what I have so far, and I really don't want that T^T. I look forward to the next update!
Oh, thank you for your quick response The game you guys made was really fun and nice! Can't wait for next update I'm planning to purchase it as soon as it's released
There is a cutscene with Kuno, right? But I don't understand how to unlock it. Do I need to gather enough corrupstion and use tent in the Jungle camp? If so, how much corrupstion?
I love Kuno, he's such a cutie and I want to get as many of him as possible
Lose a certain battle early in the game, and there'll be a scene with Kuno. If you're looking for something that's just Grove and Kuno together, there's currently no such scene.
Appreciate how much you enjoy his character, though!
sorry if is this somewhere already. but if i get to much curruption will i like lose or get a bad end or smthn? cus i dont wanna get curruption on porpose if so. thank you
If your corruption is high, there are some decisions you can make that can give you a game over. But they'll always be something optional, or a decision. You can't "lock" yourself into an unwinnable situation.
Add a hidden area in the second map where there is a cave and when you enter there are some skunk drones that will try to make you smell their farts. The game over could be Grove being a fart slave. I think that would be pretty cool.
Really nice game. It is one of the best rpg's/nsfw's I've played (als one of the few nsfw's with a real storyline in it, wich I like).
I did discover a few "bugs"/faults, wich I would like to report:
- When the smiths assistant mimics Tuo, his skin color will change after the imitation from purple to blue (he certainly can imitate others very well ;-) ).
- During one of the first conversations with the auxiliary commander, there is a hidden question. (the question has no text in the textbox, it is just an empty space) Grove will say he expected the commander to look more like a snake.
- I believe the text for the charged slug battle when wearing no latchers is the same as when you wear 2 latchers (it still says: with 2 parasitic cocksleeves)
- when closing the screen of my laptop (forcing it to sleep mode) while playing, the game takes a few minutes before you can see the next line of text or can go to another area (I normaly wouldn't mind, but I'd rather not have my laptop open when someone unexpectedly enters the room ;-) )
Good luck with the game, I am looking forward to the next update!
Thanks for the praise on the game! Glad you enjoyed yourself by and large. Appreciate the feedback too. Some responses:
- The hidden question with the Auxiliary Commander is intentional, just a little in-joke amongst our Discord community.
- The lag from closing your game and forcing it to sleep is unfortunately an issue with regards to the game engine itself. There's... not really much we can do about that I'm afraid. The best solution would be pausing and minimizing the game.
Otherwise, we'll look into those little issues and see if they can be fixed. Thanks again!
awesome game man, I played the latest Jupiter expansion and I have to say pure work of art
I hope version 2 comes out soon because I'm eager to see what obscene game overs Gioco will have to deal with
Why don't you do some scenes where the bandit leader captures Kuno, Finall, Jaler and converts them into three latex drones under his orders?
also it would be fun to see a new wave of green slimes or a purple or black variant attacking the camp converting its inhabitants into slime dragons, could you consider this idea?
I wish you my best wishes and that your work and personal life go well
I'm enjoying the game but I have to call uncle and ask for help as I'm thoroughly confused on how to proceed.
I can't enter the desert because I lack the garments for it. I defeated the snake boss thing and got a dusty bun from them, but there doesn't seem to be anyone to give it too? I talked to every npc on all the screens i have access to (including the newcomer) and nothing comes of it.
I've seen people mention a jungle but if it exists I don't have access to it yet. Thought I might have missed an exit but after ramming my face against the edge of every screen I have access to I don't think so.
When you reach the desert entrance and the game informs you that you cannot pass, you're teleported back to the Quiet Meadow campsite. That should be your first clue your new goal isn't back there... we're not going to bring you back just to make you return in that direction.
At that point the game also should pop up with a little message saying you want to go track down the adventurer trio, and that they left for the south. Considering the areas you visited were the "northern bridge camp" and "northern settlement" and "northern desert"... it should hopefully click that you want to go the opposite direction from all that.
I love the way you guy respond with every comments from us, I hope you could do your best with the final and then... continue with the game :3 Forgive me, I love your game sooo much
Hey, cool game, but I think the latest build (v0.308) that auto downloads in itch client is actually 0.122a. Didn't realize until I noticed the fences everywhere.
The game sadly seems to crash before starting for apple silicone :( I loved this game when I played it on mac intel so I'm sad I can't play with the new laptop.
Hey SabSab, unfortunately we don't have an apple silicone cpu computer to test Grove on, but I suspect that they've changed permission settings in a new OS update. Apologies...
yo just wanted to say that the game iz amazing <3. I loved the writing and the complexity of the world that seems to loom as the story progresses. Keep it up u all, tis a lovely game! (and gud luck with your finals :3)
After crossing the bridge accompanied by the blacksmith, he asks me to explore and look for clues.I explore the map, enter the cave and fight a snake boss.After that the game doesn't progress, Idk what to do
Next to that cave is the entrance to the desert. Try entering the desert, and the game should then teleport you elsewhere and give you a hint on what to do next.
idk what to do at this point, i cant activate the contraption for the bridge, i saved the ranger from the slime and i found the two in the abandoned bar, how do i progress
Hey i've uh.. kinda come across a huge bug. The game wont keep the saves i make. I just played for pretty much 40 minutes, got past all of the bandit cave and the digital world part, went back to the inn, saved like 5 times, exited thru the menu just in case, and closed the game. Then i opened it again just to be sure and it all went back to the save i made before leaving the inn before going down the well. I dont know how to fix this, please tell me if you know, if this persists i dont think i'll be able to keep playing since i dont want to have to beat the game all in one sitting, thank you.
Have you properly extracted / unzipped the game? If you haven't done so, your saves won't write.
Additionally, have you made sure to save your game to a location on your harddrive? Saving to cloudsync options like OneDrive or iCloud causes discrepancies that can make saves disappear.
If the problem isn't any of these things, then we'll need to see a screenshot of your save folder to determine more details.
OK, first thing's first, what OS does your computer use? Windows? MacOS? Linux? And to that end, you've made sure to download the right version of the game for your OS?
As far as we can tell there's no specific issue where you're losing your saves. If you moved the game folders around or maybe even left the game running for a long time... or maybe just something odd happened and your saves got corrupted.
What we'd recommend, after checking your OS, would be to download the game again, extract it, run it fresh and try saving your game somewhere near the start. Close it, open it again, check if your saves are there. If it works, then try dragging ALL the contents of the older game save folder (the one where they're having issues with) into the new download, and see if you can still make new saves.
Whats the recommended level for going into the well south to the inn the first time? It says i cant escape until i find an escape route and im scared. Im currently lvl 4
i usually like to lose on purpose during boss battles to see the defeat cutscene but i didnt do it against the large slime dragon at the purple cave because i was just tired and i saved after the battle. Is there any way to see the cutscene? Does the same enemy show up in the future? Or would i have to just restart the entire gameplay to see it?
Alright, does the gallery have all cutscenes or only enemy game over cutscenes? Does it also have other animations like ehat the enemies do to you once you're in grapple mode?
hullo, i spent all of today beating the game, had to start all over cuz i have a bad pc with little storage but holy hell i love the additions (i didn't get to the full Desert before i had to get rid of it for storage reasons last update) but i love the addition of the RPS like battles
one issue that i think could be fixed/changed is at the moment if you miss a scene, too bad for you, its not unlocked in the gallery, go start a new file to see it. i would hope that either next update or full release that that's changed where it pity gives you the scene unless you can still access it
You can unlock scenes you missed in the gallery at the end of the game by returning to prior saves. You don't need to start a whole new game and get everything in one playthrough.
Just make sure to save fairly often. We give you 99 slots for a reason!
Also, when it comes to basic enemy loss scenes, we actually DO give these to the player just for passing through the area. The more circumstantial CGs and Game Overs are things you have to find to unlock. If we gave all of these away without people discovering them... well, why bother making secrets?
Exit the Inn and travel one screen to the left. The tent is in this area. However, it disappears after you complete Desert Temple. You may need to return to a prior save.
However, I seem to have gotten myself stuck. I'm at the River Passage with Kuno. We're at the point of the quest where we're meant to run into a pulsing flower (according to the timeline) but.... It's just not anywhere. I don't know how I could have missed it. The timeline's been a great help but it sadly can't help me find that damn pulsing flower. I'm quite stuck.
Follow the River Passages to the East as far as you can go. When you reach an area with a broken bridge, head North. The flower you're looking for is in this area, near a large puddle of goop...
Sorry, but there's no way to automatically unlock the whole gallery. You will just have to play the game, use the hints, and discover the scenes yourself.
If your game is deleting your saves, please make sure to properly extract / unzip the game. You need to do this, or the saves will not remain.
I'm trying to get into the desert, but it's telling me there's a sandstorm, and I can't cross. I've talked to everyone and honestly can't figure out what I'm missing. Fun game btw. nvm I found the forest trail
i think i messed up. i was in a underrground bandit camp and the game crashed and deleted all my saves when i sat own in a chair? do i just start over?
← Return to game
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Quick question. I just finished exploring the jungle part, and have the dessert armor, but I cant find where to go, or the red veteran. Can someone explain where those are, or if they're still in development?
Make sure you took the armour to the Wizard at the Inn. He'll install some charms on it so you can now go to the desert in the north.
You might want to check in with the guy who gave you the armour as well, he'll give you some tips to help desert exploration.
You've still got plenty of game left. Good luck!
I did do that, but can't find the veteran, or the entrance to the rest of the dessert. Just the corrupted valley.
Never mind. I just didn't try to enter the sandstorm with the armor and sigils. Thanks!
Update ?
I know this is probably a commonly asked question, but would this game ever be possible on mobile? Like i used to play it on pc and to be fair 10/10 game, i just want to play it again
Due to certain plugins and functions we use for the game that don't easily work with emulators, we don't recommend playing the game on mobile... but you CAN play it if you want, but there'll be missing graphics and other oddities.
Not much we can do besides a fundamental reworking of the game's coding... and much as we appreciate people playing, we don't really want to compromise on our mechanics and artistry. Sorry.
No no it's fine, i was just wondering about it, thank you for replying atleast.
you can download Joiplay on Google Play, it's a simulator can running RPG maker game
Can't find that app on Google, is there another place it can be found?
no way, I just downloaded it from google play, maybe it's not available in your area?
Where can I find an ancient tree?
In the jungle. From the "jungle campsite", climb the vines, and keep going to the north-east (top-right). It's where you jumped across some stones in a river to save somebody in the past.
Okay, thanks a lot.
Oh gosh I love the game! I haven't run into any issues so far besides the fact that I might finish what I have so far, and I really don't want that T^T. I look forward to the next update!
Thanks a lot for the kind words!
ok I finished the update and now I have to know how to get an ending with the blacksmith ToT
Where do you get this event?
Lose the tutorial fight at the start of the game.
Oh, thank you for your quick response
The game you guys made was really fun and nice!
Can't wait for next update
I'm planning to purchase it as soon as it's released
You're welcome, and thank you for the kind words.
Gonna be a long while before we're done, but appreciate the sentiment!
Correct me if I'm wrong, bur
There is a cutscene with Kuno, right? But I don't understand how to unlock it. Do I need to gather enough corrupstion and use tent in the Jungle camp? If so, how much corrupstion?
I love Kuno, he's such a cutie and I want to get as many of him as possible
Lose a certain battle early in the game, and there'll be a scene with Kuno. If you're looking for something that's just Grove and Kuno together, there's currently no such scene.
Appreciate how much you enjoy his character, though!
sorry if is this somewhere already. but if i get to much curruption will i like lose or get a bad end or smthn? cus i dont wanna get curruption on porpose if so. thank you
If your corruption is high, there are some decisions you can make that can give you a game over. But they'll always be something optional, or a decision. You can't "lock" yourself into an unwinnable situation.
I have a sugesstion
Add a hidden area in the second map where there is a cave and when you enter there are some skunk drones that will try to make you smell their farts. The game over could be Grove being a fart slave. I think that would be pretty cool.
Really nice game. It is one of the best rpg's/nsfw's I've played (als one of the few nsfw's with a real storyline in it, wich I like).
I did discover a few "bugs"/faults, wich I would like to report:
- When the smiths assistant mimics Tuo, his skin color will change after the imitation from purple to blue (he certainly can imitate others very well ;-) ).
- During one of the first conversations with the auxiliary commander, there is a hidden question. (the question has no text in the textbox, it is just an empty space) Grove will say he expected the commander to look more like a snake.
- I believe the text for the charged slug battle when wearing no latchers is the same as when you wear 2 latchers (it still says: with 2 parasitic cocksleeves)
- when closing the screen of my laptop (forcing it to sleep mode) while playing, the game takes a few minutes before you can see the next line of text or can go to another area (I normaly wouldn't mind, but I'd rather not have my laptop open when someone unexpectedly enters the room ;-) )
Good luck with the game, I am looking forward to the next update!
ps: I love the buns ;-)
Thanks for the praise on the game! Glad you enjoyed yourself by and large. Appreciate the feedback too. Some responses:
- The hidden question with the Auxiliary Commander is intentional, just a little in-joke amongst our Discord community.
- The lag from closing your game and forcing it to sleep is unfortunately an issue with regards to the game engine itself. There's... not really much we can do about that I'm afraid. The best solution would be pausing and minimizing the game.
Otherwise, we'll look into those little issues and see if they can be fixed. Thanks again!
awesome game man, I played the latest Jupiter expansion and I have to say pure work of art
I hope version 2 comes out soon because I'm eager to see what obscene game overs Gioco will have to deal with
Why don't you do some scenes where the bandit leader captures Kuno, Finall, Jaler and converts them into three latex drones under his orders?
also it would be fun to see a new wave of green slimes or a purple or black variant attacking the camp converting its inhabitants into slime dragons, could you consider this idea?
I wish you my best wishes and that your work and personal life go well
I'm enjoying the game but I have to call uncle and ask for help as I'm thoroughly confused on how to proceed.
I can't enter the desert because I lack the garments for it. I defeated the snake boss thing and got a dusty bun from them, but there doesn't seem to be anyone to give it too? I talked to every npc on all the screens i have access to (including the newcomer) and nothing comes of it.
I've seen people mention a jungle but if it exists I don't have access to it yet. Thought I might have missed an exit but after ramming my face against the edge of every screen I have access to I don't think so.
I legit have no idea on what to do next.
Yeah, you missed an exit. Return to the Quiet Meadow and stand outside the Inn to orient yourself.
Walk all the way down, then to the left. Follow the path out to the cliffs, and from there proceed south. You'll be on your way to the jungle.
Roger, will give it a try soon.
So I can kick myself later for wandering around for 2 hours with no progress, where is the tell that you have to go west to go south?
When you reach the desert entrance and the game informs you that you cannot pass, you're teleported back to the Quiet Meadow campsite. That should be your first clue your new goal isn't back there... we're not going to bring you back just to make you return in that direction.
At that point the game also should pop up with a little message saying you want to go track down the adventurer trio, and that they left for the south. Considering the areas you visited were the "northern bridge camp" and "northern settlement" and "northern desert"... it should hopefully click that you want to go the opposite direction from all that.
I love the way you guy respond with every comments from us, I hope you could do your best with the final and then... continue with the game :3 Forgive me, I love your game sooo much
Thanks for the support. We don't have any updates yet. Make sure to follow us here or any of our listed socials to be kept up-to-date.
Hey there,
love your game. Will there be a fixed release for the next update?
Fixed release? Are you experiencing some kind of issue? Or do you mean a "fixed date"?
If you mean a fixed date, we do not currently have one.
i meant a fixed release for the next update. You do really great work. Thanks for replay
is there's any gallery to see the previous nsfw?
Yep. When you complete all the story content you'll unlock a gallery.
Do you have any plans on making a Android build?
Various plugins we use aren't entirely compatible with Android. You can try using JoiPlay or other emulators but there are some visual errors.
Hey, cool game, but I think the latest build (v0.308) that auto downloads in itch client is actually 0.122a. Didn't realize until I noticed the fences everywhere.
Thank you for the heads up! I'll investigate this.
The game sadly seems to crash before starting for apple silicone :( I loved this game when I played it on mac intel so I'm sad I can't play with the new laptop.
The crash seems to be random? It's working now...
Hey SabSab, unfortunately we don't have an apple silicone cpu computer to test Grove on, but I suspect that they've changed permission settings in a new OS update. Apologies...
Oh it's working fine now after a handful of initial crashes for some reason!
yo just wanted to say that the game iz amazing <3. I loved the writing and the complexity of the world that seems to loom as the story progresses. Keep it up u all, tis a lovely game! (and gud luck with your finals :3)
Thank you very much for the kind and encouraging words!
Hello dev, I'm just checking in if you guys are still ok.
Thanks for checking. We're OK. Just very busy with work and study for finals. Real life comes first I'm afraid.
Mind if I ask what you guys study ?
After crossing the bridge accompanied by the blacksmith, he asks me to explore and look for clues. I explore the map, enter the cave and fight a snake boss. After that the game doesn't progress,
Idk what to do
Next to that cave is the entrance to the desert. Try entering the desert, and the game should then teleport you elsewhere and give you a hint on what to do next.
Thanks <3
I cant open the backdoor at the building near the bridge am I missing something or is that coming out in the next update?
It'll be available in a future update. Nothing you can do with it right now.
idk what to do at this point, i cant activate the contraption for the bridge, i saved the ranger from the slime and i found the two in the abandoned bar, how do i progress
If you are where I think you are... there is a 'slime cave' you must explore. Fully. There should be a boss at the end. That's all I can offer.
After fighting the boss what should I do?
I can't move forward after that ;-;
How do i teleport btw? I've seen the game say i cant teleport in a few places but i dont know how to do it anyways lol
In your menu, use your Docs. Case.
Hey i've uh.. kinda come across a huge bug.
The game wont keep the saves i make.
I just played for pretty much 40 minutes, got past all of the bandit cave and the digital world part, went back to the inn, saved like 5 times, exited thru the menu just in case, and closed the game. Then i opened it again just to be sure and it all went back to the save i made before leaving the inn before going down the well. I dont know how to fix this, please tell me if you know, if this persists i dont think i'll be able to keep playing since i dont want to have to beat the game all in one sitting, thank you.
First and foremost, are you running Grove v0.308?
Have you properly extracted / unzipped the game? If you haven't done so, your saves won't write.
Additionally, have you made sure to save your game to a location on your harddrive? Saving to cloudsync options like OneDrive or iCloud causes discrepancies that can make saves disappear.
If the problem isn't any of these things, then we'll need to see a screenshot of your save folder to determine more details.
Yes, the game is on v0.308
I dont think the unzipping is the problem, the game saved just fine until this point.
And im pretty sure the game is saved on my hard drive because i dont even know what a onedrive or icloud is
I just checked the save folder and it says it was last modified on november 4th, which was the day i got to the part that glitched the game
I cant exactly open the files because its on ''rpgsave'' format
OK, first thing's first, what OS does your computer use? Windows? MacOS? Linux?
And to that end, you've made sure to download the right version of the game for your OS?
As far as we can tell there's no specific issue where you're losing your saves. If you moved the game folders around or maybe even left the game running for a long time... or maybe just something odd happened and your saves got corrupted.
What we'd recommend, after checking your OS, would be to download the game again, extract it, run it fresh and try saving your game somewhere near the start. Close it, open it again, check if your saves are there.
If it works, then try dragging ALL the contents of the older game save folder (the one where they're having issues with) into the new download, and see if you can still make new saves.
(no like actually, if i couldnt fix the problem myself i'd probably reinstall the game and start all over again)
Whats the recommended level for going into the well south to the inn the first time? It says i cant escape until i find an escape route and im scared. Im currently lvl 4
Level 4-5 is appropriate. And as you may have discovered, there's an alternative to combat inside...
Hehe yeah you can just walk up behind them and instantly disintegrate them
Hmm, I wonder what the high corruption level does in this version and if there will be additional content
Does the gallery only show game over screens or does it also show enemy grapple mode animations or other kinds of cutscenes?
i usually like to lose on purpose during boss battles to see the defeat cutscene but i didnt do it against the large slime dragon at the purple cave because i was just tired and i saved after the battle. Is there any way to see the cutscene? Does the same enemy show up in the future? Or would i have to just restart the entire gameplay to see it?
you get access to the gallery after you beat the current end of the game, you'll be able to see it there
...Oh. I see.
Alright, does the gallery have all cutscenes or only enemy game over cutscenes? Does it also have other animations like ehat the enemies do to you once you're in grapple mode?
It has game overs, grapple scenes, and any 'extra' scenes that might exist too.
hullo, i spent all of today beating the game, had to start all over cuz i have a bad pc with little storage but holy hell i love the additions (i didn't get to the full Desert before i had to get rid of it for storage reasons last update) but i love the addition of the RPS like battles
one issue that i think could be fixed/changed is at the moment if you miss a scene, too bad for you, its not unlocked in the gallery, go start a new file to see it. i would hope that either next update or full release that that's changed where it pity gives you the scene unless you can still access it
You can unlock scenes you missed in the gallery at the end of the game by returning to prior saves. You don't need to start a whole new game and get everything in one playthrough.
Just make sure to save fairly often. We give you 99 slots for a reason!
Also, when it comes to basic enemy loss scenes, we actually DO give these to the player just for passing through the area. The more circumstantial CGs and Game Overs are things you have to find to unlock. If we gave all of these away without people discovering them... well, why bother making secrets?
Dear Dev
Hey, so it's me again . I would like to ask you mr.Dev when will be next update? since it's been a while after last update.
thank you in advance
Sorry, but we don't have any news on updates yet. It's a very busy year for us with work and studies.
game is fun but every time I end the game when I come back none of my saves are there.
Sounds likely you haven't extracted the game. You need to do that or your saves won't write.
Just thought i'd drop this info, try to play this game on an SSD, as the game lags badly when loading large areas on a HDD
May I ask corruption, where is the tent? This is the only one left.
Exit the Inn and travel one screen to the left. The tent is in this area. However, it disappears after you complete Desert Temple. You may need to return to a prior save.
This game has been so much fun thus far!
However, I seem to have gotten myself stuck. I'm at the River Passage with Kuno. We're at the point of the quest where we're meant to run into a pulsing flower (according to the timeline) but.... It's just not anywhere. I don't know how I could have missed it. The timeline's been a great help but it sadly can't help me find that damn pulsing flower. I'm quite stuck.
I'd very much appreciate some help!
Follow the River Passages to the East as far as you can go. When you reach an area with a broken bridge, head North. The flower you're looking for is in this area, near a large puddle of goop...
Let me know if you managed to get pass it, I'm having the same issue and when I try to go north frome the bridge I just... can't go any further...
I want to unlock the whole painting collection, but it has been cleared. What should I do?
Sorry, but there's no way to automatically unlock the whole gallery. You will just have to play the game, use the hints, and discover the scenes yourself.
If your game is deleting your saves, please make sure to properly extract / unzip the game. You need to do this, or the saves will not remain.
I'm trying to get into the desert, but it's telling me there's a sandstorm, and I can't cross. I've talked to everyone and honestly can't figure out what I'm missing. Fun game btw. nvm I found the forest trail
the game is so fun the only down was for the coin flips for 5 need good luck hehe
i think i messed up. i was in a underrground bandit camp and the game crashed and deleted all my saves when i sat own in a chair? do i just start over?
Did the game provide an error message? That's a very severe crash, and there's no reason why it should have deleted your saves...
Unless you didn't extract the game properly first. If you don't extract / unzip the game, your saves won't write properly.
You'll have to replay through for now. Save often, and if you experience this crash again please let us know and we'll look into it.